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<p align="center">
  A Node.js library to send all kinds of transactional notifications.

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- [Features](#features)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [How to use](#how-to-use)
  - [1. General options](#1-general-options)
  - [2. Providers](#2-providers)
  - [3. Custom channels](#3-custom-channels)
  - [4. Send a notification](#4-send-a-notification)
  - [5. In production](#5-in-production)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Need help? Found a bug?](#need-help-found-a-bug)
- [Related Projects](#related-projects)

## Features

* **Easy channel integration** — Want to start sending `emails` | `SMS` | `pushes` | `webpushes` | `slack`? Do so in no time!

* **Unique documentation** — Don't look everywhere for the parameters you need to pass, just do it once. **Switching provider becomes a no-brainer**.

* **Multiple providers strategies** — Want to use more than one provider? Use `fallback` and `round-robin` strategies out of the box.

* **Tools for local testing** — Run a catcher locally to intercept all your notifications and display them in a web interface.

* **MIT license** — Use it like you want.

## Getting Started

$ yarn add notifme-sdk

import NotifmeSdk from 'notifme-sdk'

const notifmeSdk = new NotifmeSdk({}) // empty config = all providers are set to console.log
  .send({sms: {from: '+15000000000', to: '+15000000001', text: 'Hello, how are you?'}})

:sparkles: Congratulations, you should see the following lines in your console:

![Getting started SMS log](

### [Recommended] Setup Notification Catcher for your local tests

[Notification Catcher]( is a web interface for viewing and testing notifications during development.

$ yarn add --dev notification-catcher
$ yarn run notification-catcher

import NotifmeSdk from 'notifme-sdk'

const notifmeSdk = new NotifmeSdk({
  useNotificationCatcher: true // <= this sends all your notifications to the catcher running on port 1025
  .send({sms: {from: '+15000000000', to: '+15000000001', text: 'Hello, how are you?'}})

:heart_eyes_cat: Open [http://localhost:1080](http://localhost:1080) on your favorite browser, you should see the notification:

![Getting started SMS catcher](

#### Custom connection settings

If you have the Notification Catcher running on a custom port, domain, or you need to change any other connection setting, set the environment variable `NOTIFME_CATCHER_OPTIONS` with your [custom connection smtp url](

$ # Example
$ NOTIFME_CATCHER_OPTIONS=smtp:// node your-script-using-notifme.js

## How to use

- [1. General options](#1-general-options)
- [2. Providers](#2-providers)
- [3. Custom channels](#3-custom-channels)
- [4. Send a notification](#4-send-a-notification)
- [5. In production](#5-in-production)

### 1. General options

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: ..., // Object
  useNotificationCatcher: ... // boolean

| Option name | Required | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `channels` | `false` | `Object` | Define `providers` (`Array`) and `multiProviderStrategy` (`string`) for each channel (email, sms, push, webpush, slack).<br><br>See all details below: [2. Providers](#2-providers). |
| `useNotificationCatcher` | `false` | `boolean` | If true, all your notifications are sent to the catcher running on localhost:1025 (channels option will be completely ignored!) |

#### Complete examples

// Env: development
new NotifmeSdk({
  useNotificationCatcher: true

// Env: production
new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    email: {
      // If "Provider1" fails, use "Provider2"
      multiProviderStrategy: 'fallback',
      providers: [{
        type: 'Provider1',
        // ...credentials
      }, {
        type: 'Provider2',
        // ...credentials
    sms: {
      // Use "Provider1" and "Provider2" in turns (and fallback if error)
      multiProviderStrategy: 'roundrobin',
      providers: [{
        type: 'Provider1',
        // ...credentials
      }, {
        type: 'Provider2',
        // ...credentials

#### HTTP proxy option

If you want to use a HTTP proxy, set an environment variable `NOTIFME_HTTP_PROXY`.

$ # Example
$ NOTIFME_HTTP_PROXY= node your-script-using-notifme.js

### 2. Providers

#### Email providers

<details><summary>Logger <i>(for development)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    email: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'logger'

<details><summary>SMTP <i>(can be used for almost all providers)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    email: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'smtp',
        host: '',
        port: 465,
        secure: true,
        auth: {
          user: 'xxxxx',
          pass: 'xxxxx'


new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    email: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'sendmail',
        sendmail: true,
        newline: 'unix',
        path: '/usr/sbin/sendmail'


new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    email: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'mailgun',
        apiKey: 'xxxxx',
        domainName: ''


new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    email: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'mandrill',
        apiKey: 'xxxxx'


new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    email: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'sendgrid',
        apiKey: 'xxxxx'


new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    email: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'ses',
        region: 'xxxxx',
        accessKeyId: 'xxxxx',
        secretAccessKey: 'xxxxx',
        sessionToken: 'xxxxx' // optional


new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    email: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'sparkpost',
        apiKey: 'xxxxx'

<details><summary>Custom <i>(define your own)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    email: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'custom',
        id: 'my-custom-email-provider...',
        send: async (request) => {
          // Send email
          return 'id...'

