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'use strict';
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
    Promise = require('bluebird'),
    debug = require('debug')('amqp10:client'),
    util = require('util'),

    Connection = require('./connection'),
    Sasl = require('./sasl/sasl'),
    SaslPlain = require('./sasl/sasl_plain'),
    SaslAnonymous = require('./sasl/sasl_anonymous'),
    Session = require('./session'),
    ReceiverStream = require('./streams/receiver_stream'),
    SenderStream = require('./streams/sender_stream'),

    errors = require('./errors'),

    translator = require('./adapters/translate_encoder'),
    Policy = require('./policies/policy'),

    pu = require('./policies/policy_utilities'),
    u = require('./utilities');

 * AMQPClient is the top-level class for interacting with node-amqp10.  Instantiate this class, connect, and then send/receive
 * as needed and behind the scenes it will do the appropriate work to setup and teardown connections, sessions, and links and manage flow.
 * The code does its best to avoid exposing AMQP-specific types and attempts to convert them where possible, but on the off-chance you
 * need to speak AMQP-specific (e.g. to set a filter to a described-type), you can use node-amqp-encoder and the
 * translator adapter to convert it to our internal types.  See simple_eventhub_test.js for an example.
 * Configuring AMQPClient is done through fa Policy class.  By default, DefaultPolicy will be used - it assumes AMQP defaults wherever
 * possible, and for values with no spec-defined defaults it tries to assume something reasonable (e.g. timeout, max message size).
 * To define a new policy, you can merge your values into an existing one by calling AMQPClient.policies.merge(yourPolicy, existingPolicy).
 * This does a deep-merge, allowing you to only replace values you need.  For instance, if you wanted the default sender settle policy to be auto-settle instead of mixed,
 * you could just use
 var AMQP = require('amqp10');
 var client = new AMQP.Client(AMQP.Policy.merge({
   senderLink: {
     attach: {
       sndSettleMode: AMQP.Constants.senderSettleMode.settled
 * Obviously, setting some of these options requires some in-depth knowledge of AMQP, so I've tried to define specific policies where I can.
 * For instance, for Azure EventHub connections, you can use the pre-build EventHubPolicy.
 * Also, within the policy, see the encoder and decoder defined in the send/receive policies.  These define what to do with the message
 * sent/received, and by default do a simple pass-through, leaving the encoding to/decoding from AMQP-specific types up to the library which
 * does a best-effort job.  See EventHubPolicy for a more complicated example, turning objects into UTF8-encoded buffers of JSON-strings.
 * @class
 * @extends EventEmitter
 * @param {Policy}  [policy]           Policy to use for connection, sessions, links, etc.  Defaults to DefaultPolicy.
 * @param {Obeject} [policyOverrides]  Additional overrides for the provided policy
 * @fires AMQPClient#client:errorReceived
 * @fires AMQPClient#connection:opened
 * @fires AMQPClient#connection:closed
function AMQPClient(policy, policyOverrides) {
  if (!(policy instanceof Policy)) {
    this.policy = pu.Merge(policy, new Policy());
  } else {
    this.policy = policy || new Policy();
    if (!!policyOverrides) this.policy = pu.Merge(policyOverrides, this.policy);
  this._saslHandlers = {};
  this._connection = null;
  this._session = null;
  this._sessionPromise = null;
  this._userSessions = [];

  this._reconnect = null;
  if (!!this.policy.reconnect) {
    this._timeouts = u.generateTimeouts(this.policy.reconnect);
util.inherits(AMQPClient, EventEmitter);

 * Error received events
 * @event AMQPClient#client:errorReceived
 * @type {object}
 * @property {object} the error received
AMQPClient.ErrorReceived = 'client:errorReceived'; // Called with error

 * Connection opened event.
 * @event AMQPClient#connection:opened
AMQPClient.ConnectionOpened = 'connection:opened';

 * Connection closed event.
 * @event AMQPClient#connection:closed
AMQPClient.ConnectionClosed = 'connection:closed';

