This module contains the handler for web requests pertaining to
the list of modules usually taken together in the same
from app import RENDER
import web
from components import model, session
class OverlappingModules(object):
define get and post for overlappingModules.html
def GET(self):
Renders the modules page if users requested
for the page through the GET method.
web.header('X-Frame-Options', 'SAMEORIGIN')
web.header('X-Content-Type-Options', 'nosniff')
web.header('X-XSS-Protection', '1')
if not session.validate_session():
raise web.seeother('/login')
input_data = model.validate_input(web.input(), ["aysem"],
aysem_specific=False, attr_required=False)
target_ay_sem = input_data.aysem
except AttributeError:
target_ay_sem = model.get_current_ay_sem()
lst_of_mods = model.get_all_mods_taken_together(aysem=target_ay_sem)
# Get a list of all AY-Sems (for users to select)
all_ay_sems = model.get_all_ay_sems()
return RENDER.overlappingModules(lst_of_mods, all_ay_sems, target_ay_sem)