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.. _whatsnew-1.0:

What's New in `utilipy` v1.0.X?

Bug fixes (in X releases) are annotated with `@X`


Adopted the Astropy-affiliate template.

In particular, this release includes:

* :ref:`whatsnew-1.0-framework`
* :ref:`whatsnew-1.0-config`
* :ref:`whatsnew-1.0-constants`
* :ref:`whatsnew-1.0-data_utils`
* :ref:`whatsnew-1.0-decorators`
* :ref:`whatsnew-1.0-imports`
* :ref:`whatsnew-1.0-ipython`
* :ref:`whatsnew-1.0-math`
* :ref:`whatsnew-1.0-plot`
* :ref:`whatsnew-1.0-scripts`
* :ref:`whatsnew-1.0-utils`

.. _whatsnew-1.0-framework:


Many of these do not have a lot of functions implemented, but the framework is in place as utilities are added.

- `config` for configuration
- `constants` for astropy-style constants with frozen values
- `data_utils` for data utility functions, like converting scipy.optimize functions to lmfit.
- `decorators` a repository of useful decorators
- `import` for \*-style imports
- `ipython` for IPython conveniences, like Markdown printing.
- `math` for math function
- `plot` for plot-related functions
- `scripts` for scripts

.. _whatsnew-1.0-config:


Configuration functions: `check_config`, `write_config`, `get_import_verbosity`, `set_import_verbosity`, `get_warnings_verbosity`, `set_warnings_verbosity`, `get_frozen_constants`, `set_frozen_constants`.

All the configurations can be get / set during run-time.

There is a `with` version of all the configurations, for running code with a temporarily changed configurations.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-constants:


Astropy constants, with a frozen version for reproducibility.

float versions of the constants accessible through values module this includes frozen version for reproducibility to access frozen version, set frozen-constants=True in `utilipy` config.

- `FrozenConstants` for frozen constants
- `ConstantsValues` for the values of constants.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-data_utils:


Data utilities.

- `idxDecorator` to control whether a fnction returns boolean arrays or indices.
- `inRange`: multidimensional box selection.
- `outRange`: multidimensional box exclusion.
- `ioRange`: multidimensional box selection and exclusion.
- `ellipse`: elliptical selection of data in many dimensions.
-  `circle`: circular selection of data in many dimensions.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-data_utils-fitting:

- `scipy_residual_to_lmfit` decorator to make scipy residual functions compatible with `lmfit <https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/index.html>`_.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-decorators:


Decorators are a powerful way to augment functions, and even classes. With a decorator we can alter the input or output of a function, and even edit the properties of a function. This discussion presupposes some familiarity with the use and construction of decorators.

The ultimate goal is a decorator that can edit the input and output of a function, will inherit the signature, annotations, and docstring of the decorated function, and can modify said docstring and signature.

These decorator can do:

    - anything to the function input and output
    - make a function that looks exactly like the input function
    - for quality introspection.
    - work when created with parenthesis
    - accept (kw)arguments on application
    - add any extra (kw)arguments to control the wrapper
    - also make the defaults be dynamically set on function creation.
    - document what the wrapper is doing.
    - In a way that is introspectable, by modifying both the signature and docstring.

.. code-block:: python

    >>> from utilipy.utils import functools
    >>> def template_decorator(function=None, *, kw1=None, kw2=None):
    ...     '''Docstring for decorator.
    ...     Description of this decorator
    ...     Parameters
    ...     ----------
    ...     function : types.FunctionType or None, optional
    ...         the function to be decoratored
    ...         if None, then returns decorator to apply.
    ...     kw1, kw2 : any, optional
    ...         key-word only arguments
    ...         sets the wrappeer's default values.
    ...     Returns
    ...     -------
    ...     wrapper : types.FunctionType
    ...         wrapper for function
    ...         does a few things
    ...         includes the original function in a method `.__wrapped__`
    ...     '''
    ...     if function is None: # allowing for optional arguments
    ...         return functools.partial(template_decorator, kw1=k1, kw2=kw2)
    ...     @functools.wraps(function)
    ...     def wrapper(*args, kw1=kw1, kw2=kw2, kw3='not in decorator factory', **kw):
    ...         """wrapper docstring.
    ...         Decorator
    ...         ---------
    ...         prints information about function
    ...         kw1, kw2: defaults {kw1}, {kw2}
    ...         """
    ...         # do stuff here
    ...         return_ = function(*args, **kw)
    ...         # and here
    ...         return return_
    ...     # /def
    ...     return wrapper
    ... # /def

