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# Lumen Doctrine ORM

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[Doctrine]( module for the [Lumen PHP framework](

## Requirements

- PHP 5.5 or newer
- [Composer](

## Usage

### Installation

Run the following command to install the package through Composer:

composer require nordsoftware/lumen-doctrine

### Bootstrapping

Add the following line to ```bootstrap/app.php```:


You can now use the ```EntityManager``` facade or inject the ```EntityManagerInterface``` where needed.

### Configure

Copy ```config/doctrine.php``` into ```config``` and modify according to your needs.

The available configurations are:

- **mapping** - Mapping driver to use (xml, yaml or annotations), defaults to xml
- **paths** - Paths to entity mappings, defaults to an empty array
- **types** - Custom Doctrine types to register, defaults to an empty array
- **proxy** - Proxy configuration
- **repository** - Repository class to use
- **logger** - Logger class to use

### Run Artisan

Run ```php artisan``` and you should see the new commands in the doctrine:* namespace section.

## Contributing

Please read the [guidelines](.github/

## License