 * Connects to a given AMQP server endpoint. Sets the default queue, so e.g.
 * amqp://my-activemq-host/my-queue-name would set the default queue to
 * my-queue-name for future send/receive calls.
 * @inner @memberof AMQPClient
 * @param {string} url      URI to connect to - right now only supports <code>amqp|amqps</code> as protocol.
 * @param {object} [policyOverrides]      Policy overrides used for creating this connection
 * @return {Promise}
AMQPClient.prototype.connect = function(url, policyOverrides) {
  var self = this;
  policyOverrides = policyOverrides || {};
  var connectPolicy = u.deepMerge(policyOverrides, self.policy.connect);
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    if (self._connection) {

    debug('connecting to: ' + url);
    self._reconnect = self.connect.bind(self, url);
    var address = self.policy.parseAddress(url);
    self._defaultQueue = address.path.substr(1);
    connectPolicy.options.hostname =;
    var saslMechanism = connectPolicy.saslMechanism;
    var sasl = null;
    if (saslMechanism) {
      if (!u.includes(Sasl.Mechanism, saslMechanism) && !self._saslHandlers[saslMechanism]) {
        throw new errors.NotImplementedError(
          saslMechanism + ' is not a supported saslMechanism policy');
      if (saslMechanism === Sasl.Mechanism.NONE) {
        if (address.user) {
              'Sasl disabled by policy, but credentials provided in endpoint URI');
      } else if (saslMechanism === Sasl.Mechanism.PLAIN && !address.user) {
        throw new errors.AuthenticationError(
            'Sasl PLAIN requested, but no credentials provided in endpoint URI');
      } else {
        if (self._saslHandlers[saslMechanism]) {
          sasl = new Sasl(saslMechanism, self._saslHandlers[saslMechanism]);
        } else if (saslMechanism === Sasl.Mechanism.ANONYMOUS) {
            sasl = new Sasl(Sasl.Mechanism.ANONYMOUS, new SaslAnonymous());
        } else if (saslMechanism === Sasl.Mechanism.PLAIN) {
          sasl = new Sasl(Sasl.Mechanism.PLAIN, new SaslPlain());
        } else {
          throw new errors.AuthenticationError(
            'No adequate SASL handler for the requested mechanism');
    } else if (address.user) {
      // force SASL plain if no mechanism specified, but creds in URI
      connectPolicy.saslMechanism = Sasl.Mechanism.PLAIN;
      sasl = new Sasl(Sasl.Mechanism.PLAIN, new SaslPlain());
    if (!!sasl && !!address.vhost) {
      sasl._remoteHostname = address.vhost;
      connectPolicy.options.hostname = address.vhost;

    self._connection = self._newConnection(connectPolicy);
    self._connection.on(Connection.Connected, function(c) {

      var promises = [];

      // Only map the session if it has already been created
      if (self._session) {
        debug('session already exists, re-using');
        self._session.connection = self._connection;

        promises.push(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
          self._session.once(Session.Mapped, function(s) {
            debug('client session mapped');

          self._session.begin(pu.Merge(self.policy.session, self._session.policy));

      // Update any user-generated sessions
      promises = promises.concat( {
        session.connection = self._connection;

        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
          session.once(Session.Mapped, function(s) {
            debug('user session mapped');

          // We specifically don't merge the policies here because the policy
          // for these sessions is passed in explicitly on create of the
          // session. It's very unlikely that there wouldn't be a policy for the
          // session at this point, but we fall back to the session policy from
          // the client just in case. That being said, the policy specified
          // explicitly by the user for that session should take precendence,
          // leading to the lack of a merge here.
          session.begin(session.policy || self.policy.session);

      if (promises.length > 0) {
        Promise.all(promises).then(function() {
      } else {

    self._connection.on(Connection.Disconnected, function() {
      if (!self._shouldReconnect()) {
        return reject(new errors.DisconnectedError());

      if (!self._timeouts.length)
        self._timeouts = u.generateTimeouts(self.policy.reconnect);

      setTimeout(function() {
        return self._attemptReconnection().then(function() { resolve(self); });
      }, self._timeouts.shift());
    });, sasl);

 * Creates a session for the current connection that can be associated with any
 * new links on that connection
 * @inner @memberof AMQPClient
 * @return {Promise<Session>}
AMQPClient.prototype.createSession = function(policyOverrides) {
  if (!this._connection) {
    throw new Error('Must connect before creating sessions');

  policyOverrides = policyOverrides || {};

  var session = this._newSession(this._connection);

  var self = this;
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    session.once(Session.Mapped, function() {
      debug('user session mapped');

    session.begin(pu.Merge(policyOverrides, self.policy.session));

