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 *  @author Layne Geck -
 *  @author Ben Visser -
 *  @author Prashant Kandathil -
 *  Dark Launch Library for PHP

class Dark_Launch

  * @var string
  * The name of the project which is dark launching
  protected $project = 'global';

  * @var string
  * The name of the user who is dark launching
  protected $user = 'global';

  * @var Redis
  * The redis connection we shall use
  protected $redis;

  * @var array
  * Default values for dark launching
  * e.g ["feature_1" => ["type" => "boolean", "value" => TRUE],
  *      "feature_2" => ["type" => "percentage", "value" => 30]];
  protected $config;
  const DARK_LAUNCH_NAMESPACE = 'dark-launch';

  * Initializes library
  public function __construct($params = [])
      throw new Exception('No redis connection set');

  * Determines whether a dark launch feature is active
  * @param $feature string - The name of the feature
  * @return boolean - True if a feature is enabled, false if not
  public function feature_enabled($feature_name)
    $feature_data = $this->feature($feature_name);
    return $this->parse($feature_data);

  * Get a list of projects
  * @return An arry containing the list of projects
  public function projects()
    return $this->redis->smembers(self::DARK_LAUNCH_NAMESPACE.":projects");

  * Get a list of users
  * @return An arry containing a list of features for a project and user
  public function users()
    return $this->redis->smembers(self::DARK_LAUNCH_NAMESPACE.":project:{$this->project}:users");

  * Get a list of features
  * @return An arry containing a list of features for a project and user
  public function features()
    $features_list = $this->redis->smembers("{$this->feature_namespace()}:features");
    $pipe = $this->redis->multi(Redis::PIPELINE);
    foreach($features_list as $feature){
    $feature_data = $pipe->exec();

    $features = [];
    foreach($features_list as $key => $feature){
      $features[$feature] = $feature_data[$key];
    return $features;

  * Get a Dark Launch feature
  * @param $feature string - The namespace when accessing redis
  * @return An array of values - The hash keys and values for the feature
  public function feature($feature_name)
    $dark_launch_feature = $this->redis->hgetall("{$this->feature_namespace()}:feature:{$feature_name}");

      $dark_launch_feature = $this->redis->hgetall("{$this->feature_namespace()}:feature:{$feature_name}");
    return $dark_launch_feature ? $dark_launch_feature : $this->_return_error($feature_name);

  * Set a Dark Launch feature
  * @param $feature_name string - The name of the feature
  * @param $feature_values array - An associative array of the features keys and values
  public function enable_feature($feature_name, $feature_values)
      $feature_values = (array)$feature_values;
    $multi = $this->redis->multi();
    $multi->hmset("{$this->feature_namespace()}:feature:{$feature_name}", $feature_values);
    $multi->sadd("{$this->feature_namespace()}:features", $feature_name);

  * Disable a dark launch feature
  * @param $feature string - The name of the feature
  public function disable_feature($feature_name)
    $multi = $this->redis->multi();
    $this->redis->srem("{$this->feature_namespace()}:features", $feature_name);

  * Parses a features value
  * @param $feature array - An associative array of a features attributes
  * @return boolean TRUE if feature is enabled
  public function parse($feature){
      $type = $feature['type'];
      return $this->{'parse_'.$type}($feature);
    } else {
      return FALSE;

  * Returns TRUE or FALSE based on the boolean value
  * @param $feature array - An associative array of the features attributes
  * @return boolean
  public function parse_boolean($feature)
      throw new Exception('Invalid dark launch config: missing feature value');
    return filter_var($feature['value'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);

  * Returns TRUE when the current time is between start and stop time and FALSE otherwise
  * @param $feature array - A associative array of a features attributes
  * @return boolean TRUE if feature is enabled
  * Exception is thrown when stop time is before end time
  public function parse_time($feature)
    if(!isset($feature['start']) OR !isset($feature['stop'])){
      throw new Exception('Invalid dark launch config: missing feature start and stop time');

    if(!is_null($feature['stop']) AND ($feature['stop'] < $feature['start'])){
      error_log('Invalid value for stop time.', 0);
      return FALSE;

    if($this->time_is_valid($feature['start'], $feature['stop'])){
      return TRUE;
    } else {
      return FALSE;

  * Returns TRUE when the current time is between start and stop time and FALSE otherwise
  * @param $start int - A unix time of start time
  * @param $stop int - A unix time of stop time
  * @return boolean TRUE if in between start and stop time
  public function time_is_valid($start, $stop)
    if($start < time() AND is_null($stop)) {
      return TRUE;
    } elseif($start < time() AND $stop > time()) {
      return TRUE;
    } else {
      return FALSE;

  * Returns TRUE or FALSE for X % of the time
  * @param $feature array - A associative array of the features attributes
  * @return boolean
  public function parse_percentage($feature)
      throw new Exception('Invalid dark launch config: missing feature value.');

    $percentage = $feature['value'];
    if($percentage < 0 OR $percentage > 100) {
      error_log('Dark launch percentage is not in the 0 - 100 range.', 0);
      return FALSE;

    $random_number = rand(0, 100);
    return $random_number <= $percentage ? TRUE : FALSE;

  ////// PROTECTED /////

  * Return a nice namespace for accessing a feature
  * @return string - The namespace for a feature
  protected function feature_namespace()
    return $this->user_namespace().":user:{$this->user}";

  * Return a nice namespace for accessing users
  * @return string - The namespace for user
  protected function user_namespace()
    return $this->project_namespace().":project:{$this->project}";

  * Return a nice namespace for accessing projects
  * @return string - The namespace for projects
  protected function project_namespace()
    return self::DARK_LAUNCH_NAMESPACE;

  * Check if value exists in config and sets it in redis if it does
  * @return boolean FALSE
  protected function set_from_config($feature_name)
    //add set members for user & project
    $features = $this->config;
          $this->enable_feature($feature_name, $features[$feature_name]);

  ////// PRIVATE ///////

  * Logs and error and returns false
  * @return boolean FALSE
  private function _return_error($feature)
    error_log("No dark launch value exists for: {$feature}", 0);
    return FALSE;

  * Adds project and user to a sets that can be easily accessed
  private function _add_redis_set_members()
    $this->redis->sadd($this->project_namespace().":projects", $this->project);
    $this->redis->sadd($this->user_namespace().":users", $this->user);

  * Sets private variables
  * @param $params array - An assocative array to set class variables
  private function _set_vars($params)
    foreach($params as $key => $value){
      $this->{$key} = $params[$key];