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// Package api provides primitives to interact the openapi HTTP API.
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
package api

import (


// Event defines model for Event.
type Event struct {

    // V4 UUID assigned by Corda to a record
    ConsentId *string `json:"consentId,omitempty"`

    // error reason in case of a functional error
    Error *string `json:"error,omitempty"`

    // ID calculated by crypto using BSN and private key of initiatorLegalEntity
    ExternalId string `json:"externalId"`

    // Generic identifier used for representing BSN, agbcode, etc. It's always constructed as an URN followed by a double colon (:) and then the identifying value of the given URN
    InitiatorLegalEntity Identifier `json:"initiatorLegalEntity"`
    Name                 string     `json:"name"`

    // NewConsentRequestState JSON as accepted by consent-bridge (:ref:`nuts-consent-bridge-api`)
    Payload string `json:"payload"`

    // 0 to X
    RetryCount int `json:"retryCount"`

    // V4 UUID assigned by Corda to a transaction
    TransactionId *string `json:"transactionId,omitempty"`

    // V4 UUID
    Uuid string `json:"uuid"`

// EventListResponse defines model for EventListResponse.
type EventListResponse struct {
    Events *[]Event `json:"events,omitempty"`

// Identifier defines model for Identifier.
type Identifier string

// ServerInterface represents all server handlers.
type ServerInterface interface {
    // Return all events currently in store
    // (GET /events)
    List(ctx echo.Context) error
    // Find a specific event by its externalId
    // (GET /events/by_external_id/{external_id})
    GetEventByExternalId(ctx echo.Context, externalId string) error
    // Find a specific event
    // (GET /events/{uuid})
    GetEvent(ctx echo.Context, uuid string) error

// ServerInterfaceWrapper converts echo contexts to parameters.
type ServerInterfaceWrapper struct {
    Handler ServerInterface

// List converts echo context to params.
func (w *ServerInterfaceWrapper) List(ctx echo.Context) error {
    var err error

    // Invoke the callback with all the unmarshalled arguments
    err = w.Handler.List(ctx)
    return err

// GetEventByExternalId converts echo context to params.
func (w *ServerInterfaceWrapper) GetEventByExternalId(ctx echo.Context) error {
    var err error
    // ------------- Path parameter "external_id" -------------
    var externalId string

    err = runtime.BindStyledParameter("simple", false, "external_id", ctx.Param("external_id"), &externalId)
    if err != nil {
        return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid format for parameter external_id: %s", err))

    // Invoke the callback with all the unmarshalled arguments
    err = w.Handler.GetEventByExternalId(ctx, externalId)
    return err

// GetEvent converts echo context to params.
func (w *ServerInterfaceWrapper) GetEvent(ctx echo.Context) error {
    var err error
    // ------------- Path parameter "uuid" -------------
    var uuid string

    err = runtime.BindStyledParameter("simple", false, "uuid", ctx.Param("uuid"), &uuid)
    if err != nil {
        return echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid format for parameter uuid: %s", err))

    // Invoke the callback with all the unmarshalled arguments
    err = w.Handler.GetEvent(ctx, uuid)
    return err

// This is a simple interface which specifies echo.Route addition functions which
// are present on both echo.Echo and echo.Group, since we want to allow using
// either of them for path registration
type EchoRouter interface {
    CONNECT(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
    DELETE(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
    GET(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
    HEAD(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
    OPTIONS(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
    PATCH(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
    POST(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
    PUT(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route
    TRACE(path string, h echo.HandlerFunc, m ...echo.MiddlewareFunc) *echo.Route

// RegisterHandlers adds each server route to the EchoRouter.
func RegisterHandlers(router EchoRouter, si ServerInterface) {
    RegisterHandlersWithBaseURL(router, si, "")

// Registers handlers, and prepends BaseURL to the paths, so that the paths
// can be served under a prefix.
func RegisterHandlersWithBaseURL(router EchoRouter, si ServerInterface, baseURL string) {

    wrapper := ServerInterfaceWrapper{
        Handler: si,

    router.GET(baseURL+"/events", wrapper.List)
    router.GET(baseURL+"/events/by_external_id/:external_id", wrapper.GetEventByExternalId)
    router.GET(baseURL+"/events/:uuid", wrapper.GetEvent)
