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.. _nuts-discovery-development:

Nuts discovery service development

.. marker-for-readme

The discovery service is written in Kotlin and can be build by Gradle.


Since the discovery service depends on Corda, Java 1.8 is needed. For the Oracle sdk, this means that your version needs to be > 1.8 update 151.
This can give problems on several linux distro's. In that case use the latest OpenJDK sdk 1.8.

The project is build with Gradle. A gradle wrapper is present in the project.

Generating code

To generate the Api stubs based on the Open Api Spec:

.. code-block:: shell

    ./gradlew generateServerApiStub

Running tests

Tests can be run by executing

.. code-block:: shell

    ./gradlew test


An executable can be build by executing

.. code-block:: shell

    ./gradlew bootJar


The server can be started by executing

.. code-block:: shell

    ./gradlew bootRun

This requires some files to be present in the *keys* sub-directory. Check :ref:`nuts-discovery-configuration` on how to configure the keys.


A Dockerfile is provided. As default it will run with dev properties and keys. This can be overriden by mounting the right dirs:

.. code-block:: shell

    docker run -it \
        -v {{KEYS_DIR}}:/opt/nuts/discovery/keys \
        -v {{CONF_DIR}}:/opt/nuts/discovery/conf \
        -p 8080:8080 \


The readme is auto-generated from a template and uses the documentation to fill in the blanks.

.. code-block:: shell



To generate the documentation, you'll need python3, sphinx and a bunch of other stuff. See :ref:`nuts-documentation-development-documentation`
The documentation can be build by running

.. code-block:: shell

    /docs $ make html

The resulting html will be available from ``docs/_build/html/index.html``