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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package iam

import (

    nutsCrypto ""
    nutsHttp ""
    vcrTypes ""

var _ core.Routable = &Wrapper{}
var _ StrictServerInterface = &Wrapper{}

var oauthRequestObjectKey = []string{"oauth", "requestobject"}

const apiPath = "iam"
const apiModuleName = auth.ModuleName + "/" + apiPath

type httpRequestContextKey struct{}

// accessTokenValidity defines how long access tokens are valid.
// TODO: Might want to make this configurable at some point
const accessTokenValidity = 15 * time.Minute

const oid4vciSessionValidity = 15 * time.Minute

// cacheControlMaxAgeURLs holds API endpoints that should have a max-age cache control header set.
var cacheControlMaxAgeURLs = []string{

// cacheControlNoCacheURLs holds API endpoints that should have a no-cache cache control header set.
var cacheControlNoCacheURLs = []string{

type TokenIntrospectionResponse = ExtendedTokenIntrospectionResponse

//go:embed assets
var assetsFS embed.FS

// Wrapper handles OAuth2 flows.
type Wrapper struct {
    auth          auth.AuthenticationServices
    policyBackend policy.PDPBackend
    storageEngine storage.Engine
    jsonldManager jsonld.JSONLD
    vcr           vcr.VCR
    vdr           vdr.VDR
    jwtSigner     nutsCrypto.JWTSigner
    keyResolver   resolver.KeyResolver
    jar           JAR

func New(
    authInstance auth.AuthenticationServices, vcrInstance vcr.VCR, vdrInstance vdr.VDR, storageEngine storage.Engine,
    policyBackend policy.PDPBackend, jwtSigner nutsCrypto.JWTSigner, jsonldManager jsonld.JSONLD) *Wrapper {
    templates := template.New("oauth2 templates")
    _, err := templates.ParseFS(assetsFS, "assets/*.html")
    if err != nil {
    return &Wrapper{
        auth:          authInstance,
        policyBackend: policyBackend,
        storageEngine: storageEngine,
        vcr:           vcrInstance,
        vdr:           vdrInstance,
        jsonldManager: jsonldManager,
        jwtSigner:     jwtSigner,
        keyResolver:   resolver.DIDKeyResolver{Resolver: vdrInstance.Resolver()},
        jar: &jar{
            auth:        authInstance,
            jwtSigner:   jwtSigner,
            keyResolver: resolver.DIDKeyResolver{Resolver: vdrInstance.Resolver()},

func (r Wrapper) Routes(router core.EchoRouter) {
    RegisterHandlers(router, NewStrictHandler(r, []StrictMiddlewareFunc{
        func(f StrictHandlerFunc, operationID string) StrictHandlerFunc {
            return func(ctx echo.Context, request interface{}) (response interface{}, err error) {
                return r.strictMiddleware(ctx, request, operationID, f)
        func(f StrictHandlerFunc, operationID string) StrictHandlerFunc {
            return audit.StrictMiddleware(f, apiModuleName, operationID)
    // The following handlers are used for the user facing OAuth2 flows.
    router.GET("/oauth2/:did/user", r.handleUserLanding, func(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
        return func(c echo.Context) error {
            middleware(c, "handleUserLanding")
            return next(c)
    }, audit.Middleware(apiModuleName))
    router.Use(cache.MaxAge(5*time.Minute, cacheControlMaxAgeURLs...).Handle)
        Skipper: func(c echo.Context) bool {
            // The following URLs require a user session:
            paths := []string{
            for _, path := range paths {
                if c.Path() == path {
                    return false
            return true
        TimeOut: time.Hour,
        Store:   r.storageEngine.GetSessionDatabase().GetStore(time.Hour, "user", "session"),
        CookiePath: func(tenantDID did.DID) string {
            baseURL, _ := createOAuth2BaseURL(tenantDID)
            // error only happens on invalid did:web DID, which can't happen here
            return baseURL.Path

func (r Wrapper) strictMiddleware(ctx echo.Context, request interface{}, operationID string, f StrictHandlerFunc) (interface{}, error) {
    middleware(ctx, operationID)
    return f(ctx, request)

func middleware(ctx echo.Context, operationID string) {
    ctx.Set(core.OperationIDContextKey, operationID)
    ctx.Set(core.ModuleNameContextKey, apiModuleName)

