
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
  "album": {
    "download": "Download",
    "download-toast-content": "{{artist}} - {{title}} has been added to downloads.",
    "download-toast-title": "Album added to downloads",
    "error-load": "Sorry, this album could not be loaded. Try again later or open a new issue on Github",
    "genre": "Genre:",
    "play": "Play",
    "queue": "Add album to queue",
    "tracks": "Tracks:",
    "year": "Year:"
  "app": {
    "collection": "Collection",
    "dashboard": "Dashboard",
    "downloads": "Downloads",
    "equalizer": "Equalizer",
    "favorite-albums": "Favorite Albums",
    "favorite-artists": "Favorite Artists",
    "favorite-tracks": "Favorite Tracks",
    "library": "Local Library",
    "listening-history": "Listening History",
    "lyrics": "Lyrics",
    "main": "Main",
    "playlists": "Playlists",
    "plugins": "Plugins",
    "search": "Search Results",
    "settings": "Settings",
    "visualizer": "Visualizer",
    "user-panel": {
      "actions-tooltip": "User actions",
      "sign-up": "Sign up / Sign in",
      "sign-out": "Sign out"
    "version": "Version"
  "artist": {
    "add-all": "Add all",
    "count": "Play counts",
    "queue": "Add all tracks to queue",
    "similar": "Similar artists",
    "title": "Title",
    "tour": "On tour"
  "dashboard": {
    "add-all": "Add all",
    "artist": "Artist",
    "genres": "Genres",
    "news": "News",
    "playcounts": "Playcounts",
    "playlists": "Trending",
    "popular-track-title": "Top Tracks from Deezer",
    "title": "Title",
    "top": "Top Tracks",
    "trending-playlists": "Trending playlists",
    "trending-artists": "Trending artists",
    "trending-albums": "Trending albums",
    "filter": "Filter...",
    "nothing-found": "Nothing found."
  "downloads": {
    "clear": "Clear finished tracks",
    "completion": "Completion",
    "empty": "Downloads are empty.",
    "empty-help": "Add something to your download queue and you'll see it here!",
    "header": "Downloads",
    "name": "Name",
    "status": "Status"
  "equalizer": {
    "classical": "Classical",
    "club": "Club",
    "custom": "Custom",
    "default": "Default",
    "full-bass": "Full Bass",
    "full-treble": "Full Treble",
    "pop": "Pop",
    "presets": "Presets",
    "reggae": "Reggae",
    "rock": "Rock"
  "favorite-albums": {
    "empty": "No favorite albums",
    "empty-help": "Try adding some albums to favorites and they will appear here!",
    "header": "Your favorite albums"
  "favorite-artists": {
    "empty": "No favorite artists",
    "empty-help": "Try adding some artists to favorites and they will appear here!",
    "header": "Your favorite artists"
  "favorites": {
    "artist": "Artist",
    "empty": "No favorites added",
    "empty-help": "Try adding some tracks to favorites and they will appear here!",
    "header": "Your favorite tracks",
    "play-random": "Play a random track from your favorites",
    "title": "Title"
  "help": {
    "about": "About Nuclear Music Player",
    "contributors": "Our top 10 Contributors",
    "header": "Desktop music player for streaming from free sources",
    "released": "released under AGPL-3.0",
    "report": "Submit issues or new features",
    "thanks": "Many thanks to our contributors on Github, your help was vital in creating this program."
  "library": {
    "add": "Add folders",
    "album": "Album",
    "artist": "Artist",
    "empty": "The library is empty",
    "empty-help": "Try adding some music using the button above.",
    "filter-placeholder": "Filter...",
    "header": "Local Library",
    "no-search-results": "No search results",
    "no-search-results-help": "No tracks found with the given name, album, or artist.",
    "title": "Title"
  "lyrics": {
    "by-artist": "by {{artist}}",
    "empty": "Nothing is playing.",
    "empty-help": "Add some music to the queue to display the lyrics here!",
    "not-found": "No lyrics were found for this song."