 * Creates a sender link for the given address, with optional link policy
 * @inner @memberof AMQPClient
 * @param {string} address                An address to connect this link to. If not provided will use default queue from connection uri.
 * @param {object} [policyOverrides]      Policy overrides used for creating this sender link
 * @param {string} [] Explicitly set a name for this link, this is an alias to []
 * @return {Promise<SenderLink>}
AMQPClient.prototype.createSender = function(address, policyOverrides, session) {
  if (!this._connection) {
    throw new Error('Must connect before creating links');

  address = this.policy.parseLinkAddress(address || this._defaultQueue);
  policyOverrides = policyOverrides || {};

  var linkName = u.linkName(, policyOverrides),
      linkPolicy = u.deepMerge(policyOverrides, {
        attach: {
          name: linkName,
          source: { address: 'localhost' },
          target: { address: }
      }, this.policy.senderLink);

  if (!!address.subject && this.policy.defaultSubjects) {
    if (address.subject === 'undefined' || address.subject === 'null') {
      throw new errors.InvalidSubjectError(address.subject);

    linkPolicy.defaultSubject = address.subject;

  return this._getSession(session).then(function (session) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      var attach = function() {
        var attachPromise = function(_err, _link) {
          if (!!_err) return reject(_err);
          return resolve(_link);

        var link = session.createLink(linkPolicy);


 * Creates a sender link wrapped as a Writable stream
 * @inner @memberof AMQPClient
 * @param {string} address                Address used for link creation
 * @param {object} [policyOverrides]      Policy overrides used for creating this sender link
 * @return {Promise<SenderStream>}
AMQPClient.prototype.createSenderStream = function(address, policyOverrides, session) {
  return this.createSender(address, policyOverrides, session)
    .then(function(link) { return new SenderStream(link, policyOverrides); });

 * Creates a receiver link for the given address, with optional link policy. The
 * promise returned resolves to a link that is an EventEmitter, which can be
 * used to listen for 'message' events.
 * @inner @memberof AMQPClient
 * @param {string} address                An address to connect this link to.  If not provided will use default queue from connection uri.
 * @param {object} [policyOverrides]      Policy overrides used for creating this receiver link
 * @param {string} [] Explicitly set a name for this link, this is an alias to []
 * @return {Promise<ReceiverLink>}
AMQPClient.prototype.createReceiver = function(address, policyOverrides, session) {
  if (!this._connection) {
    throw new Error('Must connect before creating links');

  address = this.policy.parseLinkAddress(address || this._defaultQueue);
  policyOverrides = policyOverrides || {};

  var linkName = u.linkName(, policyOverrides),
      linkPolicy = u.deepMerge(policyOverrides, {
        attach: {
          name: linkName,
          source: { address: },
          target: { address: 'localhost' }
      }, this.policy.receiverLink);

  // if a subject has been provided then automatically set up a filter to
  // match on that subject.
  if (!!address.subject) {
    if (address.subject === 'undefined' || address.subject === 'null') {
      throw new errors.InvalidSubjectError(address.subject);

    var filterSymbol = (address.subject.indexOf('*') || address.subject.indexOf('#')) ?
      '' :

    linkPolicy.attach.source.filter = {};
    linkPolicy.attach.source.filter[filterSymbol] =
      translator(['described', ['symbol', filterSymbol], ['string', address.subject]]);

  return this._getSession(session).then(function (session) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      var attach = function() {
        var attachPromise = function(_err, _link) {
          if (!!_err) return reject(_err);
          return resolve(_link);

        var link = session.createLink(linkPolicy);


 * Creates a receiver link wrapped as a Readable stream
 * @inner @memberof AMQPClient
 * @param {string} address                Address used for link creation
 * @param {object} [policyOverrides]      Policy overrides used for creating the receiver link
 * @return {Promise<ReceiverStream>}
AMQPClient.prototype.createReceiverStream = function(address, policyOverrides, session) {
  // Override default credit behavior, as the stream will handle flow. The
  // creditQuantum will be used as the stream's highWatermark by default.
  policyOverrides = u.deepMerge({
    credit: function() {},
  }, policyOverrides || {});

  return this.createReceiver(address, policyOverrides, session)
    .then(function(link) { return new ReceiverStream(link); });

 * Disconnect tears down any existing connection with appropriate Close
 * performatives and TCP socket teardowns.
 * @inner @memberof AMQPClient
 * @return {Promise}
AMQPClient.prototype.disconnect = function() {
  var self = this;
  return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
    if (self._connection) {
      var connection = self._connection;
      connection.once(Connection.Disconnected, function() {
        connection = undefined;
    } else {
      resolve(); // Already disconnected, just deliver the promise.