    // Add http.Request to context, to allow reading URL query parameters
    requestCtx := context.WithValue(ctx.Request().Context(), httpRequestContextKey{}, ctx.Request())
    if strings.HasPrefix(ctx.Request().URL.Path, "/oauth2/") {
        ctx.Set(core.ErrorWriterContextKey, &oauth.Oauth2ErrorWriter{
            HtmlPageTemplate: assets.ErrorTemplate,

// ResolveStatusCode maps errors returned by this API to specific HTTP status codes.
func (r Wrapper) ResolveStatusCode(err error) int {
    return core.ResolveStatusCode(err, map[error]int{
        vcrTypes.ErrNotFound:                http.StatusNotFound,
        resolver.ErrDIDNotManagedByThisNode: http.StatusBadRequest,

// HandleTokenRequest handles calls to the token endpoint for exchanging a grant (e.g authorization code or pre-authorized code) for an access token.
func (r Wrapper) HandleTokenRequest(ctx context.Context, request HandleTokenRequestRequestObject) (HandleTokenRequestResponseObject, error) {
    ownDID, err := r.toOwnedDIDForOAuth2(ctx, request.Did)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    switch request.Body.GrantType {
    case oauth.AuthorizationCodeGrantType:
        // Options:
        // - OpenID4VCI
        // - OpenID4VP
        // verifier DID is taken from code->oauthSession storage
        return r.handleAccessTokenRequest(ctx, *request.Body)
    case oauth.PreAuthorizedCodeGrantType:
        // Options:
        // - OpenID4VCI
        // todo: add to grantTypesSupported in AS metadata once supported
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:        oauth.UnsupportedGrantType,
            Description: "not implemented yet",
    case oauth.VpTokenGrantType:
        // Nuts RFC021 vp_token bearer flow
        if request.Body.PresentationSubmission == nil || request.Body.Scope == nil || request.Body.Assertion == nil {
            return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
                Code:        oauth.InvalidRequest,
                Description: "missing required parameters",
        return r.handleS2SAccessTokenRequest(ctx, *ownDID, *request.Body.Scope, *request.Body.PresentationSubmission, *request.Body.Assertion)
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:        oauth.UnsupportedGrantType,
            Description: fmt.Sprintf("grant_type '%s' is not supported", request.Body.GrantType),

func (r Wrapper) Callback(ctx context.Context, request CallbackRequestObject) (CallbackResponseObject, error) {
    // validate request
    // check did in path
    ownDID, err := r.toOwnedDID(ctx, request.Did)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // check if state is present and resolves to a client state
    if request.Params.State == nil || *request.Params.State == "" {
        // without state it is an invalid request, but try to provide as much useful information as possible
        if request.Params.Error != nil && *request.Params.Error != "" {
            callbackError := callbackRequestToError(request, nil)
            callbackError.InternalError = errors.New("missing state parameter")
            return nil, callbackError
        return nil, oauthError(oauth.InvalidRequest, "missing state parameter")
    oauthSession := new(OAuthSession)
    if err = r.oauthClientStateStore().Get(*request.Params.State, oauthSession); err != nil {
        return nil, oauthError(oauth.InvalidRequest, "invalid or expired state", err)
    if !ownDID.Equals(*oauthSession.OwnDID) {
        // TODO: this is a manipulated request, add error logging?
        return nil, withCallbackURI(oauthError(oauth.InvalidRequest, "session DID does not match request"), oauthSession.redirectURI())

    // if error is present, redirect error back to application initiating the flow
    if request.Params.Error != nil && *request.Params.Error != "" {
        return nil, callbackRequestToError(request, oauthSession.redirectURI())

    // check if code is present
    if request.Params.Code == nil || *request.Params.Code == "" {
        return nil, withCallbackURI(oauthError(oauth.InvalidRequest, "missing code parameter"), oauthSession.redirectURI())

    // continue flow
    switch oauthSession.ClientFlow {
    case credentialRequestClientFlow:
        return r.handleOpenID4VCICallback(ctx, *request.Params.Code, oauthSession)
    case accessTokenRequestClientFlow:
        return r.handleCallback(ctx, *request.Params.Code, oauthSession)
        // programming error, should never happen
        return nil, withCallbackURI(oauthError(oauth.ServerError, "unknown client flow for callback: '"+oauthSession.ClientFlow+"'"), oauthSession.redirectURI())

