This module contains the handler for web requests pertaining to
the editing of a module.
from app import RENDER
import web
from components import model
from components.handlers.outcome import Outcome
from components.handlers.module_view_in_ay_sem import IndividualModule
class EditModuleInfo(object):
This class handles the editing of general module info
(Module name, description and MCs)
def GET(self):
Handles the loading of the 'Edit General Module Info' page
web.header('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN')
web.header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff')
web.header('X-XSS-Protection', '1')
input_data = model.validate_input(web.input(), ["code"])
module_code = input_data.code
module_info = model.get_module(module_code)
if module_info is None:
return RENDER.notfound("Module " + module_code + " does not exist in the system.")
preclusions = model.get_preclusion_as_string(module_code)
prerequisites = model.get_prerequisite_as_string(module_code)
return RENDER.moduleEdit(module_info, preclusions, prerequisites)
def POST(self, *test_data):
Handles the submission of the 'Edit General Module Info' page
if test_data: # for testing purposes
input_data = test_data[0]
web.header('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN')
web.header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff')
web.header('X-XSS-Protection', '1')
input_data = model.validate_input(web.input(), ["code"], show_404=False)
module_code = None
module_code = input_data.code
module_name =
module_desc = input_data.desc
module_mc =
#validate inputs
if not model.check_name(module_name):
return model.outcome_invalid()
except AttributeError:
return Outcome().POST("edit_module", False, module_code)
# Validate that MC is a number and is between 0 and 12
if not model.check_mcs(module_mc):
return Outcome().POST("edit_module", False, module_code)
old_module_info = model.get_module(module_code)
old_module_name = old_module_info[1]
old_module_desc = old_module_info[2]
old_module_mc = old_module_info[3]
outcome = True
module_info = model.get_module(module_code)
if module_info is None:
outcome = False
elif (module_name != old_module_name or module_desc != old_module_desc or
int(module_mc) != int(old_module_mc)):
model.store_original_module_info(module_code, old_module_name,
old_module_desc, old_module_mc)
outcome = model.update_module(module_code, module_name, module_desc, module_mc)
if not test_data:
return Outcome().POST("edit_module", outcome, module_code)
class EditMountingInfo(object):
This class handles the editing of specific mounting info
(Mounting status and quota)
def __init__(self):
Define the AY-Sems that are in the system
By right, these settings hould be set by the superadmin
self.number_of_future_ays = 1
self.current_ay = model.get_current_ay()
self.list_of_future_ay_sems = []
ay = self.current_ay
for i in range(self.number_of_future_ays):
ay = model.get_next_ay(ay)
self.list_of_future_ay_sems.append(ay+" Sem 1")
self.list_of_future_ay_sems.append(ay+" Sem 2")
def GET(self):
Handles the loading of the 'Edit Specific Module Info' page
web.header('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN')
web.header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff')
web.header('X-XSS-Protection', '1')
input_data = model.validate_input(web.input(), ["code", "aysem"], is_future=True)
module_code = input_data.code
ay_sem = input_data.aysem
module_ay_sem_info_handler = IndividualModule()
module_ay_sem_info_handler.load_mounting_info(module_code, ay_sem)
mounting_value = module_ay_sem_info_handler.get_mounting_status()
quota = module_ay_sem_info_handler.get_quota()
return RENDER.mountingEdit(module_code, ay_sem, mounting_value, quota)
def POST(self):
Handles the submission of the 'Edit Specific Module Info' page
input_data = model.validate_input(web.input(), ["code", "aysem"],
is_future=True, show_404=False)
module_code = None
ay_sem = None
module_code = input_data.code
ay_sem = input_data.aysem
mounting_status = input_data.mountingStatus
except AttributeError:
return Outcome().POST("edit_mounting", False, module_code, ay_sem)
quota = input_data.quota
if quota == "":
quota = None
except AttributeError:
quota = None
outcome = None
# If quota is being set by the user, it should not fall below 0.
# Otherwise, if the user is not interested in leaving a value for
# the quota, leaving it blank (none) is acceptable.
if quota is not None:
quota = int(quota)
if quota < 0 or quota > 999:
outcome = False
except ValueError: # quota is not None or int
outcome = False
if outcome is not False:
module_info = model.get_module(module_code)
if module_info is None:
outcome = False
elif ay_sem not in self.list_of_future_ay_sems:
outcome = False
if mounting_status == "Mounted":
outcome = None
old_mounting_status = model.get_mounting_of_target_tenta_ay_sem(module_code,
if old_mounting_status is True:
outcome = model.update_quota(module_code, ay_sem, quota)
outcome = model.add_tenta_mounting(module_code, ay_sem, quota)
elif mounting_status == "Not Mounted":
outcome = model.delete_tenta_mounting(module_code, ay_sem)
outcome = False
return Outcome().POST("edit_mounting", outcome, module_code, ay_sem)