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# relay

Bot user that can send and receive messages to and from different users

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# Installation
npm install bot-relay

# usage
* Instance initialization
const relay = require('bot-relay');
let token = '<slack bot token>'; //@TODO add url to get this token
let slackRelay = relay.slackRelay(token);

slackRelay.connect().then( relayInstance => {
  // send messages to known users
  // broadcast messages to all users
  // post messages to channels
}, connectionError => {
  // you can try to reconnect
  // you can verify with slack to make sure your token is still valid

* Turn the bot on and off.
slackRelay.connect(); // return promise - resolve with relay instance
slackRelay.disconnect(); // return promise - resolve with success message

* Relay provide a "notify" method that takes in the user-name or channel-name
relayInstance.notify('<user-1>', 'user_typing');

* Send message to slack user
relayInstance.send('Hi there!', '<user-1>');

* Post in a slack channel
relayInstance.post('Hello! I am alive :)', '<channel-1>');

* Send message to slack user
relayInstance.broadcast('Sorry for spamming!', ['<user-1>', '<user-2>']);