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# GitHub User Rank extension

## He's dead, Jim...

As of 2018/08/12, GitLance (the current data provider for the GitHub User Rank) is down. Hence the extension ceased to work as well.

See for yourself:

Anyway, I'm not saying farewell, but a kind-hearted goodbye instead. I'm sure it's going to take a few months till I'll be able to rewrite it. Wish me good luck!

Stay tuned!

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Install **GitHub User Rank** extension from [Chrome Web Store]( or [Mozilla Add-ons Store](

Yet another small content script, based on []( data,
it adds rankings straight to GitHub user profiles so you don't have to go anywhere anymore.

### Building

Like a typical NodeJS-based project, it requires a couple of commands to get started:

npm install
npm run package

At the end, you should be able to see `dist` folder built aside `src`.

### Installing

* Go to `chrome://extensions` and turn on a *Developer Mode* (a checkbox on top).
* Click `Load unpacked extension...` button and choose your built `dist` folder.

### Usage

* Open any GitHub user profile (e.g. [@noomorph](
* You should be able to see GitLance stats of the person, below to the profile picture:

![GitHub User Rank extension screenshot]( "GitHub User Rank extension screenshot")