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Google Tag Manager and Universal Analytics for React

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Thin wrapper and React component for including Google Tag Manager or Universal Analytics in a React project.

For running with Google Tag Manager, wrap the root element in the `GtagProvider` setting the `id` with your Google Tag Manager id and setting `useTagManager` to `true`:

    import './index.css';
    import React from 'react';
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
    import Modal from 'react-modal';
    import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
    import App from './App';
    import registerServiceWorker from './registerServiceWorker';
    import { GtagProvider } from '@nullunit/react-gtm';

    const GTM_ID = 'GTM-12345';
    const MY_APP_NAME = 'My great app'; //Optional
    const MY_APP_VERSION = '3.1.2'; //Optional
    const ROOT = (
        <GtagProvider id={ GTM_ID } appName={ MY_APP_NAME } appVersion={ MY_APP_VERSION } useTagManager={ true }>
                <App />

    ReactDOM.render(ROOT, document.getElementById('root'));

Now, you can either inject the `GtagContext` using `withGtag` (for React components) or get the context directly via `getGtagContext` singleton (for non-React items).

    import { withGtag, getGtagContext } from './index';


    //for React components
    class MyComponent extends React.Component {

        componentDidMount() {

            const { gtag } = this.props;
            gtag.event('ProjectLoaded', { 'projectId': '...' });

        render() {
            return `<h1>...</h1>`;

    export withGtag(MyComponent);


    //from outside React context
    const gtag = getGtagContext();
    gtag.event('ProjectCreated', { 'projectId': '...' });
