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  function () {

  var N = window.Nooline;

  // TODO: Swap this for Backbone.sync eventually.
   * parseContent
   * Parse the content we've received from the server.
   * Create the categories, add the snippets to them, but don't render yet.
   * Some of the snippets have other libraries creating their DOM elements
   * (like in the Timeline), so we'll assign the elements later when they're
   * ready.
   * @param content {Object}  Contains a category with its snippets.
   * @return                  None.
  function parseContent (content) {

    var category = new N.Models.Category(content);

    var snippets = new N.Collections.Snippets(content.snippets, {
      model: N.Models.ContentSnippet

    category.set('url', '/' + content.type);
    snippets.url = '/' + content.type;
    snippets.category = category;

     * setType
     * Give each snippet some info about itself.
     * This way when updated, the snippets will send their updates off to the
     * server on their own, and don't need to be governed by any helpers.
     * @param snippet {Object}  The snippet in question.
     * @return                  None.
    snippets.each(function setType (snippet) {
        type: content.type,
        url: '/' + content.type + '/' + snippet.get('index')
      }, {
        silent: true // No render yet - not finished building the element.

    category.set('snippets', snippets);



   * getContent
   * Grabs all of the content for specified categories.
   * Called when we want to load all of the content of a certain type(s), and
   * at bootup.
   * @param meta  {Object}    Data about which types of categories we want.
   * @param next  {Function}  Any other function to call on the content, in
   *                          addition to parsing it.
   *                          TODO: Make this a list.
   * @return
  N.getContent = function (meta, next) {

    $.get('/content-categories', meta, function parseResults (data) {
      data = JSON.parse(data);

      if (next) {
