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Test Coverage
 * Nuts node
 * Copyright (C) 2021 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package v1

import (

    ssi ""



var _ StrictServerInterface = (*Wrapper)(nil)
var _ core.ErrorStatusCodeResolver = (*Wrapper)(nil)

const (
    errOauthInvalidRequest   = "invalid_request"
    errOauthInvalidGrant     = "invalid_grant"
    errOauthUnsupportedGrant = "unsupported_grant_type"
    bearerTokenHeaderPrefix  = "bearer "

// Wrapper bridges the generated api types and http logic to the internal types and logic.
// It checks required parameters and message body. It converts data from api to internal types.
// Then passes the internal formats to the AuthenticationServices. Converts internal results back to the generated
// Api types. Handles errors and returns the correct http response. It does not perform any business logic.
type Wrapper struct {
    Auth               auth.AuthenticationServices
    CredentialResolver vcr.Resolver

// ResolveStatusCode maps errors returned by this API to specific HTTP status codes.
func (w *Wrapper) ResolveStatusCode(err error) int {
    return core.ResolveStatusCode(err, map[error]int{
        services.ErrSessionNotFound:            http.StatusNotFound,
        did.ErrInvalidDID:                      http.StatusBadRequest,
        services.InvalidContractRequestError{}: http.StatusBadRequest,

// Routes registers the Echo routes for the API.
func (w *Wrapper) Routes(router core.EchoRouter) {
    RegisterHandlers(router, NewStrictHandler(w, []StrictMiddlewareFunc{
        func(f StrictHandlerFunc, operationID string) StrictHandlerFunc {
            return func(ctx echo.Context, request interface{}) (response interface{}, err error) {
                ctx.Set(core.OperationIDContextKey, operationID)
                ctx.Set(core.ModuleNameContextKey, auth.ModuleName)
                ctx.Set(core.StatusCodeResolverContextKey, w)
                return f(ctx, request)
        func(f StrictHandlerFunc, operationID string) StrictHandlerFunc {
            return audit.StrictMiddleware(f, auth.ModuleName, operationID)

// VerifySignature handles the VerifySignature http request.
// It parses the request body, parses the verifiable presentation and calls the ContractNotary to verify the VP.
func (w Wrapper) VerifySignature(_ context.Context, request VerifySignatureRequestObject) (VerifySignatureResponseObject, error) {
    var err error
    checkTime := time.Now()
    if request.Body.CheckTime != nil {
        checkTime, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, *request.Body.CheckTime)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, core.InvalidInputError("could not parse checkTime: %w", err)
    validationResult, err := w.Auth.ContractNotary().VerifyVP(request.Body.VerifiablePresentation, &checkTime)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("unable to verify the verifiable presentation: %w", err)
    // Convert internal validationResult to api SignatureVerificationResponse
    response := SignatureVerificationResponse{}
    if validationResult.Validity() == contract.Valid {
        response.Validity = true

        credentials := map[string]interface{}{}
        for key, val := range validationResult.ContractAttributes() {
            credentials[key] = val
        response.Credentials = &credentials

        issuerAttributes := map[string]interface{}{}
        for key, val := range validationResult.DisclosedAttributes() {
            issuerAttributes[key] = val
        response.IssuerAttributes = &issuerAttributes

        vpType := validationResult.VPType()
        response.VpType = &vpType
    } else {
        log.Logger().Warnf("Signature verification failed, reason: %s", validationResult.Reason())
        response.Validity = false
    return VerifySignature200JSONResponse(response), nil

