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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package audit

import (

const (
    // CryptoNewKeyEvent occurs when creating a new key.
    CryptoNewKeyEvent = "CreateNewKey"
    // CryptoDeleteKeyEvent occurs when deleting a key.
    CryptoDeleteKeyEvent = "DeleteKey"
    // CryptoSignJWTEvent occurs when signing a JWT.
    CryptoSignJWTEvent = "SignJWT"
    // CryptoSignJWSEvent occurs when signing a JWS.
    CryptoSignJWSEvent = "SignJWS"
    // CryptoEncryptJWEEvent occurs when encryping a JWE
    CryptoEncryptJWEEvent = "EncryptJWE"
    // CryptoDecryptJWEEvent occurs when decryping a JWE
    CryptoDecryptJWEEvent = "DecryptJWE"
    // AccessGrantedEvent occurs when access to a protected API endpoint was granted
    AccessGrantedEvent = "AccessGranted"
    // AccessDeniedEvent occurs when access to a protected API endpoint was denied
    AccessDeniedEvent = "AccessDenied"
    // AccessKeyRegisteredEvent occurs when an authorized key is registered for future authorization events
    AccessKeyRegisteredEvent = "AccessKeyRegistered"
    // InvalidOAuthTokenEvent occurs when a client presents an invalid (unknown/expired) OAuth2 token.
    InvalidOAuthTokenEvent = "InvalidOAuthToken"
    // VerifiableCredentialRetrievedEvent occurs when a VC is retrieved by the remote wallet.
    VerifiableCredentialRetrievedEvent = "VerifiableCredentialRetrievedEvent"
    // VerifiableCredentialRemovedEvent occurs when a VC is removed from a wallet.
    VerifiableCredentialRemovedEvent = "VerifiableCredentialRemovedEvent"

const auditLogLevel = "audit"

// auditLoggerInstance is the logger for auditing. Do not use directly, call auditLogger() instead.
var auditLoggerInstance *logrus.Logger
var initAuditLoggerOnce = &sync.Once{}

// auditLogger returns the initialized logger instance intended for audit logging.
func auditLogger() *logrus.Logger {
    initAuditLoggerOnce.Do(func() {
        // Create new logger with custom Formatter, which makes sures the log level is always "audit".
        // Also override the level for this logger, to make sure it is not influenced by a lower log verbosity.
        // It contains somewhat hacky string replacement, since logrus doesn't support custom log levels
        // and will probably never do so (since it's in maintenance mode).
        // Should be solved by migrating to a different logging library, which does support custom log levels.
        // Alternative solution would be to extend the audit feature to always write to another audit sink (e.g. different log file or database).
        // Then the audit logs in the application log don't matter that much anymore, and they can be logged on e.g., INFO.
        auditFormatter, err := newAuditFormatter(logrus.StandardLogger().Formatter)
        if err != nil {
            panic(fmt.Sprintf("audit: failed to create audit logger: %v", err))
        auditLoggerInstance = logrus.New()
    return auditLoggerInstance

// Info provides contextual information for auditable events.
type Info struct {
    // Actor is the user or service that performed the operation.
    Actor string
    // Operation is the name of the operation that was performed.
    Operation string

type auditContextKey struct{}

// Context returns a child context of the given parent context, enriched with the auditable actor and performed operation.
func Context(parent context.Context, actor, module, operationName string) context.Context {
    return context.WithValue(parent, auditContextKey{}, Info{
        Actor:     actor,
        Operation: module + "." + operationName,

// InfoFromContext extracts the audit info from the given context.
func InfoFromContext(ctx context.Context) *Info {
    actor, ok := ctx.Value(auditContextKey{}).(Info)
    if ok {
        return &actor
    return nil

// newAuditFormatter wraps the given logrus.Formatter in a new Formatter that makes sure the log level is always "audit".
func newAuditFormatter(formatter logrus.Formatter) (logrus.Formatter, error) {
    switch f := formatter.(type) {
    case *logrus.JSONFormatter:
        return jsonAuditFormatter{formatter: f}, nil
    case *logrus.TextFormatter:
        return textAuditFormatter{formatter: f}, nil
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("audit: unsupported log formatter: %T", f)

type jsonAuditFormatter struct {
    formatter *logrus.JSONFormatter

type textAuditFormatter struct {
    formatter *logrus.TextFormatter

func (a textAuditFormatter) Format(entry *logrus.Entry) ([]byte, error) {
    // Make log level predictable for easier replacement later
    // (then level color for colored output is known beforehand, which is 36 for info)
    // See sirupsen/logrus@v1.9.0/text_formatter.go:19
    entry.Level = logrus.InfoLevel

    formattedEntry, err := a.formatter.Format(entry)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    coloredPrefix := []byte("\x1b[36mINFO")
    if bytes.HasPrefix(formattedEntry, coloredPrefix) {
        // Colored output
        coloredResult := append(formattedEntry[0:len(coloredPrefix)-4], []byte(strings.ToUpper(auditLogLevel))...)
        coloredResult = append(coloredResult, formattedEntry[len(coloredPrefix)+4:]...)
        return coloredResult, nil
    // Non-colored output
    return bytes.Replace(formattedEntry, []byte("level="+entry.Level.String()), []byte("level="+auditLogLevel), 1), nil

func (a jsonAuditFormatter) Format(entry *logrus.Entry) ([]byte, error) {
    formattedEntry, err := a.formatter.Format(entry)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    var logAsJSON map[string]interface{}
    err = json.Unmarshal(formattedEntry, &logAsJSON)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("audit: failed to unmarshal log entry: %w", err)
    logAsJSON["level"] = auditLogLevel
    return json.Marshal(logAsJSON)

// Log logs the given message as an audit event. The context must contain audit information.
func Log(ctx context.Context, logger *logrus.Entry, eventName string) *logrus.Entry {
    info := InfoFromContext(ctx)
    if info == nil {
        panic("audit: no audit info in context")
    if info.Actor == "" {
        panic("audit: actor is empty")
    if info.Operation == "" {
        panic("audit: operation is empty")
    if eventName == "" {
        panic("audit: eventName is empty")

    return auditLogger().WithFields(logger.Data).
        WithField("actor", info.Actor).
        WithField("operation", info.Operation).
        WithField("event", eventName)