$def with (message=None)
$var title:404 Page Not Found
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<h1><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span></h1>
<h1><b>404 Page Not Found</b></h1>
$if message is not None:
<p id="notfound-error-msg"><b>Error message</b>: $message</p>
<p>The page you are looking for is either removed, or does not exist.</p>
<p>If you were looking for a module or making edits to it, that module may have been removed by someone else and no longer exists.</p>
<p>If you tried to change the URL to access another page, the URL might be invalid.</p>
<p>For example, if you changed a parameter in the URL like <strong>code='CS3250'</strong> and encountered this page, then <strong>'CS3250'</strong> does not exist in the database.</p>
<p>Please also ensure that the URL you have specified is <strong>correct</strong>.</p>