// CreateSignSession handles the CreateSignSession http request. It parses the parameters, finds the means handler and returns a session pointer which can be used to monitor the session.
func (w Wrapper) CreateSignSession(_ context.Context, request CreateSignSessionRequestObject) (CreateSignSessionResponseObject, error) {
    createSessionRequest := services.CreateSessionRequest{
        SigningMeans: string(request.Body.Means),
        Message:      request.Body.Payload,
        Params:       request.Body.Params,
    sessionPtr, err := w.Auth.ContractNotary().CreateSigningSession(createSessionRequest)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("unable to create sign challenge: %w", err)

    var keyValPointer map[string]interface{}
    err = convertToMap(sessionPtr, &keyValPointer)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("unable to build sessionPointer: %w", err)

    response := SignSessionResponse{
        SessionID:  sessionPtr.SessionID(),
        Means:      SignSessionResponseMeans(request.Body.Means),
        SessionPtr: keyValPointer,
    return CreateSignSession201JSONResponse(response), nil

// GetSignSessionStatus handles the http requests for getting the current status of a signing session.
func (w Wrapper) GetSignSessionStatus(ctx context.Context, request GetSignSessionStatusRequestObject) (GetSignSessionStatusResponseObject, error) {
    sessionStatus, err := w.Auth.ContractNotary().SigningSessionStatus(ctx, request.SessionID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get session status for %s, reason: %w", request.SessionID, err)
    vp, err := sessionStatus.VerifiablePresentation()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("error while building verifiable presentation: %w", err)
    var apiVp *VerifiablePresentation
    if vp != nil {
        apiVp = &VerifiablePresentation{}
        err = convertToMap(vp, apiVp)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to convert verifiable presentation: %w", err)
    response := SignSessionStatusResponse{Status: sessionStatus.Status(), VerifiablePresentation: apiVp}
    return GetSignSessionStatus200JSONResponse(response), nil

// GetContractByType handles the http request for finding a contract by type.
func (w Wrapper) GetContractByType(_ context.Context, request GetContractByTypeRequestObject) (GetContractByTypeResponseObject, error) {
    // convert generated data types to internal types
    var (
        contractLanguage contract.Language
        contractVersion  contract.Version
    if request.Params.Language != nil {
        contractLanguage = contract.Language(*request.Params.Language)

    if request.Params.Version != nil {
        contractVersion = contract.Version(*request.Params.Version)

    // get contract
    authContract := contract.StandardContractTemplates.Get(contract.Type(request.ContractType), contractLanguage, contractVersion)
    if authContract == nil {
        return nil, core.NotFoundError("could not find contract template")

    // convert internal data types to generated api types
    answer := Contract{
        Language:           ContractLanguage(authContract.Language),
        Template:           &authContract.Template,
        TemplateAttributes: &authContract.TemplateAttributes,
        Type:               ContractType(authContract.Type),
        Version:            ContractVersion(authContract.Version),

    return GetContractByType200JSONResponse(answer), nil

// DrawUpContract handles the http request for drawing up a contract for a given contract template identified by type, language and version.
func (w Wrapper) DrawUpContract(ctx context.Context, request DrawUpContractRequestObject) (DrawUpContractResponseObject, error) {
    var (
        vf            time.Time
        validDuration time.Duration
        err           error
    if request.Body.ValidFrom != nil {
        vf, err = time.Parse(time.RFC3339, *request.Body.ValidFrom)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, core.InvalidInputError("could not parse validFrom: %w", err)
    } else {
        vf = time.Now()

    if request.Body.ValidDuration != nil {
        validDuration, err = time.ParseDuration(*request.Body.ValidDuration)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, core.InvalidInputError("could not parse validDuration: %w", err)

    template := contract.StandardContractTemplates.Get(contract.Type(request.Body.Type), contract.Language(request.Body.Language), contract.Version(request.Body.Version))
    if template == nil {
        return nil, core.NotFoundError("no contract found for given combination of type, version, and language")
    orgID, err := did.ParseDID(request.Body.LegalEntity)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("invalid value '%s' for param legalEntity: %w", request.Body.LegalEntity, err)

    drawnUpContract, err := w.Auth.ContractNotary().DrawUpContract(ctx, *template, *orgID, vf, validDuration, request.Body.OrganizationCredential)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    response := ContractResponse{
        Language: ContractLanguage(drawnUpContract.Template.Language),
        Message:  drawnUpContract.RawContractText,
        Type:     ContractType(drawnUpContract.Template.Type),
        Version:  ContractVersion(drawnUpContract.Template.Version),
    return DrawUpContract200JSONResponse(response), nil