// callbackRequestToError should only be used if request.params.Error is present
func callbackRequestToError(request CallbackRequestObject, redirectURI *url.URL) oauth.OAuth2Error {
    requestErr := oauth.OAuth2Error{
        Code:        oauth.ErrorCode(*request.Params.Error),
        RedirectURI: redirectURI,
    if request.Params.ErrorDescription != nil {
        requestErr.Description = *request.Params.ErrorDescription
    return requestErr

func (r Wrapper) RetrieveAccessToken(_ context.Context, request RetrieveAccessTokenRequestObject) (RetrieveAccessTokenResponseObject, error) {
    // get access token from store
    var token TokenResponse
    err := r.accessTokenClientStore().Get(request.SessionID, &token)
    if err != nil {
        if errors.Is(err, storage.ErrNotFound) {
            return nil, core.NotFoundError("session not found")
        return nil, err
    if token.Get("status") == oauth.AccessTokenRequestStatusPending {
        // return pending status
        return RetrieveAccessToken200JSONResponse(token), nil
    // access token is active, return to caller and delete access token from store
    // change this when tokens can be cached
    err = r.accessTokenClientStore().Delete(request.SessionID)
    if err != nil {
        log.Logger().WithError(err).Warn("Failed to delete access token")
    // return access token
    return RetrieveAccessToken200JSONResponse(token), nil

// IntrospectAccessToken allows the resource server (XIS/EHR) to introspect details of an access token issued by this node
func (r Wrapper) IntrospectAccessToken(_ context.Context, request IntrospectAccessTokenRequestObject) (IntrospectAccessTokenResponseObject, error) {
    input := request.Body.Token
    response, err := r.introspectAccessToken(input)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    } else if response == nil {
        return IntrospectAccessToken200JSONResponse{}, nil
    response.Vps = nil
    response.PresentationDefinitions = nil
    response.PresentationSubmissions = nil
    return IntrospectAccessToken200JSONResponse(*response), nil

// IntrospectAccessTokenExtended allows the resource server (XIS/EHR) to introspect details of an access token issued by this node.
// It returns the same information as IntrospectAccessToken, but with additional information.
func (r Wrapper) IntrospectAccessTokenExtended(_ context.Context, request IntrospectAccessTokenExtendedRequestObject) (IntrospectAccessTokenExtendedResponseObject, error) {
    input := request.Body.Token
    response, err := r.introspectAccessToken(input)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    } else if response == nil {
        return IntrospectAccessTokenExtended200JSONResponse{}, nil
    return IntrospectAccessTokenExtended200JSONResponse(*response), nil

func (r Wrapper) introspectAccessToken(input string) (*ExtendedTokenIntrospectionResponse, error) {
    // Validate token
    if input == "" {
        // Return 200 + 'Active = false' when token is invalid or malformed
        log.Logger().Debug("IntrospectAccessToken: missing token")
        return nil, nil

    token := AccessToken{}
    if err := r.accessTokenServerStore().Get(input, &token); err != nil {
        // Return 200 + 'Active = false' when token is invalid or malformed
        if errors.Is(err, storage.ErrNotFound) {
            log.Logger().Debug("IntrospectAccessToken: token not found (unknown or expired)")
            return nil, nil
        log.Logger().WithError(err).Error("IntrospectAccessToken: failed to retrieve token")
        return nil, err

    if token.Expiration.Before(time.Now()) {
        // Return 200 + 'Active = false' when token is invalid or malformed
        // can happen between token expiration and pruning of database
        log.Logger().Debug("IntrospectAccessToken: token is expired")
        return nil, nil

    // Optional:
    // Use DPoP from token to generate JWK thumbprint for public key
    // deserialization of the DPoP struct from the accessTokenServerStore triggers validation of the DPoP header
    // SHA256 hashing won't fail.
    var cnf *Cnf
    if token.DPoP != nil {
        hash, _ := token.DPoP.Headers.JWK().Thumbprint(crypto.SHA256)
        base64Hash := base64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(hash)
        cnf = &Cnf{Jkt: base64Hash}