  "option-control": {
    "rate": "Playback speed",
    "autoradio": "Autoradio",
    "loop": "Loop",
    "mini-player": "Miniplayer",
    "shuffle": "Shuffle"
  "player": {
    "next-button": "Next track button",
    "play-pause-button": "Play/Pause button",
    "previous-button": "Previous track button"
  "playlists": {
    "add-selected-tracks-to-downloads": "Add selected to downloads",
    "add-selected-tracks-to-favorites": "Add selected to favorites",
    "add-selected-tracks-to-queue": "Add selected to queue",
    "album": "Album",
    "artist": "Artist",
    "delete": "Delete this playlist",
    "duration": "Length",
    "empty": "No playlists.",
    "empty-help": "Try creating playlists, or import by URL, and they will appear here!",
    "error-empty-data": "Empty data",
    "error-invalid-data": "Invalid data",
    "error-open-file": "Can not open file",
    "error-save-file": "Can not save file",
    "export-button": "Export playlist (JSON)",
    "export-fail-title": "Playlist export fail",
    "export-success-title": "Playlist exported successfully",
    "header": "Your playlists",
    "import-progress": "Import progress",
    "spotify-import-placeholder": "Paste a Spotify playlist URL here",
    "dialog-placeholder": "Playlist name...",
    "dialog-accept": "Save",
    "dialog-cancel": "Cancel",
    "dialog-rename": "Rename",
    "dialog-import": "Import",
    "create-button": "Create a new playlist",
    "new-playlist": "New playlist",
    "import-url-button": "Import from Spotify",
    "import-button": "Import from file (JSON)",
    "import-fail-title": "Playlist import fail",
    "import-success-title": "Playlist imported successfully",
    "play-selected-tracks-now": "Play selected now",
    "playlist-created": "{{name}} created",
    "playlist-exported": "{{name}} saved to local file",
    "queue": "Add playlist to queue",
    "rename": "Rename this playlist",
    "songs": "{{total}} song",
    "songs_plural": "{{total}} songs",
    "title": "Title",
    "tracks-selected-plural": "tracks selected",
    "tracks-selected-singular": "track selected",
    "tracks-singular": "track",
    "tracks-plural": "tracks",
    "modified-at": "Last modified: ",
    "never-modified": "Unknown",
    "server-modified-at": "Server modified: ",
    "upload-to-server": "Upload to server",
    "download-from-server": "Download from server",
    "number-of-tracks": "tracks"
  "plugins": {
    "add-a-plugin": "Add a plugin",
    "header": "Plugins",
    "lyrics-providers": "Lyrics providers",
    "meta-providers": "Metadata providers",
    "placeholder": "Select the default music source:",
    "select-lyrics-provider": "Select the default lyrics provider:",
    "select-meta-provider": "Select the default metadata provider:",
    "stream-providers": "Stream providers",
    "user-plugins": "User plugins",
    "user-plugins-warning-desc": "Plugins work by running code on your computer. Load plugins only from sources you trust!",
    "user-plugins-warning-title": "Danger zone!"
  "queue": {
    "clear": "Clear queue",
    "dialog-accept": "Save",
    "dialog-cancel": "Cancel",
    "dialog-placeholder": "Playlist name...",
    "dialog-trigger": "Save as playlist",
    "download": "Download",
    "download-toast-content": "{{artist}} - {{title}} has been added to downloads.",
    "download-toast-title": "Track added to downloads",
    "favorite-add": "Add to favorites",
    "header": "Queue",
    "header-track": "Current track",
    "copy-track-url": "Copy track url to clipboard",
    "loading": "Stream still loading.",
    "playlist-add": "Add to playlist",
    "playlist-add-queue": "Add queue to playlist",
    "playlist-toast-content": "Playlist {{name}} has been created.",
    "playlist-toast-title": "Playlist created",
    "live": "Live",
    "stream-verification": {
      "tooltip": {
        "unknown": "The status of this stream is unknown.",
        "unverified": "This stream has not yet been verified by the community.",
        "weakly-verified": "This stream has been verified by a couple of users.",
        "verified": "This stream has been verified by the community.",
        "verified-by-user": "This stream has been verified by you."
