module Google
# Signet::AuthorizationError
# Not part of Google Calendar API Errors
class HTTPAuthorizationFailed < StandardError; end
# Google Calendar API Errors per documentation
# 400: Bad Request
# User error. This can mean that a required field or parameter has not been
# provided, the value supplied is invalid, or the combination of provided
# fields is invalid.
class HTTPRequestFailed < StandardError; end
# 401: Invalid Credentials
# Invalid authorization header. The access token you're using is either
# expired or invalid.
class InvalidCredentialsError < StandardError; end
# 403: Daily Limit Exceeded
# The Courtesy API limit for your project has been reached.
class DailyLimitExceededError < StandardError; end
# 403: User Rate Limit Exceeded
# The per-user limit from the Developer Console has been reached.
class UserRateLimitExceededError < StandardError; end
# 403: Rate Limit Exceeded
# The user has reached Google Calendar API's maximum request rate per
# calendar or per authenticated user.
class RateLimitExceededError < StandardError; end
# 403: Calendar usage limits exceeded
# The user reached one of the Google Calendar limits in place to protect
# Google users and infrastructure from abusive behavior.
class CalendarUsageLimitExceededError < StandardError; end
# 404: Not Found
# The specified resource was not found.
class HTTPNotFound < StandardError; end
# 409: The requested identifier already exists
# An instance with the given ID already exists in the storage.
class RequestedIdentifierAlreadyExistsError < StandardError; end
# 410: Gone
# SyncToken or updatedMin parameters are no longer valid. This error can also
# occur if a request attempts to delete an event that has already been
# deleted.
class GoneError < StandardError; end
# 412: Precondition Failed
# The etag supplied in the If-match header no longer corresponds to the
# current etag of the resource.
class PreconditionFailedError < StandardError; end
# 500: Backend Error
# An unexpected error occurred while processing the request.
class BackendError < StandardError; end
# 403: Forbidden Error
# User has no authority to conduct the requested operation on the resource.
# This is not a part of official Google Calendar API Errors documentation.
class ForbiddenError < StandardError; end