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// #region METHODS
// ===============

// #region ABOUT
// -------------

 * Check if value is a number.
 * @param v a value
 * @returns is number?
export function is(v: any): v is number {
  return typeof v==="number";

// TODO: isEven()?
// TODO: isOdd()?
// TODO: isNatural()?
// TODO: isWhole()?
// TODO: isInteger()?
// TODO: isPositive()?
// TOOD: isNegative()?

 * Examine if number is perfect.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns sum of divisors(x) excluding x = x?
function isPerfect(x: number): boolean {
  return aliquotSum(x)===x;

// TODO: isAlmostPerfect()?
// TODO: isSemiPerfect()?
// TODO: isQuasiPerfect()?
// TODO: isWeird()?

 * Examine if number is deficient.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns sum of divisors(x) excluding x < x?
function isAbundant(x: number): boolean {
  return aliquotSum(x) > x;
// export {isAbundant as isExcessive};

// TODO: isPrimitiveAbundant()?
// TODO: isSuperAbundant()?

 * Obtain the abundance of a number.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns sum of divisors(x) excluding x - x
function abundance(x: number): number {
  return aliquotSum(x) - x;

 * Obtain the abundancy index of a number.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns (sum of divisors(x)) / x
function abundancyIndex(x: number): number {
  return (aliquotSum(x) + x) / x;

// TODO: areAmicable()?
// TODO: areFriendly()?

 * Count the number of significant digits in a number.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns |m - '.'| | x = m × 10ᵉ; m = mantissa, e = exponent
export function significantDigits(x: number): number {
  var a = x.toExponential();
  return a.replace(/e[\+\-0-9]*$/, "").replace( /^0\.?0*|\./, "").length;
// -
// #endregion

// #region COMPARE
// ---------------

 * Compare two numbers.
 * @param x a number
 * @param y another number
 * @returns x<y: -ve, x=y: 0, x>y: +ve
export function compare(x: number, y: number): number {
  return x-y;
// #endregion

// #region ROUND
// -------------

 * Round down a number to specific precision.
 * @param x a number
 * @param pre to precision (1)
export function floor(x: number, pre: number=1): number {
  return Math.floor(x/pre)*pre;

 * Round up a number to specific precision.
 * @param x a number
 * @param pre to precision [1]
export function ceil(x: number, pre: number=1): number {
  return Math.ceil(x/pre)*pre;

 * Round a number to specific precision.
 * @param x a number
 * @param pre to precision [1]
export function round(x: number, pre: number=1): number {
  return Math.round(x/pre)*pre;
// #endregion

// ------------------------

 * Perform floor-divison of two numbers.
 * @param x divisor
 * @param y dividend
 * @returns ⌊x/y⌋
export function floorDiv(x: number, y: number): number {
  return Math.floor(x/y);

 * Perform ceiling-divison of two numbers.
 * @param x divisor
 * @param y dividend
 * @returns ⌈x/y⌉
export function ceilDiv(x: number, y: number): number {
  return Math.ceil(x/y);

 * Perform rounded-divison of two numbers.
 * @param x divisor
 * @param y dividend
 * @returns [x/y]
export function roundDiv(x: number, y: number): number {
  return Math.round(x/y);
// #endregion

// #region MODULO
// --------------

 * Find the remainder of x/y with sign of x (truncated division).
 * @param x dividend
 * @param y divisor
 * @returns trunc(x % y)
export function rem(x: number, y: number): number {
  return x % y;
// -

 * Find the remainder of x/y with sign of y (floored division).
 * @param x dividend
 * @param y divisor
 * @returns floor(x % y)
export function mod(x: number, y: number): number {
  return x - y*Math.floor(x/y);
// -

 * Find the remainder of x/y with +ve sign (euclidean division).
 * @param x dividend
 * @param y divisor
 * @returns n>0: floor(x % y), n<0: ceil(x % y)
export function modp(x: number, y: number): number {
  return x - Math.abs(y)*Math.floor(x/Math.abs(y));
// -
// #endregion

