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# PHP Dark Launch

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A PHP library to dark launch features

[What is dark launching?](

## Table of contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Methods](#methods)
- [License](#license)
- [Contributors](#contributors)

## Installation

composer require telusdigital/darklaunch

## Usage
- [Tunables](#tunables)
- [Config](#config)

Initialize a Dark Launch object:

use TelusDigital\Dark_Launch;

// Dark Launching requires a redis instance to use
$redis = new Redis();

$params = ['redis' => $redis];
$dark_launch = new Dark_Launch($params);

### Tunables:
- $redis - obj - send a redis instance to it
- $project - string  the name of the project
- $user - string - the name of the user dark launching
- $config - array - an array of default dark launch values

// $redis
$redis = new Redis();

// $config
// this can be from a codeigniter config
// e.g $this->load->config('dark_launch');
//     $config = $this->config->item('dark_launch_features');
$config = ['feature-1' => ['type' => 'boolean', 'value' => TRUE], 'feature-1' => ['type' => percentage, 'value' => 30]];

// passing params to Dark_Launch constructor
$params = ['redis' => $redis, 'config' => $config, 'user' => 'ben', 'project' => 'my-awesome-project']
$dark_launch = new Dark_Launch($params);

### Config

Dark Launch defaults can be one of three types

1. boolean
A feature is enabled when value is TRUE
['type' => 'boolean', 'value' => TRUE]

2. time
A feature is enabled if in between start and stop time
['type' => 'time', 'start' => 1419451200, 'stop' => 1420056000]

3. percentage
A feature is enabled X % of the time
['type' => 'percentage', 'value' => 30]
## Methods

### feature_enabled()
Returns TRUE if a feature is enabled
### projects()
Returns a list of projects
### users()
Returns a list of users for a project
### features()
Returns a list of features for a project and user
### get_feature()
Returns an associative array with attributes about a feature
// return = ['type' => 'boolean', 'value' => 'true']
### enable_feature()
Enables a dark launch feature
$feature_name = 'my-awesome-feature'
$feature_value = ['type' => 'percent', 'value' => 30]
$this->dark_launch->enable_feature($feature_name, $feature_value);

### disable_feature()
Disables a dark launch feature

## Running Tests


## License

## Contributors
* Layne Geck | [email](
* Prashant Kandathil | [email](
* Ben Visser | [email](