 * Registers a new SASL mechanism to handle SASL challenges during authentication. This method is only used to register the SASL mechanism
 * handler and the type of SASL mechanism used will still need to be specified in the `connect` section of the policy object.
 * @param {string}      mechanism   Name of the mechanism used to authenticate - must match what the server sends in the SASL-Mechanism frame.
 * @param {SaslHandler} handler     Object that is going to handle SASL challenges and craft corresponding responses.
 *                                  The handler itself needs to implement 2 methods (getInitFrameContent and getChallengeResponseContent)
 *                                  that will be called during the SASL exchange. An example of such a SASL handler is provided in the `examples` folder.
AMQPClient.prototype.registerSaslMechanism = function(mechanism, handler) {
  if (!mechanism) {
    throw new ReferenceError('the \'mechanism\' argument is mandatory.');
  if (!handler) {
    throw new ReferenceError('the \'handler\' argument is mandatory');
  if (!handler.getInitFrame) {
    throw new ReferenceError('the handler object must implement getInitFrame and optionally getResponseFrame if it expects to receive challenge frames from the server');

  Sasl.Mechanism[mechanism] = mechanism;
  this._saslHandlers[mechanism] = handler;

// Use the provided session, falling back to the client's session and creating
// it if it doesn't already exist
AMQPClient.prototype._getSession = function(session) {
  // Just return the provided session if one was passed in
  if (session) {
    return Promise.resolve(session);

  var self = this;
  if (this._session) {
    if (!this._session.mapping) {
      // If we have a client session and it's not being mapped, return it
      return Promise.resolve(this._session);
    } else {
      // If we have a client and it's currently mapping, wait for it to be mapped
      // and then return it
      return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        self._session.once(Session.Mapped, function() {

  if (!this._connection) {
    throw new Error('Must connect before creating sessions');

  this._session = this._newSession(this._connection);

  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    self._session.once(Session.Mapped, function() {
      debug('client session mapped');


AMQPClient.prototype._clearConnectionState = function(saveReconnectDetails) {
  if (!!this._connection) this._connection.removeAllListeners();
  this._connection = null;
  if (!saveReconnectDetails) {
    this._reconnect = null;

  if (this._session) this._session._resetLinkState();
  this._userSessions.forEach(function (session) {

// Helper methods for mocking in tests.
AMQPClient.prototype._newConnection = function(connectPolicy) {
  var self = this;
  var connection = new Connection(connectPolicy);
  connection.on(Connection.ErrorReceived, function(e) {
    debug('connection error: ', e);
    self.emit(AMQPClient.ErrorReceived, e);

  return connection;

AMQPClient.prototype._newSession = function(conn) {
  var self = this;
  var session = new Session(conn);
  session.on(Session.Unmapped, function(s) {
    debug('session unmapped');
    if (session.disposed) {
      this._userSessions = this._userSessions.filter(function (s) { return s !== session; });
      if (this._session === session) this._session = null;

  session.on(Session.ErrorReceived, function(e) {
    debug('session error: ', e);
    self.emit(AMQPClient.ErrorReceived, e);

  return session;

AMQPClient.prototype._preventReconnect = function() {
  this._reconnect = null;

AMQPClient.prototype._shouldReconnect = function() {
  if (!this._connection || !this._reconnect) return false;
  if (!this._timeouts ||
      !this._timeouts.length && !this.policy.reconnect.forever) return false;
  return true;

AMQPClient.prototype._attemptReconnection = function() {

  var self = this;
  return self._reconnect()
    .catch(function(err) {
      self.emit(AMQPClient.ErrorReceived, err);

      // @todo: this is problematic, since we're not passing the reconnect
      //        promise back to sender. As such, it will signal two uncaught
      //        exceptions, and then dump and quit the program. Need to find a
      //        better way to tie the reconnect promise to the original request.
      // if (!self._shouldReconnect())
      //   throw err;  // rethrow

module.exports = AMQPClient;