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 * Nuts auth
 * Copyright (C) 2020. Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package pkg

import (

    nutscrypto ""
    core ""
    registry ""


// ConfAddress is the config key for the address the http server listens on
const ConfAddress = "address"

// PublicURL is the config key for the public URL the http/irma server can be discovered
const PublicURL = "publicUrl"

// ConfMode is the config name for the engine mode
const ConfMode = "mode"

const ConfEnableCORS = "enableCORS"

// ConfActingPartyCN is the config key to provide the Acting party common name
const ConfActingPartyCN = "actingPartyCn"

// ConfContractValidators is the config key for defining which contract validators to use
const ConfContractValidators = "contractValidators"

// AuthClient is the interface which should be implemented for clients or mocks
type AuthClient interface {
    // OAuthClient returns an instance of OAuthClient
    OAuthClient() services.OAuthClient
    // ContractClient returns an instance of ContractClient
    ContractClient() services.ContractClient
    // ContractNotary returns an instance of ContractNotary
    ContractNotary() services.ContractNotary

// Auth is the main struct of the Auth service
type Auth struct {
    Config              AuthConfig
    configOnce          sync.Once
    configDone          bool
    OAuth               services.OAuthClient
    oneOauthInstance    sync.Once
    Contract            services.ContractClient
    oneContractInstance sync.Once
    Crypto              nutscrypto.Client
    Registry            registry.RegistryClient
    contractNotary      services.ContractNotary

// ContractNotary returns an implementation of the ContractNotary interface.
func (auth Auth) ContractNotary() services.ContractNotary {
    return auth.contractNotary

// DefaultAuthConfig returns an instance of AuthConfig with the default values.
func DefaultAuthConfig() AuthConfig {
    return AuthConfig{
        Address:               "localhost:1323",
        IrmaSchemeManager:     "pbdf",
        ContractValidators:    []string{"irma", "uzi", "dummy"},
        ContractValidDuration: 60 * time.Minute,

var instance *Auth
var oneBackend sync.Once

// AuthInstance returns the singleton Auth instance. If this instance does not exists, it creates a new one.
func AuthInstance() *Auth {
    oneBackend.Do(func() {
        instance = NewAuthInstance(DefaultAuthConfig(), nutscrypto.CryptoInstance(), registry.RegistryInstance())
    return instance

// NewAuthInstance accepts a AuthConfig with several Nuts Engines and returns an instance of Auth
func NewAuthInstance(config AuthConfig, cryptoClient nutscrypto.Client, registryClient registry.RegistryClient) *Auth {
    return &Auth{
        Config:         config,
        Crypto:         cryptoClient,
        Registry:       registryClient,
        contractNotary: contract.NewContractNotary(registryClient, cryptoClient, config.ContractValidDuration),

// OAuthClient returns an instance of OAuthClient
func (auth *Auth) OAuthClient() services.OAuthClient {
    auth.oneOauthInstance.Do(func() {
        auth.OAuth = oauth.NewOAuthService(core.NutsConfig().VendorID(), auth.Crypto, auth.Registry, auth.Contract)
    return auth.OAuth

// ContractClient returns an instance of ContractClient
func (auth *Auth) ContractClient() services.ContractClient {
    auth.oneContractInstance.Do(func() {
        cfg := validator.Config{
            Mode:                      auth.Config.Mode,
            Address:                   auth.Config.Address,
            PublicURL:                 auth.Config.PublicUrl,
            IrmaConfigPath:            auth.Config.IrmaConfigPath,
            IrmaSchemeManager:         auth.Config.IrmaSchemeManager,
            SkipAutoUpdateIrmaSchemas: auth.Config.SkipAutoUpdateIrmaSchemas,
            ActingPartyCn:             auth.Config.ActingPartyCn,
            ContractValidators:        auth.Config.ContractValidators,
        auth.Contract = validator.NewContractInstance(cfg, auth.Crypto, auth.Registry)
    return auth.Contract

// Configure the Auth struct by creating a validator and create an Irma server
func (auth *Auth) Configure() (err error) {
    auth.configOnce.Do(func() {
        auth.Config.Mode = core.NutsConfig().GetEngineMode(auth.Config.Mode)
        if auth.Config.Mode == core.ServerEngineMode {

            if err = auth.Contract.Configure(); err != nil {

            if err = auth.OAuth.Configure(); err != nil {
            auth.configDone = true

    return err