    // Create and return introspection response
    iat := int(token.IssuedAt.Unix())
    exp := int(token.Expiration.Unix())
    response := ExtendedTokenIntrospectionResponse{
        Active:                  true,
        Cnf:                     cnf,
        Iat:                     &iat,
        Exp:                     &exp,
        Iss:                     &token.Issuer,
        Sub:                     &token.Issuer,
        ClientId:                &token.ClientId,
        Scope:                   &token.Scope,
        Vps:                     &token.VPToken,
        PresentationDefinitions: &token.PresentationDefinitions,
        PresentationSubmissions: &token.PresentationSubmissions,

    if token.InputDescriptorConstraintIdMap != nil {
        for _, reserved := range []string{"iss", "sub", "exp", "iat", "active", "client_id", "scope"} {
            if _, isReserved := token.InputDescriptorConstraintIdMap[reserved]; isReserved {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("IntrospectAccessToken: InputDescriptorConstraintIdMap contains reserved claim name: %s", reserved)
        response.AdditionalProperties = token.InputDescriptorConstraintIdMap
    return &response, nil

// HandleAuthorizeRequest handles calls to the authorization endpoint for starting an authorization code flow.
func (r Wrapper) HandleAuthorizeRequest(ctx context.Context, request HandleAuthorizeRequestRequestObject) (HandleAuthorizeRequestResponseObject, error) {
    ownDID, err := r.toOwnedDIDForOAuth2(ctx, request.Did)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Workaround: deepmap codegen doesn't support dynamic query parameters.
    //             See
    httpRequest := ctx.Value(httpRequestContextKey{}).(*http.Request)
    return r.handleAuthorizeRequest(ctx, *ownDID, *httpRequest.URL)

// handleAuthorizeRequest handles calls to the authorization endpoint for starting an authorization code flow.
// The caller must ensure ownDID is actually owned by this node.
func (r Wrapper) handleAuthorizeRequest(ctx context.Context, ownDID did.DID, request url.URL) (HandleAuthorizeRequestResponseObject, error) {
    // parse and validate as JAR (RFC9101, JWT Authorization Request)
    requestObject, err := r.jar.Parse(ctx, ownDID, request.Query())
    if err != nil {
        // already an oauth.OAuth2Error
        return nil, err

    switch requestObject.get(oauth.ResponseTypeParam) {
    case oauth.CodeResponseType:
        // Options:
        // - Regular authorization code flow for EHR data access through access token, authentication of end-user using OpenID4VP.
        // - OpenID4VCI; authorization code flow for credential issuance to (end-user) wallet

        // TODO: officially flow switching has to be determined by the client_id
        // registered client_ids should list which flow they support
        // client registration could be done via rfc7591....
        // for now we switch on client_id format.
        // when client_id is a did:web, it is a cloud/server wallet
        // otherwise it's a normal registered client which we do not support yet
        // Note: this is the user facing OpenID4VP flow with a "vp_token" responseType, the demo uses the "vp_token id_token" responseType
        clientId := requestObject.get(oauth.ClientIDParam)
        if strings.HasPrefix(clientId, "did:web:") {
            // client is a cloud wallet with user
            return r.handleAuthorizeRequestFromHolder(ctx, ownDID, requestObject)
        } else {
            return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
                Code:        oauth.InvalidRequest,
                Description: "client_id must be a did:web",
    case oauth.VPTokenResponseType:
        // Options:
        // - OpenID4VP flow, vp_token is sent in Authorization Response
        // non-spec: if the scheme is openid4vp (URL starts with openid4vp:), the OpenID4VP request should be handled by a user wallet, rather than an organization wallet.
        //           Requests to user wallets can then be rendered as QR-code (or use a cloud wallet).
        //           Note that it can't be called from the outside, but only by internal dispatch (since Echo doesn't handle openid4vp:, obviously).
        walletOwnerType := pe.WalletOwnerOrganization
        if strings.HasPrefix(request.String(), "openid4vp:") {
            walletOwnerType = pe.WalletOwnerUser
        return r.handleAuthorizeRequestFromVerifier(ctx, ownDID, requestObject, walletOwnerType)
        // TODO: This should be a redirect?
        redirectURI, _ := url.Parse(requestObject.get(oauth.RedirectURIParam))
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:        oauth.UnsupportedResponseType,
            RedirectURI: redirectURI,