    >>> @template_decorator
    ... def function(x: '1st arg', y: '2nd arg',                    # arguments
    ...              a: '1st defarg'=10, b=11,                      # defaulted arguments
    ...              *args: 'args',                                 # variable arguments
    ...              k: '1st kwonly'='one', l: '2nd kwonly'='two',  # keyword-only arguments
    ...              **kw: 'kwargs'                                 # variable keyword arguments
    ...             ) -> tuple:
    ...     '''Function for testing decoration.
    ...     This function has all 5 different types of arguments:
    ...         1) arguments, 2) defaulted arguments, 3) variable arguments,
    ...         4) keyword-only arguments, 5) variable keyword arguments
    ...     '''
    ...     return x, y, a, b, args, k, l, kw
    ... # /def

    >>> help(function) # doctest: +SKIP

    Help on function function in module __main__:

    function(x: '1st arg', y: '2nd arg', a: '1st defarg' = 10, b=11, *args: 'args', k: '1st kwonly' = 'one', l: '2nd kwonly' = 'two', kw1=None, kw2=None, kw3='not in decorator factory', **kw: 'kwargs') -> tuple
        function for testing decoration
        This function has all 5 different types of arguments:
            1) arguments, 2) defaulted arguments, 3) variable arguments,
            4) keyword-only arguments, 5) variable keyword arguments

        prints information about function
        kw1, kw2: defaults None, None

.. _whatsnew-1.0-imports-baseclass:


A set of baseclasses to make improved decorators. This module requires further testing.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-imports-docstrings:


- astropy's "format_doc"

.. _whatsnew-1.0-imports-funcio:


Function input / output.

- function `store_function_input` to store all the input to a function as a BoundArgument
- function `add_folder_backslash` to add a backslash to directory path inputs.
- `dtypeDecoratorMaker` function to make a dtype decorator.
- `dtypeDecorator` function to ensure arguments are type dtype.
- `boolDecorator`, `intDecorator`, `floatDecorator`, `strDecorator`, `ndarrayDecorator`, `ndfloat64Decorator`, which enforce their respective dtypes.

corrected import ``inspect`` to utilipy's inspect (@v1.0.1)

.. _whatsnew-1.0-imports:


This module provides a variety of files that can be \*-imported to provide basic set of imports.

The quick imports are `base_imports`, `extended_imports`, `astropy_imports`, `matplotlib_imports`, `galpy_imports` and `amuse_imports`.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-imports-base:


helper function `base_imports_help`

Base imports

    - os, sys, time, pdb, warnings,
    - numpy -> np, scipy,
    - tqdm -> TQDM, tqdm, .tqdm_notebook -> tqdmn

IPython imports

    - display, Latex, Markdown, set_trace,
    - printmd, printMD, printltx, printLaTeX,
    - set_autoreload, aimport,
    - run_imports, import_from_file,
    - add_raw_code_toggle

utilipy imports

    - LogFile
    - ObjDict

.. _whatsnew-1.0-imports-extended:


helper function `extended_imports_help`

Numpy imports

    - linalg.norm

Scipy imports

    - stats.binned_statistic->binned_stats

.. _whatsnew-1.0-imports-matplotlib:


helper function `matplotlib_imports_help`

Matplotlib imports

    - pyplot->plt
    - matplotlib->mpl, .cm, .colors
    - mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.Axes3D

utilipy imports

    - ipython.plot.configure_matplotlib

.. _whatsnew-1.0-imports-plotly:


helper function `plotly_imports_help`

plotly imports

    - plotly
    - express -> px
    - graph_objs -> go
    - io -> pio
    - subplots -> make_subplots

.. _whatsnew-1.0-imports-astropy:


helper function `astropy_imports_help`

Astropy imports

    - units->u,
    - coordinates->coords, SkyCoord,
    - table.Table, QTable
    - visualization.quantity_support, astropy_mpl_style

.. _whatsnew-1.0-imports-galpy:


helper function `galpy_imports_help`

Galpy imports

    - potential, .MWPotential2014
    - galpy.orbit.Orbit
    - galpy.util: bovy_conversion, bovy_coords