`request` being of [the following type](


See all options: [Email provider options](

#### SMS providers

<details><summary>Logger <i>(for development)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    sms: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'logger'


new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    sms: {
      providers: [{
        type: '46elks',
        apiUsername: 'xxxxx',
        apiPassword: 'xxxxx'


new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    sms: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'callr',
        login: 'xxxxx',
        password: 'xxxxx'

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    sms: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'clickatell',
        apiKey: 'xxxxx' // One-way integration API key

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    sms: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'infobip',
        username: 'xxxxx',
        password: 'xxxxx'

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    sms: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'nexmo',
        apiKey: 'xxxxx',
        apiSecret: 'xxxxx'


new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    sms: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'ovh',
        appKey: 'xxxxx',
        appSecret: 'xxxxx',
        consumerKey: 'xxxxx',
        account: 'xxxxx',
        host: 'xxxxx' //


new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    sms: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'plivo',
        authId: 'xxxxx',
        authToken: 'xxxxx'

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    sms: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'twilio',
        accountSid: 'xxxxx',
        authToken: 'xxxxx'



new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    sms: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'seven',
        apiKey: 'xxxxx'


<details><summary>Custom <i>(define your own)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    sms: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'custom',
        id: 'my-custom-sms-provider...',
        send: async (request) => {
          // Send SMS
          return 'id...'

`request` being of [the following type](


See all options: [SMS provider options](

#### Voice providers

<details><summary>Logger <i>(for development)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    voice: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'logger'

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    voice: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'twilio',
        accountSid: 'xxxxx',
        authToken: 'xxxxx'

<details><summary>Custom <i>(define your own)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    voice: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'custom',
        id: 'my-custom-voice-provider...',
        send: async (request) => {
          // Send Voice
          return 'id...'

`request` being of [the following type](


See all options: [Voice provider options](

#### Push providers

<details><summary>Logger <i>(for development)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    push: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'logger'

<details><summary>APN (Apple Push Notification)</summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    push: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'apn',
        token: {
          key: './certs/key.p8',
          keyId: 'xxxxx',
          teamId: 'xxxxx'

<details><summary>FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging, previously called GCM, Google Cloud Messaging)</summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    push: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'fcm',
        id: 'xxxxx'

<details><summary>WNS (Windows Push Notification)</summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    push: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'wns',
        clientId: 'xxxxx',
        clientSecret: 'xxxxx',
        notificationMethod: 'sendTileSquareBlock'

<details><summary>ADM (Amazon Device Messaging)</summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    push: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'adm',
        clientId: 'xxxxx',
        clientSecret: 'xxxxx'

<details><summary>Custom <i>(define your own)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    push: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'custom',
        id: 'my-custom-push-provider...',
        send: async (request) => {
          // Send push
          return 'id...'

`request` being of [the following type](


See all options: [Push provider options](

#### Webpush providers

<details><summary>Logger <i>(for development)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    webpush: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'logger'

<details><summary>GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) - uses W3C endpoints if possible</summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    webpush: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'gcm',
        gcmAPIKey: 'xxxxx',
        vapidDetails: {
          subject: 'mailto:',
          publicKey: 'xxxxx',
          privateKey: 'xxxxx'

<details><summary>Custom <i>(define your own)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    webpush: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'custom',
        id: 'my-custom-webpush-provider...',
        send: async (request) => {
          // Send webpush
          return 'id...'

`request` being of [the following type](


See all options: [Webpush provider options](

#### Slack providers

<details><summary>Logger <i>(for development)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    slack: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'logger'


new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    slack: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'webhook',
        webhookUrl: ''

<details><summary>Custom <i>(define your own)</i></summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    slack: {
      providers: [{
        type: 'custom',
        id: 'my-custom-slack-provider...',
        send: async (request) => {
          // Send slack
          return 'id...'

`request` being of [the following type](


See all options: [Slack provider options](

#### Multi-provider strategies

A multi-provider strategy allows you to customize the send process on a channel.

##### Predefined strategies

| Strategy name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `fallback` | If the used provider returns an error, try the next in the list. |
| `roundrobin` | Use every provider in turns. If one of them returns an error, fallback to the next. |
| `no-fallback` | Deactivates fallback strategy. |

##### Custom

You can also provide your own strategy. You have to pass a function implementing:

(Provider[]) => Sender
// See examples below for more details


<details><summary>Random strategy</summary><p>

 * `providers` is an array containing all the instances that were
 * created from your configuration.
const randomStrategy = (providers) => async (request) => {
  // Choose one provider at random
  const provider = providers[Math.floor(Math.random() * providers.length)];

  try {
    const id = await provider.send(request)
    return {id, providerId:}
  } catch (error) {
    error.providerId =
    throw error

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    email: { // Example for email channel
      providers: [...],
      multiProviderStrategy: randomStrategy
<details><summary>Cheap SMS strategy with fallback</summary><p>

import strategyFallback from 'notifme-sdk/lib/strategies/fallback'

function getCountryFromNumber(number) {
  // extract the country from a phone number (+33670707070) -> 'fr'
function orderProvidersByPrice(country, providers) {
  // giving a country return an array of ordered providers by price

const smsCheapStrategy = (providers) => async (request) => {
  const country = getCountryFromNumber(request.from)
  const providersOrdered = orderProvidersByPrice(country, providers)

  return strategyFallback(providersOrdered)(request)

#### Adding a provider or a channel

If you would like to see another provider or channel, please [upvote the corresponding issue]( (or create one if it does not exist yet).