// RequestJWTByGet returns the Request Object referenced as 'request_uri' in an authorization request.
// RFC9101: The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: JWT-Secured Authorization Request (JAR).
func (r Wrapper) RequestJWTByGet(ctx context.Context, request RequestJWTByGetRequestObject) (RequestJWTByGetResponseObject, error) {
    ro := new(jarRequest)
    err := r.authzRequestObjectStore().GetAndDelete(request.Id, ro)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:        oauth.InvalidRequest,
            Description: "request object not found",
    // compare raw strings, don't waste a db call to see if we own the request.Did.
    if ro.Client.String() != request.Did {
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:        oauth.InvalidRequest,
            Description: "client_id does not match request",
    if ro.RequestURIMethod != "get" { // case sensitive
        // TODO: wallet does not support `request_uri_method=post`. Spec is unclear if this should fail, or fallback to using staticAuthorizationServerMetadata().
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:          oauth.InvalidRequest,
            Description:   "used request_uri_method 'get' on a 'post' request_uri",
            InternalError: errors.New("wrong 'request_uri_method' authorization server or wallet probably does not support 'request_uri_method'"),

    // TODO: supported signature types should be checked
    token, err := r.jar.Sign(ctx, ro.Claims)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:          oauth.ServerError,
            Description:   "unable to create Request Object",
            InternalError: fmt.Errorf("failed to sign authorization Request Object: %w", err),
    return RequestJWTByGet200ApplicationoauthAuthzReqJwtResponse{
        Body:          bytes.NewReader([]byte(token)),
        ContentLength: int64(len(token)),
    }, nil

// RequestJWTByPost returns the Request Object referenced as 'request_uri' in an authorization request.
// Extension of OpenID 4 Verifiable Presentations (OpenID4VP) on
// RFC9101: The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: JWT-Secured Authorization Request (JAR).
func (r Wrapper) RequestJWTByPost(ctx context.Context, request RequestJWTByPostRequestObject) (RequestJWTByPostResponseObject, error) {
    ro := new(jarRequest)
    err := r.authzRequestObjectStore().GetAndDelete(request.Id, ro)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:        oauth.InvalidRequest,
            Description: "request object not found",
    // compare raw strings, don't waste a db call to see if we own the request.Did.
    if ro.Client.String() != request.Did {
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:        oauth.InvalidRequest,
            Description: "client_id does not match request",
    if ro.RequestURIMethod != "post" { // case sensitive
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:        oauth.InvalidRequest,
            Description: "used request_uri_method 'post' on a 'get' request_uri",

    walletMetadata := staticAuthorizationServerMetadata()
    if request.Body != nil {
        if request.Body.WalletMetadata != nil {
            walletMetadata = *request.Body.WalletMetadata
        if request.Body.WalletNonce != nil {
            ro.Claims[oauth.WalletNonceParam] = *request.Body.WalletNonce
    ro.Claims[jwt.AudienceKey] = walletMetadata.Issuer

    // TODO: supported signature types should be checked
    token, err := r.jar.Sign(ctx, ro.Claims)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:          oauth.ServerError,
            Description:   "unable to create Request Object",
            InternalError: fmt.Errorf("failed to sign authorization Request Object: %w", err),
    return RequestJWTByPost200ApplicationoauthAuthzReqJwtResponse{
        Body:          bytes.NewReader([]byte(token)),
        ContentLength: int64(len(token)),
    }, nil

// OAuthAuthorizationServerMetadata returns the Authorization Server's metadata
func (r Wrapper) OAuthAuthorizationServerMetadata(ctx context.Context, request OAuthAuthorizationServerMetadataRequestObject) (OAuthAuthorizationServerMetadataResponseObject, error) {
    didAsString := r.requestedDID(request.Id).String()
    md, err := r.oauthAuthorizationServerMetadata(ctx, didAsString)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return OAuthAuthorizationServerMetadata200JSONResponse(*md), nil

func (r Wrapper) RootOAuthAuthorizationServerMetadata(ctx context.Context, request RootOAuthAuthorizationServerMetadataRequestObject) (RootOAuthAuthorizationServerMetadataResponseObject, error) {
    md, err := r.oauthAuthorizationServerMetadata(ctx, r.requestedDID("").String())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return RootOAuthAuthorizationServerMetadata200JSONResponse(*md), nil

func (r Wrapper) oauthAuthorizationServerMetadata(ctx context.Context, didAsString string) (*oauth.AuthorizationServerMetadata, error) {
    ownDID, err := r.toOwnedDID(ctx, didAsString)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return authorizationServerMetadata(*ownDID)