// CreateJwtGrant handles the http request (from the vendor's EPD/XIS) for creating a JWT bearer token which can be used to retrieve an access token from a remote Nuts node.
func (w Wrapper) CreateJwtGrant(ctx context.Context, request CreateJwtGrantRequestObject) (CreateJwtGrantResponseObject, error) {

    req := services.CreateJwtGrantRequest{
        Requester:   request.Body.Requester,
        Authorizer:  request.Body.Authorizer,
        IdentityVP:  request.Body.Identity,
        Service:     request.Body.Service,
        Credentials: request.Body.Credentials,

    response, err := w.Auth.RelyingParty().CreateJwtGrant(ctx, req)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError(err.Error())

    return CreateJwtGrant200JSONResponse{BearerToken: response.BearerToken, AuthorizationServerEndpoint: response.AuthorizationServerEndpoint}, nil

// RequestAccessToken handles the HTTP request (from the vendor's EPD/XIS) for creating a JWT grant and using it as authorization grant to get an access token from the remote Nuts node.
func (w Wrapper) RequestAccessToken(ctx context.Context, request RequestAccessTokenRequestObject) (RequestAccessTokenResponseObject, error) {
    req := services.CreateJwtGrantRequest{
        Requester:   request.Body.Requester,
        Authorizer:  request.Body.Authorizer,
        IdentityVP:  request.Body.Identity,
        Service:     request.Body.Service,
        Credentials: request.Body.Credentials,

    jwtGrant, err := w.Auth.RelyingParty().CreateJwtGrant(ctx, req)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError(err.Error())

    authServerEndpoint, err := url.Parse(jwtGrant.AuthorizationServerEndpoint)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("invalid authorization server endpoint: %s", jwtGrant.AuthorizationServerEndpoint)

    accessTokenResult, err := w.Auth.RelyingParty().RequestRFC003AccessToken(ctx, jwtGrant.BearerToken, *authServerEndpoint)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, core.Error(http.StatusServiceUnavailable, err.Error())
    return RequestAccessToken200JSONResponse(*accessTokenResult), nil

// CreateAccessToken handles the http request (from a remote vendor's Nuts node) for creating an access token for accessing
// resources of the local vendor's EPD/XIS. It consumes a JWT Bearer token.
// It consumes and checks the JWT and returns a smaller sessionToken
// The errors returns for this API do not follow RFC7807 but follow the oauth framework error response: RFC6749 (
func (w Wrapper) CreateAccessToken(ctx context.Context, request CreateAccessTokenRequestObject) (CreateAccessTokenResponseObject, error) {

    if request.Body.GrantType != client.JwtBearerGrantType {
        errorResponse := oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: errOauthUnsupportedGrant, Description: fmt.Sprintf("grant_type must be: '%s'", client.JwtBearerGrantType)}
        return CreateAccessToken400JSONResponse(errorResponse), nil

    const jwtPattern = `^[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_=]+\.?[A-Za-z0-9-_.+/=]*$`
    if matched, err := regexp.Match(jwtPattern, []byte(request.Body.Assertion)); !matched || err != nil {
        errorResponse := AccessTokenRequestFailedResponse{Code: errOauthInvalidGrant, Description: "Assertion must be a valid encoded jwt"}
        return CreateAccessToken400JSONResponse(errorResponse), nil

    catRequest := services.CreateAccessTokenRequest{RawJwtBearerToken: request.Body.Assertion}
    acResponse, oauthError := w.Auth.AuthzServer().CreateAccessToken(ctx, catRequest)
    if oauthError != nil {
        return CreateAccessToken400JSONResponse(*oauthError), nil
    response := AccessTokenResponse{
        AccessToken: acResponse.AccessToken,
        ExpiresIn:   acResponse.ExpiresIn,
        TokenType:   "bearer", // bearer token type according to RFC6750/RFC6749