// #region RANGE CONTROL
// ---------------------

 * Constrain a number within a minimum and a maximum value.
 * @param x a number
 * @param min minimum value
 * @param max maximum value
 * @returns x<min: min, x>max: max, x
export function constrain(x: number, min: number, max: number): number {
  return Math.min(Math.max(x, min), max);
export {constrain as clamp};
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 * Normalize a number from its current range into a value between 0 and 1.
 * @param x a number
 * @param r lower bound of current range
 * @param R upper bound of current range
 * @returns ∈ [0, 1]
export function normalize(x: number, r: number, R: number): number {
  return (x - r)/(R - r);
export {normalize as norm};
// -

 * Re-map a number from one range to another.
 * @param x a number
 * @param r lower bound of current range
 * @param R upper bound of current range
 * @param t lower bound of target range
 * @param T upper bound of target range
 * @returns ∈ [ymin, ymax]
export function remap(x: number, r: number, R: number, t: number, T: number): number {
  return t + ((x - r)/(R - r)) * (T - t);
export {remap as map};
// -

 * Linearly interpolate a number between two numbers.
 * @param x start number
 * @param y stop number
 * @param t interpolant ∈ [0, 1]
 * @returns ∈ [x, y]
export function lerp(x: number, y: number, t: number): number {
  return x + t*(y - x);
// -
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// #endregion

// #region ARITHMETIC
// ------------------

 * Check if a number is a power-of-n.
 * @param x a number
 * @param n base
 * @returns nⁱ = x? | i = +ve integer
export function isPow(x: number, n: number): boolean {
  if (n===0) return x===0;
  var p = log(Math.abs(x), Math.abs(n));
  if (p!==Math.floor(p)) return false;
  return x<0? n<0 && (p & 1)===1 : n>0 || (p & 1)===0;

 * Find largest power-of-n less than or equal to given number.
 * @param x a number
 * @param n base
 * @returns nⁱ | nⁱ ≤ x and nⁱ > x/n
export function prevPow(x: number, n: number): number {
  if (x<=1) return 0;
  var p = Math.floor(Math.log(x) / Math.log(n));
  return  Math.pow(n, p);

 * Find smallest power-of-n greater than or equal to given number.
 * @param x a number
 * @param n base
 * @returns nⁱ | nⁱ ≥ x and nⁱ < n*x
export function nextPow(x: number, n: number): number {
  if (x<=0) return 1;
  var p = Math.ceil(Math.log(x) / Math.log(n));
  return  Math.pow(n, p);

 * Find the nth root of a number (ⁿ√).
 * @param x a number
 * @param n root
 * @returns ⁿ√x
export function root(x: number, n: number): number {
  if ((n & 1)===0) return Math.pow(x, 1/n);
  return   Math.sign(x) * Math.pow(Math.abs(x), 1/n);
// -

 * Find the logarithm of a number with a given base.
 * @param x a number
 * @param b logarithm base [e]
 * @returns log_b (x)
export function log(x: number, b: number=Math.E): number {
  return Math.log(x)/Math.log(b);
// -
// #endregion

// #region DIVISORS
// ----------------

 * List all divisors of a number, except itself.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns proper divisors (factors)
export function properDivisors(x: number): number[] {
  var x = Math.abs(x), a = [];
  for (var i=1; i<x; i++)
    if (x % i===0) a.push(i);
  return a;
export {properDivisors as aliquotParts};
// -
// -

 * Sum all proper divisors of a number.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns Σdᵢ | dᵢ is a divisor of x and ≠x
export function aliquotSum(x: number): number {
  var x = Math.abs(x), a = 0;
  for (var i=0; i<x; i++)
    if (x % i===0) a += i;
  return a;