func (r Wrapper) GetTenantWebDID(_ context.Context, request GetTenantWebDIDRequestObject) (GetTenantWebDIDResponseObject, error) {
    ownDID := r.requestedDID(request.Id)
    document, err := r.vdr.ResolveManaged(ownDID)
    if err != nil {
        if resolver.IsFunctionalResolveError(err) {
            return GetTenantWebDID404Response{}, nil
        log.Logger().WithError(err).Errorf("Could not resolve tenant did:web: %s", ownDID.String())
        return nil, errors.New("unable to resolve DID")
    return GetTenantWebDID200JSONResponse(*document), nil

func (r Wrapper) GetRootWebDID(ctx context.Context, _ GetRootWebDIDRequestObject) (GetRootWebDIDResponseObject, error) {
    ownDID := r.requestedDID("")
    document, err := r.vdr.ResolveManaged(ownDID)
    if err != nil {
        if resolver.IsFunctionalResolveError(err) {
            return GetRootWebDID404Response{}, nil
        log.Logger().WithError(err).Errorf("Could not resolve root did:web: %s", ownDID.String())
        return nil, errors.New("unable to resolve DID")
    return GetRootWebDID200JSONResponse(*document), nil

// OAuthClientMetadata returns the OAuth2 Client metadata for the request.Id if it is managed by this node.
func (r Wrapper) OAuthClientMetadata(ctx context.Context, request OAuthClientMetadataRequestObject) (OAuthClientMetadataResponseObject, error) {
    ownedDID, err := r.toOwnedDID(ctx, request.Did)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    identityURL, err := createOAuth2BaseURL(*ownedDID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return OAuthClientMetadata200JSONResponse(clientMetadata(*identityURL)), nil
func (r Wrapper) PresentationDefinition(ctx context.Context, request PresentationDefinitionRequestObject) (PresentationDefinitionResponseObject, error) {
    if len(request.Params.Scope) == 0 {
        return PresentationDefinition200JSONResponse(PresentationDefinition{}), nil

    authorizer, err := r.toOwnedDIDForOAuth2(ctx, request.Did)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    mapping, err := r.policyBackend.PresentationDefinitions(ctx, *authorizer, request.Params.Scope)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
            Code:        oauth.InvalidScope,
            Description: err.Error(),

    walletOwnerType := pe.WalletOwnerOrganization
    if request.Params.WalletOwnerType != nil {
        walletOwnerType = *request.Params.WalletOwnerType
    result, exists := mapping[walletOwnerType]
    if !exists {
        return nil, oauthError(oauth.InvalidRequest, fmt.Sprintf("no presentation definition found for '%s' wallet", walletOwnerType))

    return PresentationDefinition200JSONResponse(result), nil

// toOwnedDIDForOAuth2 is like toOwnedDID but wraps the errors in oauth.OAuth2Error to make sure they're returned as specified by the OAuth2 RFC.
func (r Wrapper) toOwnedDIDForOAuth2(ctx context.Context, didAsString string) (*did.DID, error) {
    result, err := r.toOwnedDID(ctx, didAsString)
    if err != nil {
        if strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "DID resolution failed") {
            return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
                Code:        oauth.ServerError,
                Description: err.Error(),
        } else {
            return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{
                Code:        oauth.InvalidRequest,
                Description: err.Error(),
    return result, nil

func (r Wrapper) toOwnedDID(ctx context.Context, didAsString string) (*did.DID, error) {
    ownDID, err := did.ParseDID(didAsString)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid DID: %s", err)
    owned, err := r.vdr.IsOwner(ctx, *ownDID)
    if err != nil {
        if resolver.IsFunctionalResolveError(err) {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid issuer DID: %s", err)
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("DID resolution failed: %w", err)
    if !owned {
        return nil, resolver.ErrDIDNotManagedByThisNode
    return ownDID, nil

func (r Wrapper) RequestServiceAccessToken(ctx context.Context, request RequestServiceAccessTokenRequestObject) (RequestServiceAccessTokenResponseObject, error) {
    requestHolder, err := r.toOwnedDID(ctx, request.Did)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    var credentials []VerifiableCredential
    if request.Body.Credentials != nil {
        credentials = *request.Body.Credentials

