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# SmallTypes

**DEPRECATED**: This package is no longer maintained.

The goal of this package was to create a pure object-oriented generic utility library (no static methods, no code in constructors, no class inheritance, etc.).

While achievable, the limitations of the JavaScript/TypeScript language make this goal very cumbersome to reach and I feel the performance penalties and extra verbosity from this approach in this context is not justified in the end.


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[![License: MIT](](


Object-oriented utility framework written in [TypeScript]( Heavily inspired by [Cactoos](

## Getting started

### Installing

`smalltypes` is available on [npm]( You can install it using:

npm install --save smalltypes

### Documentation

- [API documentation](

### Usage examples

Using random numbers, mapping values, calculating sum, rounding result, and caching value.

const randomFloat: Scalar<number> =
    new RandomizedFloat(// randomized floating point number
        new ParkMillerRandom(), // random number generator
new Cached(// make sure value is only computed once
    new Rounded(// round number to desired precision
        new Sum(// calculate total from iterable of numbers
            new Mapped(// map each item in an iterable to a different value
                    { id: 1, value: randomFloat.value() },
                    { id: 2, value: randomFloat.value() },
                    { id: 3, value: randomFloat.value() },
                    { id: 4, value: randomFloat.value() },
                    { id: 5, value: randomFloat.value() }
                (item: { readonly value: number }): number =>
                    item.value // only want the value from each item
).value() // calculate and retrieve value

Filtering, limiting, and mapping collection. Comparing two collections for equality.

new EqualIterables(// compare iterables for equality
    ['Hello', 'World', '!'],
    new Mapped(// map each item in an iterable to a different value
        new Limited(// limit an iterable to a certain amount of items
            new Filtered(// filter an iterable to a subset of items that match callback
                    { id: 1, name: 'Hello', age: 21 },
                    { id: 2, name: 'World', age: 22 },
                    { id: 3, name: '!', age: 23 },
                    { id: 4, name: 'Not', age: 16 }
                (item: { readonly age: number }): boolean =>
                    item.age > 20 // only get items with age greater than 20
        (item: { readonly name: string }): string =>
   // only want the name from each item
).value() // calculate and retrieve value

## Contributing

### Requirements

- [Node](

### Setup

Clone the repository:

git clone

Change the working directoy:

cd smalltypes

Install dependencies:

npm install

### Running

Main tasks:

- `npm run dev`: Lint, test, and watch for changes.
- `npm run build`: Build library and documentation.
- `npm run coverage`: Test coverage report.
- `npm run commit`: Adds and commits all current changes.

Execute `npm run info` for information about all available tasks.

### Project structure

- `dist`: Built files.
- `docs`: API documentation.
- `src/main`: Main source code of the library.
- `src/test`: Unit tests.
- `tasks`: Source code for build tasks and static integration.
- `typings`: Manually specified TypeScript definition files.

**Note:** the Babel configuration at `.babelrc` is mainly used for gulp. For the Babel configuration used to build the library see how the Babel Rollup plugin is setup.

## Built With

- Language: [TypeScript](
- Tasks: [gulp](
- Build: [rollup.js](, [TypeScript](, [Babel](
- Tests: [Mocha](, [Chai](, [Istanbul](
- Lint: [TSLint](
- Release: [semantic-release](, [Commitizen](
- Dependencies: [Greenkeeper](
- Code Integration: [Travis CI](, [Codecov](, [Code Climate](, [bitHound](