 * Find the least prime number which divides a number.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns least prime factor
export function minPrimeFactor(x: number): number {
  var x = Math.abs(x);
  // 1. LPF of 2, 3 is the number itself.
  if (x<=1) return 0;
  if (x<=3) return x;
  // 2. LPF for multiples of 2, 3.
  if (x % 2===0) return 2;
  if (x % 3===0) return 3;
  // 3. LPF can be 6k-1 or 6k+1.
  for (var i=6, I=Math.sqrt(x)+1; i<=I; i+=6) {
    if (x % (i-1)===0) return i-1;
    if (x % (i+1)===0) return i+1;
  return x;
export {minPrimeFactor as leastPrimeFactor};
// -

 * Find the greatest prime number which divides a number.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns greatest prime factor
export function maxPrimeFactor(x: number): number {
  var x = Math.abs(x), a = 0;
  // 1. GPF of 2, 3 is the number itself.
  if (x<=1) return 0;
  if (x<=3) return x;
  // 2. Remove factors 2, 3.
  for (; x % 2===0; a=2)
    x /= 2;
  for (; x % 3===0; a=3)
    x /= 3;
  // 3. Remove factors 6k-1, 6k+1.
  for (var i=6, I=Math.sqrt(x)+1; x>1 && i<=I; i+=6) {
    for (; x % (i-1)==0; a=i-1)
      x /= i-1;
    for (; x % (i+1)==0; a=i+1)
      x /= i+1;
  if (x<=1) return a;
  return x;
export {maxPrimeFactor as greatestPrimeFactor};
// -
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 * Find the prime factors of a number.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns [f₀, f₁, ...] | fᵢ divides x and is prime
export function primeFactors(x: number): number[] {
  var x = Math.abs(x), a = [];
  if (x<=1) return [];
  if (x<=3) return [x];
  // 2. Try factors 2, 3.
  x = pushPrimeFactorTo$(a, x, 2);
  x = pushPrimeFactorTo$(a, x, 3);
  // 3. Try factors 6k-1, 6k+1.
  for (var i=6, I=Math.sqrt(x)+1; x>1 && i<=I; i+=6) {
    x = pushPrimeFactorTo$(a, x, i-1);
    x = pushPrimeFactorTo$(a, x, i+1);
  if (x>1) a.push(x);
  return a;

function pushPrimeFactorTo$(a: number[], x: number, f: number): number {
  if (x % f!==0) return x;
  do {
    x /= f;
  } while (x % f===0);
  return x;
// -
// -

 * Find the prime factors and respective exponents of a number.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns [[f₀, e₀], [f₁, e₁], ...] | fᵢ is a prime factor of x and eᵢ is its exponent
export function primeExponentials(x: number): [number, number][] {
  var x = Math.abs(x), a = [];
  if (x<=1) return [];
  if (x<=3) return [[x, 1]];
  // 2. Try factors 2, 3.
  x = pushPrimeExponentialTo$(a, x, 2);
  x = pushPrimeExponentialTo$(a, x, 3);
  // 3. Try factors 6k-1, 6k+1.
  for (var i=6, I=Math.sqrt(x)+1; x>1 && i<=I; i+=6) {
    x = pushPrimeExponentialTo$(a, x, i-1);
    x = pushPrimeExponentialTo$(a, x, i+1);
  if (x>1) a.push([x, 1]);
  return a;

function pushPrimeExponentialTo$(a: [number, number][], x: number, f: number): number {
  if (x % f!==0) return x;
  var e = 0;
  do {
    x /= f; ++e;
  } while (x % f===0);
  a.push([f, e]);
  return x;
// -
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 * Examine if number is prime.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns is divisible by 1 and itself only?
export function isPrime(x: number): boolean {
  return x!==0 && minPrimeFactor(x) === Math.abs(x);

// TODO: isComposite()?