    // resolve verifier metadata
    requestVerifier, err := did.ParseDID(request.Body.Verifier)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("invalid verifier: %w", err)

    useDPoP := true
    if request.Body.TokenType != nil && strings.EqualFold(string(*request.Body.TokenType), AccessTokenTypeBearer) {
        useDPoP = false
    tokenResult, err := r.auth.IAMClient().RequestRFC021AccessToken(ctx, *requestHolder, *requestVerifier, request.Body.Scope, useDPoP, credentials)
    if err != nil {
        // this can be an internal server error, a 400 oauth error or a 412 precondition failed if the wallet does not contain the required credentials
        return nil, err
    return RequestServiceAccessToken200JSONResponse(*tokenResult), nil

func (r Wrapper) RequestUserAccessToken(ctx context.Context, request RequestUserAccessTokenRequestObject) (RequestUserAccessTokenResponseObject, error) {
    requestHolder, err := r.toOwnedDID(ctx, request.Did)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Note: When we support authentication at an external IdP,
    //       the properties below become conditionally required.
    if request.Body.PreauthorizedUser == nil {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("missing preauthorized_user")
    if request.Body.PreauthorizedUser.Id == "" {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("missing")
    if request.Body.PreauthorizedUser.Name == "" {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("missing")
    if request.Body.PreauthorizedUser.Role == "" {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("missing preauthorized_user.role")

    if request.Body.RedirectUri == "" {
        return nil, core.InvalidInputError("missing redirect_uri")

    // session ID for calling app (supports polling for token)
    sessionID := nutsCrypto.GenerateNonce()

    // generate a redirect token valid for 5 seconds
    token := nutsCrypto.GenerateNonce()
    err = r.userRedirectStore().Put(token, RedirectSession{
        AccessTokenRequest: request,
        SessionID:          sessionID,
        OwnDID:             *requestHolder,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    tokenResponse := (&TokenResponse{}).With("status", oauth.AccessTokenRequestStatusPending)
    if err = r.accessTokenClientStore().Put(sessionID, tokenResponse); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // generate a link to the redirect endpoint
    webURL, err := createOAuth2BaseURL(*requestHolder)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    webURL = webURL.JoinPath("user")
    // redirect to generic user page, context of token will render correct page
    redirectURL := nutsHttp.AddQueryParams(*webURL, map[string]string{
        "token": token,
    return RequestUserAccessToken200JSONResponse{
        RedirectUri: redirectURL.String(),
        SessionId:   sessionID,
    }, nil

func (r Wrapper) StatusList(ctx context.Context, request StatusListRequestObject) (StatusListResponseObject, error) {
    requestDID, err := did.ParseDID(request.Did)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    cred, err := r.vcr.Issuer().StatusList(ctx, *requestDID, request.Page)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return StatusList200JSONResponse(*cred), nil

func (r Wrapper) openid4vciMetadata(ctx context.Context, issuerDid did.DID) (*oauth.OpenIDCredentialIssuerMetadata, *oauth.AuthorizationServerMetadata, error) {
    oauthIssuer, err := didweb.DIDToURL(issuerDid)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid issuer: %w", err)
    credentialIssuerMetadata, err := r.auth.IAMClient().OpenIdCredentialIssuerMetadata(ctx, oauthIssuer.String())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // OpenID4VCI allows multiple AuthorizationServers in credentialIssuerMetadata for a single issuer. (allows delegating issuance per VC type)
    // TODO: smart select the correct authorization server based on the metadata
    // For now we just accept the first successful result, and lookup the metadata.
    var ASMetadata *oauth.AuthorizationServerMetadata
    for _, serverURL := range credentialIssuerMetadata.AuthorizationServers {
        ASMetadata, err = r.auth.IAMClient().AuthorizationServerMetadata(ctx, serverURL)
        if err == nil {
    if ASMetadata == nil {
        // authorization_servers is an optional field. When no authorization servers are listed, the oauth Issuer is the authorization server.
        // also try issuer in case all others fail
        ASMetadata, err = r.auth.IAMClient().AuthorizationServerMetadata(ctx, oauthIssuer.String())
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err
    return credentialIssuerMetadata, ASMetadata, nil