    return CreateAccessToken200JSONResponse(response), nil

// VerifyAccessToken handles the http request (from the vendor's EPD/XIS) for verifying an access token received from a remote Nuts node.
func (w Wrapper) VerifyAccessToken(ctx context.Context, request VerifyAccessTokenRequestObject) (VerifyAccessTokenResponseObject, error) {
    if len(request.Params.Authorization) == 0 {
        log.Logger().Warn("No authorization header given")
        return VerifyAccessToken403Response{}, nil

    index := strings.Index(strings.ToLower(request.Params.Authorization), bearerTokenHeaderPrefix)
    if index != 0 {
        log.Logger().Warn("Authorization does not contain bearer token")
        return VerifyAccessToken403Response{}, nil

    token := request.Params.Authorization[len(bearerTokenHeaderPrefix):]

    _, err := w.Auth.AuthzServer().IntrospectAccessToken(ctx, token)
    if err != nil {
        log.Logger().WithError(err).Warn("Error while inspecting access token")
        return VerifyAccessToken403Response{}, nil

    return VerifyAccessToken200Response{}, nil

// IntrospectAccessToken handles the http request (from the vendor's EPD/XIS) for introspecting an access token received from a remote Nuts node.
func (w Wrapper) IntrospectAccessToken(ctx context.Context, request IntrospectAccessTokenRequestObject) (IntrospectAccessTokenResponseObject, error) {
    token := request.Body.Token

    introspectionResponse := TokenIntrospectionResponse{
        Active: false,

    if len(token) == 0 {
        log.Logger().Warn("Missing token for introspection")
        return IntrospectAccessToken200JSONResponse(introspectionResponse), nil

    claims, err := w.Auth.AuthzServer().IntrospectAccessToken(ctx, token)
    if err != nil {
        log.Logger().WithError(err).Warn("Error while inspecting access token")
        return IntrospectAccessToken200JSONResponse(introspectionResponse), nil

    exp := int(claims.Expiration)
    iat := int(claims.IssuedAt)

    introspectionResponse = TokenIntrospectionResponse{
        Active:     true,
        Sub:        &claims.Subject,
        Iss:        &claims.Issuer,
        Aud:        &claims.Audience,
        Exp:        &exp,
        Iat:        &iat,
        Service:    &claims.Service,
        Initials:   claims.Initials,
        Prefix:     claims.Prefix,
        FamilyName: claims.FamilyName,
        Email:      claims.Email,
        Username:   claims.Username,
        UserRole:   claims.UserRole,
    if claims.AssuranceLevel != nil {
        level := TokenIntrospectionResponseAssuranceLevel(*claims.AssuranceLevel)
        introspectionResponse.AssuranceLevel = &level

    if claims.Credentials != nil && len(claims.Credentials) > 0 {
        introspectionResponse.Vcs = &claims.Credentials

        var resolvedVCs []VerifiableCredential
        for _, credentialID := range claims.Credentials {
            credential, err := w.resolveCredential(credentialID)
            if err != nil {
                    WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialID, credentialID).
                    Warn("Error while resolving credential")
            resolvedVCs = append(resolvedVCs, *credential)
        introspectionResponse.ResolvedVCs = &resolvedVCs

    return IntrospectAccessToken200JSONResponse(introspectionResponse), nil

func (w *Wrapper) resolveCredential(credentialID string) (*vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    id, err := ssi.ParseURI(credentialID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return w.CredentialResolver.Resolve(*id, nil)

// convertToMap converts an object to a map[string]interface{} using json conversion
func convertToMap(obj interface{}, target interface{}) error {
    jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(obj)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not convert value to json: %w", err)
    if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonStr, target); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not convert json string to key value map: %w", err)
    return nil