      "stream-status": {
        "unknown": "Unknown",
        "unverified": "Unverified",
        "weakly-verified": "Weakly verified",
        "verified": "Verified",
        "verified-by-user": "Verified by you"
      "verify": "Verify",
      "unverify": "Unverify"
  "search": {
    "album": "Album",
    "album_plural": "Albums",
    "all": "All",
    "artist": "Artist",
    "artist_plural": "Artists",
    "clear-history": "Clear history",
    "empty": "Nothing found.",
    "last-searches": "Last searches",
    "live-stream": "LiveStream",
    "placeholder": "Search...",
    "playlist": "Playlist",
    "playlist_plural": "Playlists",
    "podcast": "Podcast",
    "queue-add": "Add all tracks to queue",
    "track": "Track",
    "track_plural": "Tracks",
    "you-can-search-for": "You can search for:"
  "seekbar": {
    "live": "Live",
    "segment-popup": "Non-music"
  "settings": {
    "api-port": "Port used by the api",
    "api-url": "",
    "audio": "Audio",
    "autoradio": "Autoradio",
    "autoradio-craziness": "Autoradio craziness",
    "autoradio-craziness-description": "Autoradio will select songs that are less similar to the ones already in the queue the crazier it is",
    "autoradio-description": "Add similar tracks automatically when the queue is ending",
    "listening-history": "Listening history",
    "listening-history-description": "Log the tracks you listen to, a la The history is stored offline.",
    "compact-menu-bar": "Use compact style for menu bar",
    "compact-queue-bar": "Use compact style for queue bar",
    "developer": "Developer settings",
    "devtools": "Developer tools",
    "disable-gpu": "Disable hardware rendering (might fix issues with dragging elements and flashing screen)",
    "display": "Display",
    "downloads": "Downloads",
    "downloads-count": "Max simultaneous downloads",
    "downloads-dir": "Downloads directory",
    "downloads-dir-button": "Choose a directory...",
    "enable-api": "Enable the api",
    "fmfav-btn": "Import",
    "fmfav-msg": "Import your Favorites",
    "frameless-window": "Frameless window (requires restart)",
    "github-connect": "Log in with Github",
    "github-description": "Log in via Github to be able to create and share your playlists online (upcoming feature).",
    "github-title": "Github",
    "http": "HTTP API",
    "invidious-url": "Invidious instance url",
    "language": "Language",
    "language-placeholder": "Pick a language",
    "lastfm-connect": "Connect with",
    "lastfm-description": "In order to enable scrobbling, you first have to connect and authorize Nuclear on, then click log in.",
    "lastfm-enable": "Enable scrobbling to",
    "lastfm-title": "",
    "less": "Less",
    "login": "Log in",
    "logout": "Log out",
    "loop-after-queue-end": "Loop after playing the last queue item",
    "mastodon-authorization-token-label": "Authorization token",
    "mastodon-authorize": "Authorize",
    "mastodon-authorized": "Nuclear is authorized to post on ",
    "mastodon-awaiting-authorization": "Nuclear is registered on {{instanceUrl}}. Awaiting authorization.",
    "mastodon-description": "",
    "mastodon-instance-label": "Mastodon instance URL",
    "mastodon-post-format-description": "Nuclear will post a status on Mastodon after each track completes playing. The above string will be the template for each post, with {{artist}}, {{title}}, and {{url}} replaced with the artist, title, and a link to the track respectively.",
    "mastodon-post-format-label": "Post format",
    "mastodon-title": "",
    "normalize": "Normalize volume",
    "normalize-description": "Automatically adjust volume of tracks so that they are played at the same level. This needs to fetch the whole track to work, so it may cause a delay between tracks.",
    "nuclear-identity-service-url": "Nuclear identity service URL",
    "nuclear-playlists-service-url": "Nuclear playlists service URL",
    "mini-player": "Use mini player style",
    "more": "More",
    "discord-rich-presence": "Toggle discord rich presence (requires restart)",
    "notification-timeout": "Notification timeout",
    "notlogged": "Not logged in",
    "playback": "Playback",
    "program-settings": "Program settings",
    "promoted-artists": "Show promoted artists in the dashboard",
    "promoted-artists-description": "This is a reel of interesting, handpicked indie artists you might like. No one's receiving any compensation for this.",
    "saving-in": "Saving in:",
    "seek-iteration": "Number of seconds to seek forward/backwards when pressing arrow keys",
    "show-tray-icon": "Show tray icon",
    "shuffle-queue": "Shuffle songs",
    "shuffle-when-going-back": "Shuffle on previous track",
    "shuffle-when-going-back-description": "Play a random track when shuffle is active and the previous track button is clicked",
    "social": "Social",
    "skip-sponsorblock": "Skip non-music segment",