.. _whatsnew-1.0-imports-amuse:


helper function `amuse_imports_help`

- imports `amuse`, `amuse.lab`, `amuse.units.units`, `amuse.units.constants`, `amuse.couple.bridge`
- provides a help function, `amuse_imports_help`

.. _whatsnew-1.0-ipython:


Functions for interacting with the IPython environment. If in the IPython, sets the `ast_node_interactivity` to "all" and configures matplotlib, via `configure_matplotlib`, to an inline backend and retina resolution.

loads into the top-level namespace:

- help function
- modules: `autoreload` , `imports`, `notebook`, `plot`, `printing`
- functions: `set_autoreload`, `aimport`, `run_imports`, `import_from_file`, `add_raw_code_toggle`, `configure_matplotlib`, `printMD`, `printLTX`

.. _whatsnew-1.0-ipython-autoreload:


If in an IPython environment, sets the autoreload state to 1 (autoreload anything imported by `aimport`).

- `set_autoreload` function to change the global imports setting.
- `aimport` for autoreloading individual modules

.. _whatsnew-1.0-ipython-imports:


Module for running `utilipy.imports` in an IPython environment.

- `import_from_file` function to run any import file, from `utilipy` or a custom file.
- `run_imports` function to import a file using IPython magic. Uses `import_from_file` on custom files. Has built-in options for a set of basic imports (by keyword `base`), extended imports (by keyword `extended`), astropy, matplotlib, plotly, galpy, and amuse import sets by the respective keywords.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-ipython-notebook:


Functions for Jupyter notebook / lab / hub.

- `add_raw_code_toggle` function to show/hide code cells when Notebook is exported to HTML

.. _whatsnew-1.0-ipython-plot:


- `configure_matplotlib` function to control plotting in an IPython environment.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-ipython-printing:


- `printMD` function to print in Markdown.
- `printLTX` function to print in Latex.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-math:


A place for math functions. Currently only `quadrature`.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-plot:


nothing implemented yet. See :ref:`whatsnew-planned`.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-scripts:


nothing implemented yet. See :ref:`whatsnew-planned`.

.. _whatsnew-1.0-utils:


Utilities. The following are imported on instantiation.

.. code-block:: python

    from .logging import LogPrint, LogFile
    from .collections import ObjDict

    from . import functools, pickle

    # import top level packages
    from . import (


- `utilipyWarning`
- `utilipyWarningVerbose`


- `makeFunction`: make a function from an existing code object.
- `copy_function`: Copy a function.
- `update_wrapper`: this overrides the default ``functools`` `update_wrapper` and adds signature and docstring overriding

- `wraps`: overrides the default ``functools`` `update_wrapper` and adds signature and docstring overriding


added FullerArgSpec which better separates parts of a signature, like arguments with and without defaults. Also a FullerSignature object which has much finer control over signatures and itself appears to have the signature of the function to which it is a signature.

- `_void`
- `_empty`
- `_placehold`
- `_is_empty`
- `_is_void`
- `_is_placehold`
- `_is_placeholder`
- `FullerArgSpec`
- `getfullerargspec`
- `get_annotations_from_signature`
- `get_defaults_from_signature`
- `get_kwdefaults_from_signature`
- `get_kwonlydefaults_from_signature`
- `get_kinds_from_signature`
- `modify_parameter`
- `replace_with_parameter`
- `insert_parameter`
- `prepend_parameter`
- `append_parameter`
- `drop_parameter`
- `FullerSignature`
- `fuller_signature`


dump and load many objects


- `FormatTemplate` with string supporting `.format`, syntax.


- `array_like`: typing.Sequence


Basic loggers that can both print and/or record to a file.

- LogPrint: print logger
- LogFile: This class uses `open`


Docstring inheritance-style implementations. Supports numpy and google docstrings.

To implement your own inheritance file, simply write a function that fits the template

.. code-block:: python

    def your_style(prnt_doc, child_doc):
        ''' Merges parent and child docstrings

            prnt_cls_doc: Optional[str]
            child_doc: Optional[str]

                The merged docstring that will be utilized.'''
        return final_docstring

and log this using `custom_inherit.add_style(your_style)`.
To permanently save your function

1. define your function within `custom_inherit/_style_store.py`
2. log it in `custom_inherit.style_store.__all__`.


- `ObjDict`: Dictionary-like object intended to store information. Instantiated with a name (str)