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    <h1>PHP String Extensions Regex</h1>
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**PHP String Extensions Regex** is a PHP library that contains regex extension methods for norse-blue/scalar-objects StringType object.

## Installation

>- [PHP 7.4+](

Install this package using Composer:

composer require norse-blue/string-extensions-regex

## Usage

To get more in-depth knowledge about this package, please refer to the [Official Documentation](

## Changelog

Please refer to the []( file for more information about what has changed recently.

## Contributing

Contributions to this project are accepted and encouraged. Please read the [](.github/ file for details on contributions.

## Credits

- [Axel Pardemann](
- [All Contributors](../../contributors)

## Security

Please review our [security policy]( to know how to report security vulnerabilities within this package.

## Support the development

**Do you like this project? Support it by donating**

<a href=""><img src="docs/assets/images/buy-me-a-coffee.svg" width="180" alt="Buy me a coffee"></img></a>

## License

This package is open-sourced software licensed under the [MIT]( license.