    "skip-sponsorblock-description": "Playback skips non-music segment from SponsorBlock (",
    "streaming": "Streaming",
    "track-duration": "Display track duration over the seekbar",
    "user": "User:",
    "user-id": "User ID",
    "use-stream-verification": "Use stream verification",
    "use-stream-verification-description": "Use stream verification. Loads the streams the community has verified as being correct for the tracks you play. Also allows you to vote on streams. See documentation for details.",
    "youtube": "Youtube",
    "yt-api-key": "Youtube API Key"
  "tags": {
    "albums": "Top Albums",
    "artist": "Artist",
    "artists": "Top Artists",
    "duration": "Duration",
    "queue-add": "Add all tracks to queue",
    "title": "Title"
  "track-popup": {
    "add-to-favorite": "Add to favorites",
    "add-to-playlist": "Add to playlist",
    "add-to-queue": "Add to queue",
    "create-playlist": "Create a new playlist",
    "create-playlist-dialog-title": "Input playlist name:",
    "create-playlist-dialog-placeholder": "Playlist name...",
    "create-playlist-dialog-accept": "Save",
    "create-playlist-dialog-cancel": "Cancel",
    "download": "Download",
    "download-toast-body": "{{artist}} - {{track}} has been added to downloads.",
    "download-toast-title": "Track added to downloads",
    "favorite-toast-body": "{{artist}} - {{track}} has been added to favorites.",
    "favorite-toast-title": "Favorite track added",
    "play-next": "Play next",
    "play-now": "Play now",
    "playlist-toast-body": "{{artist}} - {{track}} has been added to playlist.",
    "playlist-toast-title": "Track added to playlist"
  "track-table": {
    "add-selected-tracks-to-queue": "Add selected to queue",
    "add-selected-tracks-to-downloads": "Add selected to downloads",
    "add-selected-tracks-to-favorites": "Add selected to favorites",
    "play-selected-tracks-now": "Play selected now",
    "tracks-selected-label-singular": "track selected",
    "tracks-selected-label-plural": "tracks selected"
  "visualizer": {
    "exit-fullscreen": "Press ESC to exit full screen"
  "command-palette": {
    "search-placeholder": "What would you like to do?",
    "empty-state-help": "Can't seem to find what you're looking for? Try the help command.",
    "protip-text": "PROTIP:",
    "protip-content": "Arrows to navigate, Enter to select, Esc to close",
    "categories": {
      "playback": "Playback",
      "queue": "Queue",
      "navigation": "Navigation",
      "application": "Application"
    "actions": {
      "play": "Play",
      "pause": "Pause",
      "next": "Next",
      "previous": "Previous",
      "go-to-next-page": "Go to next page",
      "go-to-previous-page": "Go to previous page",
      "shuffle": "Shuffle",
      "loop": "Loop",
      "autoradio": "Autoradio",
      "raise-volume": "Raise volume",
      "lower-volume": "Lower volume",
      "mute": "Mute",
      "unmute": "Unmute",
      "quit": "Quit",
      "minimize": "Minimize",
      "maximize": "Maximize",
      "go-to-dashboard": "Go to dashboard",
      "go-to-downloads": "Go to downloads",
      "go-to-lyrics": "Go to lyrics",
      "go-to-plugins": "Go to plugins",
      "go-to-search": "Go to search",
      "go-to-settings": "Go to settings",
      "go-to-equalizer": "Go to equalizer",
      "go-to-visualizer": "Go to visualizer",
      "go-to-playlists": "Go to playlists",
      "go-to-favorite-tracks": "Go to favorite tracks",
      "go-to-library": "Go to local library"
  "listening-history": {
    "title": "Listening history",
    "empty-state": "You haven't listened to anything yet.",
    "clear-history": "Clear history",
    "clear-history-confirm": "Are you sure you want to clear your listening history?",
    "clear-history-confirm-yes": "Confirm",
    "clear-history-confirm-no": "Cancel",
    "clear-history-toast": "Listening history cleared"
  "forms": {
    "nuclear-sign-up": {
      "header": "Sign up",
      "secondary-header": "Sign up to Nuclear Web Services",
      "side-paragraph-1": "NWS enables you to backup your playlists online and share them.",
      "side-paragraph-2": "Providing your email is optional; it will allow you to recover your account if you forget your password.",
      "username-label": "Username",
      "email-label": "Email",
      "password-label": "Password",
      "sign-up-button": "Sign up",
      "validation": {
        "username": {
          "length": "Username must be 4 characters or more",
          "required": "Username is required"
        "email": {
          "invalid": "Email must be a valid email"
        "password": {
          "length": "Password must be 6 characters or more",
          "required": "Password is required"
    "nuclear-sign-in": {
      "header": " Sign in",
      "username-label": "Username",
      "password-label": "Password",
      "no-account-label": "Don't have an account?",
      "no-account-link": "Sign up",
      "sign-in-button": "Sign in"