# Changelog
This document lists the major changes for different releases.
The current version is **v1.0**
## Contents
* Pre-Release
* [0.1](#01)
* [0.2](#02)
* [0.3](#03)
* [0.4](#04)
* [0.5](#05)
* [0.6](#06)
* [0.7](#07)
* Release
* [1.0](#10)
## Pre-Release
### 0.1
* Connected to Heroku, Travis, and PostgreSQL backend.
* Functionality added: View modules.
### 0.2
* Functionality added: Edit Modules and Mountings.
* Functionality added: Ability to register and login.
### 0.3
* Functionality added: Restore Modules.
### 0.4
* Functionality added: View Prerequisites.
* Fixed bug where all users shared one session.
### 0.5
* Functionality added: Starring of modules.
### 0.6
* Functionality added: Editing Prerequisites.
* Major UI Changes.
### 0.7
* Functionality added: Filtering of modules, Database Migration.
* Changed hardcoded AY/Sem to dynamically generated.
## Release
### 1.0
* Version 1.0 released.
* Documentation and Website updated.