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# Usage
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## Table of contents
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1. TOC


There are different ways of using this package which will be outlined further down. Choose whatever suits your needs better.

## Using Inheritance

The most simple way to use the package is by extending the `SingleValueObject` or `SingleImmutableValueObject` classes:

### Single Value Object

use NorseBlue\ValueObjects\SingleValueObject;

class MyObject extends SingleValueObject

### Single Immutable Value Object

use NorseBlue\ValueObjects\SingleImmutableValueObject;

class MyObject extends SingleImmutableValueObject

In both cases the `isValid` method should be implemented within your class.

[See complete example]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link sections/ %}#example-with-inheritance)

## Using Composition

If you prefer composition over inheritance, you can use the provided traits and contracts instead:

### Single Value Object

use NorseBlue\ValueObjects\Contracts\SingleValueObject as SingleValueObjectContract;
use NorseBlue\ValueObjects\Traits\SingleValueObjectBehavior;

class MyObject implements SingleValueObjectContract
    use SingleValueObjectBehavior;

### Single Immutable Value Object

use NorseBlue\ValueObjects\Contracts\SingleValueObject as SingleValueObjectContract;
use NorseBlue\ValueObjects\Traits\SingleImmutableValueObjectBehavior;

class MyObject implements SingleValueObjectContract
    use SingleImmutableValueObjectBehavior;

[See complete example]({{ site.baseurl }}{% link sections/ %}#example-with-composition)

_**Note:** The `SingleValueObject` contract is not really needed because all implementation is in the trait, but it is encourage to also implement the contract to allow decoupling in your application._

## Accessing value

The value can be accessed like any object property:

echo $my_object->value;

The value object has a `__toString` method already defined that casts the value to string.

## Mutating value

The value can be mutated like any object property:

$my_object->value = 'new value';

An immutable value object will throw a `ImmutableValueObjectException` when trying to mutate the value.