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Test Coverage
envlist =
requires =
    setuptools >= 30.3.0
    pip >= 19.3.1
    tox-pypi-filter >= 0.12
isolated_build = true
indexserver =
    NIGHTLY = https://pypi.anaconda.org/scipy-wheels-nightly/simple


# Pass through the following environment variables which are needed for the CI

# For coverage, we need to pass extra options to the C compiler
setenv =
    cov: CFLAGS = --coverage -fno-inline-functions -O0
    image: MPLFLAGS = --mpl
    !image: MPLFLAGS =
    clocale: LC_CTYPE = C.ascii
    clocale: LC_ALL = C

# TODO Suppress display of matplotlib plots generated during docs build
# setenv = MPLBACKEND=agg

# Run the tests in a temporary directory to make sure that we don't import
# this package from the source tree
changedir = .tmp/{envname}

# tox environments are constructed with so-called 'factors' (or terms)
# separated by hyphens, e.g. test-devdeps-cov. Lines below starting with factor:
# will only take effect if that factor is included in the environment name. To
# see a list of example environments that can be run, along with a description,
# run:
#     tox -l -v
description =
    run tests
    alldeps: with all optional dependencies
    devdeps: with the latest developer version of key dependencies
    oldestdeps: with the oldest supported version of key dependencies
    cov: and test coverage
    numpy117: with numpy 1.17.*
    numpy118: with numpy 1.18.*
    numpy119: with numpy 1.19.*
    astropy40: with astropy 4.0.*
    astropylts: with the latest astropy LTS
    image: with image tests
    mpldev: with the latest developer version of matplotlib
    double: twice in a row to check for global state changes

# The following provides some specific pinnings for key packages
deps =

    numpy117: numpy==1.17.*
    numpy118: numpy==1.18.*
    numpy119: numpy==1.19.*

    astropy40: astropy==4.0.*
    astropylts: astropy==4.0.*

    image: pytest-mpl

    # The oldestdeps factor is intended to be used to install the oldest versions of all
    # dependencies that have a minimum version.
    # pytest-openfiles pinned because of https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/10160
    oldestdeps: numpy==1.17.*
    oldestdeps: matplotlib==3.0.*
    oldestdeps: asdf==2.6.*
    oldestdeps: scipy==1.2.*
    oldestdeps: pyyaml==3.13

    # The devdeps factor is intended to be used to install the latest developer version
    # or nightly wheel of key dependencies.
    devdeps: :NIGHTLY:numpy
    devdeps,mpldev: git+https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib.git#egg=matplotlib
    devdeps: git+https://github.com/astropy/astropy.git#egg=astropy
    devdeps: git+https://github.com/spacetelescope/asdf.git#egg=asdf
    devdeps: git+https://github.com/liberfa/pyerfa.git#egg=pyerfa

    # Linkcheck is broken with cryptic error with Sphinx 3.1.0
    # https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/10489
    # It also emits a warning from BLS docstring that we cannot banish with numpydoc 1.1.0
    linkcheck: sphinx<3.1
    linkcheck: numpydoc<1.1.0

# The following indicates which extras_require from setup.cfg will be installed
extras =
    alldeps: all

commands =
    pip freeze
    !cov-!double: pytest --pyargs utilipy {toxinidir}/docs {env:MPLFLAGS} {posargs}
    cov-!double: pytest --pyargs utilipy {toxinidir}/docs {env:MPLFLAGS} --cov utilipy --cov-config={toxinidir}/setup.cfg {posargs}
    double: python -c 'import sys; from utilipy import test; test(); sys.exit(test())'
    cov: coverage xml -o {toxinidir}/coverage.xml

# This lets developers to use tox to build docs and ignores warnings.
# This is not used in CI; For that, we have RTD PR builder.
changedir = docs
description = invoke sphinx-build to build the HTML docs
extras = docs
commands =
    pip freeze
    sphinx-build -j auto -b html . _build/html

changedir = docs
description = check the links in the HTML docs
extras = docs
commands =
    pip freeze
    sphinx-build -W -b linkcheck . _build/html

# We list the warnings/errors to check for here rather than in setup.cfg because
# we don't want these options to apply whenever anyone calls flake8 from the
# command-line or their code editor - in this case all warnings/errors should be
# checked for. The warnings/errors we check for here are:
# E101 - mix of tabs and spaces
# W191 - use of tabs
# W291 - trailing whitespace
# W292 - no newline at end of file
# W293 - trailing whitespace
# W391 - blank line at end of file
# E111 - 4 spaces per indentation level
# E112 - 4 spaces per indentation level
# E113 - 4 spaces per indentation level
# E301 - expected 1 blank line, found 0
# E302 - expected 2 blank lines, found 0
# E303 - too many blank lines (3)
# E304 - blank lines found after function decorator
# E305 - expected 2 blank lines after class or function definition
# E306 - expected 1 blank line before a nested definition
# E502 - the backslash is redundant between brackets
# E722 - do not use bare except
# E901 - SyntaxError or IndentationError
# E902 - IOError
# E999: SyntaxError -- failed to compile a file into an Abstract Syntax Tree
# F822: undefined name in __all__
# F823: local variable name referenced before assignment
skip_install = true
changedir = .
description = check code style, e.g. with flake8
deps = flake8
exclude =
commands = flake8 utilipy --count --max-line-length=100

deps = vulture
changedir = .
commands = vulture ./utilipy --min-confidence=80 --exclude utilipy/extern/

deps = mypy
changedir = .
commands = mypy ./utilipy --ignore-missing-imports

skip_install = true
changedir = .
description = check code style, with black
deps = black
commands = black ./utilipy -l 79 --check

ignore = F401, W503, E203, E743, F403, E702
exclude =