// createAuthorizationRequest creates an OAuth2.0 authorizationRequest redirect URL that redirects to the authorization server.
// It can create both regular OAuth2 requests and OpenID4VP requests due to the requestObjectModifier.
// This modifier is used by JAR.Create to generate a (JAR) request object that is added as 'request_uri' parameter.
// It's able to create an unsigned request and a signed request (JAR) based on the OAuth Server Metadata.
func (r Wrapper) createAuthorizationRequest(ctx context.Context, client did.DID, server *did.DID, modifier requestObjectModifier) (*url.URL, error) {
    metadata := new(oauth.AuthorizationServerMetadata)
    if server != nil {
        // we want to make a call according to ยง4.1.1 of RFC6749,
        // The URL should be listed in the verifier metadata under the "authorization_endpoint" key
        oauthIssuer, err := didweb.DIDToURL(*server)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        metadata, err = r.auth.IAMClient().AuthorizationServerMetadata(ctx, oauthIssuer.String())
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve remote OAuth Authorization Server metadata: %w", err)
        if len(metadata.AuthorizationEndpoint) == 0 {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("no authorization endpoint found in metadata for %s", *server)
    } else {
        // if the server is unknown/nil we are talking to a wallet.
        // use static configuration while we try to determine the wallet that will answer the authorization request. (user wallet / QR code flow)
        *metadata = staticAuthorizationServerMetadata()
        // TODO: metadata.RequireSignedRequestObject == false.
        //         This means we send both a request_uri and add all params to the authorization request as query params.
        //        The resulting url is too long and will be rejected by mobile devices.
    endpoint, err := url.Parse(metadata.AuthorizationEndpoint)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse authorization endpoint URL: %w", err)

    // request_uri
    requestURIID := nutsCrypto.GenerateNonce()
    requestObj := r.jar.Create(client, server, modifier)
    if err := r.authzRequestObjectStore().Put(requestURIID, requestObj); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    baseURL, err := createOAuth2BaseURL(client)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    requestURI := baseURL.JoinPath("request.jwt", requestURIID)

    // JAR request
    params := map[string]string{
        oauth.ClientIDParam:         client.String(),
        oauth.RequestURIMethodParam: requestObj.RequestURIMethod,
        oauth.RequestURIParam:       requestURI.String(),
    if metadata.RequireSignedRequestObject {
        redirectURL := nutsHttp.AddQueryParams(*endpoint, params)
        return &redirectURL, nil
    // else; unclear if AS has support for RFC9101, so also add all modifiers to the query itself
    // left here for completeness, node 2 node interaction always uses JAR since the AS metadata has it hardcoded
    // TODO: in the user flow we have no AS metadata, meaning that we add all params to the query.
    //         This is most likely going to fail on mobile devices due to request url length.
    redirectURL := nutsHttp.AddQueryParams(*endpoint, params)
    return &redirectURL, nil

// requestedDID constructs a did:web DID as it was requested by the API caller. It can be a DID with or without user path, e.g.:
// -
// - did:web:example:iam:1234
// When userID is given, it's appended to the DID as `:iam:<userID>`. If it's absent, the DID is returned as is.
func (r Wrapper) requestedDID(userID string) did.DID {
    identityURL := r.identityURL(userID)
    result, _ := didweb.URLToDID(*identityURL)
    return *result

// identityURL is like requestedDID() but returns the base URL for the DID.
// It is used for resolving metadata and its did:web DID, using the configured Nuts node URL.
func (r Wrapper) identityURL(userID string) *url.URL {
    baseURL := r.auth.PublicURL()
    if userID == "" {
        return baseURL
    return baseURL.JoinPath("iam", userID)

// accessTokenClientStore is used by the client to store pending access tokens and return them to the calling app.
func (r Wrapper) accessTokenClientStore() storage.SessionStore {
    return r.storageEngine.GetSessionDatabase().GetStore(accessTokenValidity, "clientaccesstoken")

// accessTokenServerStore is used by the Auth server to store issued access tokens
func (r Wrapper) accessTokenServerStore() storage.SessionStore {
    return r.storageEngine.GetSessionDatabase().GetStore(accessTokenValidity, "serveraccesstoken")

// accessTokenServerStore is used by the Auth server to store issued access tokens
func (r Wrapper) authzRequestObjectStore() storage.SessionStore {
    return r.storageEngine.GetSessionDatabase().GetStore(accessTokenValidity, oauthRequestObjectKey...)

// createOAuth2BaseURL creates an OAuth2 base URL for an owned did:web DID
// It creates a URL in the following format: https://<did:web host>/oauth2/<did>
func createOAuth2BaseURL(webDID did.DID) (*url.URL, error) {
    didURL, err := didweb.DIDToURL(webDID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to convert DID to URL: %w", err)
    return didURL.Parse("/oauth2/" + webDID.String())