 * Find the greatest common divisor of numbers.
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns gcd(x₁, x₂, ...)
export function gcd(...xs: number[]): number {
  var a = xs[0] || 1;
  for(var i=1, I=xs.length; i<I; i++)
    a = gcdPair(a, xs[i]);
  return a;
export {gcd as hcf};

// Find the greatest common divisor of a pair of numbers.
function gcdPair(x: number, y: number): number {
  while (y!==0) {
    var t = y;
    y = x % y;
    x = t;
  return x;
// -
// -

 * Find the least common multiple of numbers.
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns lcm(x₁, x₂, ...)
export function lcm(...xs: number[]): number {
  var a = xs[0] || 1;
  for (var i=1, I=xs.length; i<I; i++)
      a = a*xs[i] / gcdPair(a, xs[i]);
  return a;
// -
// #endregion

// --------------------

 * Find the factorial of a number.
 * @param n a number
 * @param k denominator factorial [0]
 * @returns P(n, k); k=0: n!, k>0: n!/k!
export function factorial(n: number, k: number=0): number {
  if (n<0) return 0;
  for (var i=k+1, a=1; i<=n; i++)
    a *= i;
  return a;
// -
// -

 * Find the number of ways to choose k elements from a set of n elements.
 * @param n elements in source set
 * @param k elements in choose set
 * @returns C(n, k)
export function binomial(n: number, k: number): number {
  // 1. Generalization to negative integers
  if (k<0 || k>Math.abs(n)) return 0;
  if (n<0) return Math.pow(-1, k)*binomial(-n, k);
  // 2. Take advantage of symmetry
  k = k>n-k? n-k:k;
  for (var a=1, i=1; i<=k; i++, n--)
    a *= n/i;
  return a;
// -
// -

 * Find the number of ways to put n objects in m bins (n=sum(kᵢ)).
 * @param ks objects per bin (kᵢ)
 * @returns n!/(k₁!k₂!...) | n=sum(kᵢ)
export function multinomial(...ks: number[]): number {
  var n = sum(...ks), a = 1;
  for (var i=0, j=0, I=ks.length; i<I;) {
    if (j<=0) j = ks[i++];
    else a *= n--/j--;
  return a;
// -
// #endregion

// #region GEOMETRY
// ----------------

 * Convert radians to degrees.
 * @param x radians
 * @returns 2π → 360
export function degrees(x: number): number {
  return x*(180/Math.PI);
// -

 * Convert degrees to radians.
 * @param x degrees
 * @returns 360 → 2π
export function radians(x: number): number {
  return x*(Math.PI/180);
// -
// #endregion

// #region STATISTICS
// ------------------

 * Find the sum of numbers (Σ).
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns Σxᵢ
export function sum(...xs: number[]): number {
  var a = 0;
  for (var x of xs)
    a += x;
  return a;

 * Find the product of numbers (∏).
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns ∏xᵢ
export function product(...xs: number[]): number {
  var a = 1;
  for (var x of xs)
    a *= x;
  return a;

 * Find the value separating the higher and lower halves of numbers.
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns xₘ | sort(xs) = [..., xₘ, ...]
export function median(...xs: number[]): number {
  if (xs.length===0) return 0;
  xs.sort((a, b) => a-b);
  var i = xs.length>>1;
  if ((xs.length & 1)===1) return xs[i];
  return (xs[i-1] + xs[i])/2;
// -
// -

 * Find the values that appear most often.
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns [xₘ₁, xₘ₂, ...] | count(xₘᵢ) ≥ count(xᵢ) ∀ xᵢ ∈ xs
export function modes(...xs: number[]): number[] {
  xs.sort((a, b) => a-b);
  var r = maxRepeat(xs);
  return getRepeats(xs, r);
// -

// Get the maximum number of times any number has repeated in a sorted array.
function maxRepeat(xs: number[]): number {
  var count = Math.min(xs.length, 1), max = count;
  for (var i=1, I=xs.length; i<I; i++) {
    if (xs[i-1]===xs[i]) count++;
    else { max = Math.max(max, count); count = 1; }
  return Math.max(max, count);

