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## Assets

A easy integration for handling files with [Laravel](

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## 📝 Introduction

One thing we at [Nodes]( have been missing in [Laravel]( is a fast easy file storage integration system.

The `Storage` facade made it easier, but we still need the option to upload from differente formats and store to a very specific folder structure, retrieve a path and be able to create urls to serve api and sites.

## 📦 Installation

To install this package you will need:

* Laravel 5.1+
* PHP 5.5.9+

You must then modify your `composer.json` file and run `composer update` to include the latest version of the package in your project.

"require": {
    "nodes/assets": "^1.1"

Or you can run the composer require command from your terminal.

composer require nodes/assets:^1.1

## 🔧 Setup

Setup service provider in `config/app.php`


Setup alias in `config/app.php`

'Assets' => Nodes\Assets\Support\Facades\Assets::class

Publish config files

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nodes\Assets\ServiceProvider"

If you want to overwrite any existing config files use the `--force` parameter

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nodes\Assets\ServiceProvider" --force

### S3 + ImgIX

In general.php config
'upload' => [
        'provider' => function () {
            $s3Config = config('filesystems.disks.s3');
            $awsS3Config = config('');
            return new \Nodes\Assets\Upload\Providers\AmazonS3($awsS3Config, $s3Config);
    'url'    => [
        'provider' => function () {
            $imgIxConfig = config('nodes.assets.providers.imgix');

            return new \Nodes\Assets\Url\Providers\ImgIX($imgIxConfig);


Make sure to have .env setup



### Vapor Cloud

In general.php config



return [
    'upload' => [
        'provider' => function () {
            $s3Config = config('filesystems.disks.s3');
            $vaporCloudConfig = config('nodes.assets.providers.vapor-cloud');

            return new \Nodes\Assets\Upload\Providers\VaporCloud($s3Config, $vaporCloudConfig);

    'url'    => [
        'provider' => function () {
            $vaporCloudConfig = config('nodes.assets.providers.vapor-cloud');

            return new \Nodes\Assets\Url\Providers\VaporCloud($vaporCloudConfig);


Make sure to have .env setup

AMAZON_CLOUDFRONT_URL={insert imgix base url here locally}
AMAZON_CLOUDFRONT_URL_DATA={insert imgix base url here locally}


### Public Folder

Public folder method can resize images. To setup, you need Intervention image lib. To install run

composer require intervention/image

Then add the following to app.php

**providers** array

**aliases** array
'Image' => Intervention\Image\Facades\Image::class

finally run
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Intervention\Image\ImageServiceProviderLaravel5"

#### Configure for public folder
Modify the configuration in `config/nodes/assets/general.php`
return [
    'upload' => [
        'provider' => function () {
            return new \Nodes\Assets\Upload\Providers\PublicFolder();
    'url'    => [
        'provider' => function () {
            return new \Nodes\Assets\Url\Providers\PublicFolder();

## ⚙ Usage

### Global methods

function assets_add($file, $folder = null, UploadSettings $settings = null)

function assets_add_uploaded_file(UploadedFile $file, $folder = null, UploadSettings $settings = null)

function assets_add_url($url, $folder = null, UploadSettings $settings = null)

function assets_add_data_uri($dataUri, $folder = null, UploadSettings $settings = null)

function assets_get($path, UrlSettings $settings = null)

### Facade methods

Assets::add($file, $folder = null, UploadSettings $settings = null)

Assets::addFromUploadedFile(UploadedFile $file, $folder = null, UploadSettings $settings = null)

Assets::addFromUrl($url, $folder = null, UploadSettings $settings = null)

Assets::addFromDataUri($dataUri, $folder = null, UploadSettings $settings = null)


## 🏆 Credits

This package is developed and maintained by the PHP team at [Nodes](

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## 📄 License

This package is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT license](