### 3. Custom channels

If you want to have custom channels (and providers) you can add them.


<details><summary>Custom channel and provider</summary><p>

new NotifmeSdk({
  channels: {
    socket: {
      multiProviderStrategy: 'fallback',
      providers: [
          type: 'custom',
          id: 'my-socket-sender',
          send: async () => {
            return 'custom-socket-id'


### 4. Send a notification

#### Parameters

_New: you can check [notifme-template]( to help you define your templates._

<details><summary>Send an email</summary><p>

  email: {
    from: '',
    to: '',
    subject: 'Hi John',
    html: '<b>Hello John! How are you?</b>'

See [all parameters](

<details><summary>Send a SMS</summary><p>

  sms: {
    from: '+15000000000',
    to: '+15000000001',
    text: 'Hello John! How are you?'

See [all parameters](

<details><summary>Call using Voice</summary><p>

  voice: {
    from: '+15000000000',
    to: '+15000000001',
    url: ''

See [all parameters](

<details><summary>Send a push</summary><p>

  push: {
    registrationToken: 'xxxxx',
    title: 'Hi John',
    body: 'Hello John! How are you?',
    icon: ''

See [all parameters](

<details><summary>Send a webpush</summary><p>

  webpush: {
    subscription: {
      keys: {
        auth: 'xxxxx',
        p256dh: 'xxxxx'
      endpoint: 'xxxxx'
    title: 'Hi John',
    body: 'Hello John! How are you?',
    icon: ''

See [all parameters](

<details><summary>Send a Slack message</summary><p>

  slack: {
    text: 'Slack webhook text'

See [all parameters](

<details><summary>Send a multi-channel notification</summary><p>

  email: {
    from: '',
    to: '',
    subject: 'Hi John',
    html: '<b>Hello John! How are you?</b>'
  sms: {
    from: '+15000000000',
    to: '+15000000001',
    text: 'Hello John! How are you?'
  push: {
    registrationToken: 'xxxxx',
    title: 'Hi John',
    body: 'Hello John! How are you?',
    icon: ''
  webpush: {
    subscription: {
      keys: {
        auth: 'xxxxx',
        p256dh: 'xxxxx'
      endpoint: 'xxxxx'
    title: 'Hi John',
    body: 'Hello John! How are you?',
    icon: ''
  slack: {
    text: 'Slack webhook text'

See [all parameters](


#### Returned type

`send` returns a Promise resolving with an `Object` of the following type:

type NotificationStatusType = {
  status: 'success' | 'error',
  channels?: {[channel: ChannelType]: {
    id: string,
    providerId: ?string
  errors?: {[channel: ChannelType]: Error}


| Case | Returned JSON |
| --- | --- |
| Success<br>(when Promise resolves) | `{status: 'success', channels: {sms: {id: 'id-116561976', providerId: 'sms-default-provider'}}}` |
| Error<br>(here Notification Catcher is not running) | `{status: 'error', channels: {sms: {id: undefined, providerId: 'sms-notificationcatcher-provider'}}, errors: {sms: 'connect ECONNREFUSED'}}` |

### 5. In production

#### Recommended options

| Option name | Usage in production | Comment |
| --- | --- | --- |
| useNotificationCatcher | `false` | Don't forget to deactivate notification catcher (it overrides channels configuration). |

#### Logger

This project uses [winston]( as logging library. You can add or remove loggers as you wish.

import NotifmeSdk from 'notifme-sdk'
import winston from 'winston'

const notifmeSdk = new NotifmeSdk({})

// To deactivate all loggers

// Or set the loggers you want
  new (winston.transports.File)({filename: 'somefile.log'})

See [winston's documentation]( for more details.

#### Use a request queue

- RabbitMQ: see [RabbitMQ plugin documentation](

#### Send us a message

So that we can make a list of people using this library ;)

## Contributing

[![test framework](](
[![Greenkeeper badge](](

Contributions are very welcome!

To get started: [fork]( this repository to your own GitHub account and then [clone]( it to your local device.

$ git clone[YOUR_USERNAME]/notifme-sdk.git && cd notifme-sdk
$ yarn install

Before making a [pull request](, check that the code passes all the unit tests, respects the [Standard JS rules](, and the [Flow type checker](

Tests will also run automatically with GitHub Actions when you open a PR.

$ yarn run test

### Next for this project

- Implement other providers for each channel ([ask or vote for a provider](
- Add other types of notifications based on what people ask (slack, messenger, skype, telegram, kik, spark...)
- A plugin system (for queues, retry system on error, templating, strategies...)

## Need Help? Found a bug?

[Submit an issue]( to the project Github if you need any help.
And, of course, feel free to submit pull requests with bug fixes or changes.

## Related Projects

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    <img alt=" SDK" src="" />
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