// Get the numbers which have been repeated atleast given number of times.
function getRepeats(xs: number[], r: number): number[] {
  var a: number[] = []; r--;
  for (var i=0, I=xs.length-r; i<I; i++)
    if (xs[i]===xs[i+r]) a.push(xs[i+=r]);
  return a;

 * Find the smallest and largest values.
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns [min(xs), max(xs)]
export function range(...xs: number[]): [number, number] {
  return [Math.min(...xs), Math.max(...xs)];
// -

 * Find the mean of squared deviation of numbers from its mean.
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns σ² = E[(xs - µ)²] | µ = mean(xs)
export function variance(...xs: number[]): number {
  if (xs.length===0) return 0;
  var m = arithmeticMean(...xs), a = 0;
  for (var x of xs)
    a += (x-m)**2;
  return a/xs.length;
// -
// #endregion

// #region MEAN (STATISTICS)
// -------------------------

 * Find the average of numbers.
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns Σxᵢ/n | n = size(xs)
export function arithmeticMean(...xs: number[]): number {
  if (xs.length===0) return 0;
  return sum(...xs)/xs.length;
export {arithmeticMean as mean};

 * Find the geometric mean of numbers.
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns ⁿ√(∏xᵢ) | n = size(xs)
export function geometricMean(...xs: number[]): number {
  var n = xs.length;
  return root(product(...xs), n);

 * Find the harmonic mean of numbers.
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns n/Σ(1/xᵢ) | n = size(xs)
export function harmonicMean(...xs: number[]): number {
  var n = xs.length;
  var p = product(...xs), q = 0;
  for (var x of xs)
    q += p/x;
  return n*p/q;

 * Find the quadriatic mean of numbers.
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns √(Σxᵢ²)/n | n = size(xs)
export function quadriaticMean(...xs: number[]): number {
  var n = xs.length, a = 0;
  for (var x of xs)
    a += x*x;
  return Math.sqrt(a/n);
export {quadriaticMean as rootMeanSquare};

 * Find the cubic mean of numbers.
 * @param xs a list of numbers
 * @returns ³√(Σxᵢ³)/n | n = size(xs)
export function cubicMean(...xs: number[]): number {
  var n = xs.length, a = 0;
  for (var x of xs)
    a += x**3;
  return Math.cbrt(a/n);
// #endregion

// ----------------------

/** List of symbols in the Roman numeral system. */
const ROMAN_SYMBOLS = ['I', 'IV', 'V', 'IX', 'X', 'XL', 'L', 'XC', 'C', 'CD', 'D', 'CM', 'M'];

/** Respective values in the Roman numeral system. */
const ROMAN_VALUES  = [1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500, 900, 1000];

 * Convert roman numerals to number.
 * @param txt roman numerals
 * @returns eg. XCV -> 95
export function fromRomanNumerals(txt: string): number {
  var s = ROMAN_SYMBOLS.length-1;
  var n =^\s*-/) >= 0, a = 0;
  var txt = txt.replace(/\W/g, '').toUpperCase();
  for (var i=0, I=txt.length; i<I;  i += ROMAN_SYMBOLS[s].length) {
    while (s>=0 && txt.substring(i, i +  ROMAN_SYMBOLS[s].length) !== ROMAN_SYMBOLS[s]) --s;
    if (s<0) break;
    a += ROMAN_VALUES[s];
  return n? -a : a;
export {fromRomanNumerals as fromRoman};

 * Convert number to roman numerals.
 * @param x a number
 * @returns eg. 95 -> XCV
export function toRomanNumerals(x: number): string {
  var a = x<0? '-' : '';
  var x = Math.abs(x);
  for  (var s=ROMAN_SYMBOLS.length-1; s>=0; --s)
    while (x>=ROMAN_VALUES[s]) {
      x -= ROMAN_VALUES[s];
      a += ROMAN_SYMBOLS[s];
  return a;
export {toRomanNumerals as toRoman};

// export {default as fromScientific} from './_fromScientific';
// export {default as toScientific} from './_toScientific';
// #endregion
// #endregion