This module contains the handler for web requests pertaining to
a module's information overview.
from app import RENDER
import web
from components import model, session
from components.handlers.outcome import Outcome
class ViewMod(object):
This class handles the display of a single module
def __init__(self):
The mounting plan of a module contains its info for EVERY AY/Sem
Each row in the mounting plan has 4 attributes:
0: AY/Sem, 1: Mounting value, 2: Quota, 3: No. of students taking/planning to take
self.fixed_mounting_plan = None
self.tenta_mounting_plan = None
self.number_of_future_ays = model.get_number_of_ay_in_system()-1
def load_fixed_mounting_plan(self, module_code):
Loads the fixed mounting plan of the single module
fixed_mounting_and_quota = model.get_fixed_mounting_and_quota(module_code)
fixed_ay_sems = model.get_all_fixed_ay_sems()
fixed_mounting_plan = []
for ay_sem in fixed_ay_sems:
# AY/Sem is marked as 'not mounted' by default
ay_sem = ay_sem[0]
ay_sem_plan = [ay_sem, -1, "-"]
# Mark AY/Sems that module is mounted in
for mounting in fixed_mounting_and_quota:
mounted_ay_sem = mounting[0]
quota = mounting[1]
if ay_sem == mounted_ay_sem:
ay_sem_plan[1] = 1
ay_sem_plan[2] = quota
self.fixed_mounting_plan = fixed_mounting_plan
def load_tenta_mounting_plan(self, module_code):
Loads the tentative mounting plan of the single module
tenta_mounting_and_quota = model.get_tenta_mounting_and_quota(module_code)
tenta_ay_sems = []
ay = model.get_current_ay()
for i in range(self.number_of_future_ays):
ay = model.get_next_ay(ay)
tenta_ay_sems.append(ay+" Sem 1")
tenta_ay_sems.append(ay+" Sem 2")
tenta_mounting_plan = []
for ay_sem in tenta_ay_sems:
# AY/Sem is marked as 'not mounted' by default
ay_sem_plan = [ay_sem, -1, "-"]
# Mark AY/Sems that module is mounted in
for mounting in tenta_mounting_and_quota:
mounted_ay_sem = mounting[0]
quota = mounting[1]
if ay_sem == mounted_ay_sem:
ay_sem_plan[1] = 1
ay_sem_plan[2] = quota
# Mark AY/Sems that module is unmounted from
# (i.e. mounted in fixed AY, but will no longer be mounted in tentative AY)
fixed_sem_1_mounting_value = self.fixed_mounting_plan[0][1]
fixed_sem_2_mounting_value = self.fixed_mounting_plan[1][1]
tenta_mounting_value = ay_sem_plan[1]
if ay_sem[9:14] == "Sem 1":
if fixed_sem_1_mounting_value == 1 and tenta_mounting_value == -1:
ay_sem_plan[1] = 0
elif ay_sem[9:14] == "Sem 2":
if fixed_sem_2_mounting_value == 1 and tenta_mounting_value == -1:
ay_sem_plan[1] = 0
self.tenta_mounting_plan = tenta_mounting_plan
def get_overlapping_mods(self, code):
Get modules that over lap with this module
return model.get_mod_taken_together_with(code)
def GET(self):
Retrieve and render all the info of a module
web.header('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN')
web.header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff')
web.header('X-XSS-Protection', '1')
if not session.validate_session():
raise web.seeother('/login')
input_data = model.validate_input(web.input(), ["code"])
module_code = input_data.code
# Get module's name, description, MC and status
module_info = model.get_module(module_code)
# Get mounting status, quota and number of students taking
number_of_student_planning = model.get_number_students_planning(module_code)
# Get module's prereqs and preclusions
prereq_string = model.get_prerequisite_as_string(module_code)
preclude_string = model.get_preclusion_as_string(module_code)
# Check if module is starred
is_starred = model.is_module_starred(module_code, web.cookies().get('user'))
all_ay_sems = model.get_all_ay_sems()
all_future_ay_sems = model.get_all_future_ay_sems()
target_ay_sem = None
#get html of overlapping modules template
return RENDER.viewModule(module_info, all_ay_sems, all_future_ay_sems, target_ay_sem,
self.fixed_mounting_plan, self.tenta_mounting_plan,
number_of_student_planning, is_starred,
prereq_string, preclude_string)