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Key                                       Default                                                                              Description                                                                                                                                                                     
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address                                   localhost:1323                                                                       Address and port the server will be listening to                                                                                                                                
configfile                                nuts.yaml                                                                            Nuts config file                                                                                                                                                                
identity                                                                                                                       Vendor identity for the node, mandatory when running in server mode. Must be in the format: urn:oid:<number>                                                
mode                                      server                                                                               Mode the application will run in. When 'cli' it can be used to administer a remote Nuts node. When 'server' it will start a Nuts node. Defaults to 'server'.                    
strictmode                                false                                                                                When set, insecure settings are forbidden.                                                                                                                                      
verbosity                                 info                                                                                 Log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error)                                                                                                                                     
auth.actingPartyCn                                                                                                             The acting party Common name used in contracts                                                                                                                                  
auth.address                              localhost:1323                                                                       Interface and port for http server to bind to                                                                                                                                   
auth.enableCORS                           false                                                                                Set if you want to allow CORS requests. This is useful when you want browsers to directly communicate with the nuts node.                                                       
auth.irmaConfigPath                                                                                                            path to IRMA config folder. If not set, a tmp folder is created.                                                                                                                
auth.irmaSchemeManager                    pbdf                                                                                 The IRMA schemeManager to use for attributes. Can be either 'pbdf' or 'irma-demo'                                                                                               
auth.mode                                                                                                                      server or client, when client it does not start any services so that CLI commands can be used.                                                                                  
auth.publicUrl                                                                                                                 Public URL which can be reached by a users IRMA client                                                                                                                          
auth.skipAutoUpdateIrmaSchemas            false                                                                                set if you want to skip the auto download of the irma schemas every 60 minutes.                                                                                                 
cbridge.address                           http://localhost:8080                                                                API Address of the consent bridge                                                                                                                                               
cstore.address                            localhost:1323                                                                       Address of the server when in client mode                                                                                                                                       
cstore.connectionstring                   \:memory:                                                                             Db connectionString                                                                                                                                                             
cstore.mode                                                                                                                    server or client, when client it uses the HttpClient                                                                                                                            
crypto.fspath                             ./                                                                                   when file system is used as storage, this configures the path where keys are stored (default .)                                                                                 
crypto.keysize                            2048                                                                                 number of bits to use when creating new RSA keys                                                                                                                                                   fs                                                                                   storage to use, 'fs' for file system (default)                                                                                                                                  
**Events octopus**                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
events.autoRecover                        false                                                                                Republish unfinished events at startup                                                                                                                                          
events.connectionstring                   file::memory:?cache=shared                                                           db connection string for event store                                                                                                                                            
events.incrementalBackoff                 8                                                                                    Incremental backoff per retry queue, queue 0 retries after 1 second, queue 1 after {incrementalBackoff} * {previousDelay}                                                       
events.maxRetryCount                      5                                                                                    Max number of retries for events before giving up (only for recoverable errors                                                                                                  
events.natsPort                           4222                                                                                 Port for Nats to bind on                                                                                                                                                        
events.purgeCompleted                     false                                                                                Purge completed events at startup                                                                                                                                               
events.retryInterval                      60                                                                                   Retry delay in seconds for reconnecting                                                                                                                                         
network.address                                                                                                                Interface and port for http server to bind to, defaults to global Nuts address.                                                                                                 
network.bootstrapNodes                                                                                                         Space-separated list of bootstrap nodes (`<host>:<port>`) which the node initially connect to.                                                                                  
network.certFile                                                                                                               PEM file containing the certificate this node will identify itself with to other nodes. If not set, the Nuts node will attempt to load a TLS certificate from the crypto module.
network.certKeyFile                                                                                                            PEM file containing the key belonging to this node's certificate. If not set, the Nuts node will attempt to load a TLS certificate from the crypto module.                      
network.grpcAddr                          \:5555                                                                                Local address for gRPC to listen on.                                                                                                                                            
network.mode                                                                                                                   server or client, when client it uses the HttpClient                                                                                                                            
network.nodeID                                                                                                                 Instance ID of this node under which the public address is registered on the nodelist. If not set, the Nuts node's identity will be used.                                       
network.publicAddr                                                                                                             Public address (of this node) other nodes can use to connect to it. If set, it is registered on the nodelist.                                                                   
network.storageConnectionString           file:network.db                                                                      SQLite3 connection string to the database where the network should persist its documents.                                                                                       
registry.address                          localhost:1323                                                                       Interface and port for http server to bind to, default: localhost:1323                                                                                                          
registry.clientTimeout                    10                                                                                   Time-out for the client in seconds (e.g. when using the CLI), default: 10                                                                                                       
registry.datadir                          ./data                                                                               Location of data files, default: ./data                                                                                                                                         
registry.mode                             server                                                                               server or client, when client it uses the HttpClient, default: server                                                                                                           
registry.organisationCertificateValidity  365                                                                                  Number of days organisation certificates are valid, default: 365                                                                                                                
registry.syncAddress              The remote url to download the latest registry data from, default:                          
registry.syncInterval                     30                                                                                   The interval in minutes between looking for updated registry files on github, default: 30                                                                                       
registry.syncMode                         fs                                                                                   The method for updating the data, 'fs' for a filesystem watch or 'github' for a periodic download, default: fs                                                                  
registry.vendorCACertificateValidity      1095                                                                                 Number of days vendor CA certificates are valid, default: 1095                                                                                                                  
fhir.schemapath                                                                                                                location of json schema, default nested Asset                                                                                                                                   
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