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/* @flow */

type RequestMetadataType = {
  id?: string,
  userId?: string

export type EmailRequestType = RequestMetadataType & {
  from: string,
  to: string,
  subject: string,
  cc?: string[],
  bcc?: string[],
  replyTo?: string,
  text?: string,
  html?: string,
  attachments?: {
    contentType: string, // text/plain...
    filename: string,
    content: string | Buffer
    // path?: string,
    // href?: string,
    // contentDisposition?: string,
    // contentTransferEncoding?: string,
    // cid?: string,
    // raw?: string,
    // encoding?: string,
    // headers?: {[string]: string | number | boolean}
  headers?: {[string]: string | number | boolean},
  customize?: (string, EmailRequestType) => Promise<EmailRequestType>

export type PushRequestType = RequestMetadataType & {
  registrationToken: string,
  title: string,
  body: string,
  custom?: Object,
  priority?: 'high' | 'normal', // gcm, apn. Will be translated to 10 and 5 for apn. Defaults to 'high'
  collapseKey?: string, // gcm for android, used as collapseId in apn
  contentAvailable?: boolean, // gcm for android
  delayWhileIdle?: boolean, // gcm for android
  restrictedPackageName?: string, // gcm for android
  dryRun?: boolean, // gcm for android
  icon?: string, // gcm for android
  tag?: string, // gcm for android
  color?: string, // gcm for android
  clickAction?: string, // gcm for android. In ios, category will be used if not supplied
  locKey?: string, // gcm, apn
  bodyLocArgs?: string, // gcm, apn
  titleLocKey?: string, // gcm, apn
  titleLocArgs?: string, // gcm, apn
  retries?: number, // gcm, apn
  encoding?: string, // apn
  badge?: number, // gcm for ios, apn
  sound?: string, // gcm, apn
  alert?: string | Object, // apn, will take precedence over title and body
  titleLocKey?: string, // apn and gcm for ios
  titleLocArgs?: string, // apn and gcm for ios
  launchImage?: string, // apn and gcm for ios
  action?: string, // apn and gcm for ios
  topic?: string, // apn and gcm for ios
  category?: string, // apn and gcm for ios
  contentAvailable?: string, // apn and gcm for ios
  mdm?: string, // apn and gcm for ios
  urlArgs?: string, // apn and gcm for ios
  truncateAtWordEnd?: boolean, // apn and gcm for ios
  mutableContent?: number, // apn
  expiry?: number, // seconds
  timeToLive?: number, // if both expiry and timeToLive are given, expiry will take precedency
  headers?: {[string]: string | number | boolean}, // wns
  launch?: string, // wns
  duration?: string, // wns
  consolidationKey?: string, // ADM
  customize?: (string, PushRequestType) => Promise<PushRequestType>

export type SmsRequestType = RequestMetadataType & {
  from: string,
  to: string,
  text: string,
  type?: 'text' | 'unicode', // Defaults to 'text'
  nature?: 'marketing' | 'transactional',
  ttl?: number,
  messageClass?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3, // 0 for Flash SMS, 1 - ME-specific, 2 - SIM / USIM specific, 3 - TE-specific
// } & (
//   {type?: 'text', text: string}
//   | {type: 'unicode', text: string}
//   | {type: 'binary', body: string, udh: string, protocolId: string}
//   | {type: 'wappush', title: string, url: string, validity?: number}
//   | {type: 'vcal', vcal: string}
//   | {type: 'vcard', vcard: string}
// )
  customize?: (string, SmsRequestType) => Promise<SmsRequestType>

export type VoiceRequestType = RequestMetadataType & {
  from: string,
  to: string,
  url: string,
  method?: string,
  fallbackUrl?: string,
  fallbackMethod?: string,
  statusCallback?: string,
  statusCallbackEvent?: string[],
  sendDigits?: string,
  machineDetection?: string,
  machineDetectionTimeout?: number,
  timeout?: number,
  customize?: (string, VoiceRequestType) => Promise<VoiceRequestType>

export type WebpushRequestType = RequestMetadataType & {
  subscription: {
    endpoint: string,
    keys: {
      auth: string,
      p256dh: string
  title: string, // C22 F22 S6
  body: string, // C22 F22 S6
  actions?: {
    action: string,
    title: string,
    icon?: string
  }[], // C53
  badge?: string, // C53
  dir?: 'auto' | 'rtl' | 'ltr', // C22 F22 S6
  icon?: string, // C22 F22
  image?: string, // C55 F22
  redirects?: {[key: string]: string}, // added for local tests
  requireInteraction?: boolean, // C22 F52
  customize?: (string, WebpushRequestType) => Promise<WebpushRequestType>

export type SlackRequestType = RequestMetadataType & {
  webhookUrl?: string, // Required if not configured in provider
  text: string,
  unfurl_links?: boolean,
  attachments?: {
    fallback?: string,
    color?: string,
    pretext?: string,
    author_name?: string,
    author_link?: string,
    author_icon?: string,
    title?: string,
    title_link?: string,
    text?: string,
    fields?: {
      title?: string,
      value?: string,
      short?: boolean
    actions?: {
      type: 'button',
      text: string,
      url: string,
      style?: 'primary' | 'danger'
    image_url?: string,
    thumb_url?: string,
    footer?: string,
    footer_icon?: string,
    ts?: number
  customize?: (string, SlackRequestType) => Promise<SlackRequestType>

export type RequestType = EmailRequestType | PushRequestType | SmsRequestType | VoiceRequestType | WebpushRequestType | SlackRequestType