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 * Copyright (C) 2024 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package iam

import (

    cryptoNuts ""

// requestObjectModifier is a function that modifies the Claims/params of an unsigned or signed (JWT) OAuth2 request
type requestObjectModifier func(claims map[string]string)

type jarRequest struct {
    Claims           oauthParameters `json:"claims"`
    Client           did.DID         `json:"client_id"`
    RequestURIMethod string          `json:"request_uri_method"`

var _ JAR = &jar{}

type jar struct {
    auth        auth.AuthenticationServices
    jwtSigner   cryptoNuts.JWTSigner
    keyResolver resolver.KeyResolver

type JAR interface {
    // Create an unsigned request object.
    // By default, it adds the following parameters:
    //  - client_id
    //  - iss
    //  - aud (if server is not nil)
    // the request_uri_method is determined by the presence of a server (get) or not (post)
    Create(client did.DID, server *did.DID, modifier requestObjectModifier) jarRequest
    // Sign the jarRequest, which is available on jarRequest.Token.
    // Returns an error if the jarRequest already contains a signed JWT.
    // TODO: check if signature type of client is supported by the AS/wallet.
    Sign(ctx context.Context, claims oauthParameters) (string, error)
    // Parse and validate an incoming authorization request.
    // Requests that do not conform to RFC9101 or OpenID4VP result in an error.
    Parse(ctx context.Context, ownDID did.DID, q url.Values) (oauthParameters, error)

func (j jar) Create(client did.DID, server *did.DID, modifier requestObjectModifier) jarRequest {
    return createJarRequest(client, server, modifier)

func createJarRequest(client did.DID, server *did.DID, modifier requestObjectModifier) jarRequest {
    requestURIMethod := "post"
    // default claims for JAR
    params := map[string]string{
        jwt.IssuerKey:       client.String(),
        oauth.ClientIDParam: client.String(),
    if server != nil {
        requestURIMethod = "get"
        params[jwt.AudienceKey] = server.String()

    // additional claims can be added by the caller

    oauthParams := make(oauthParameters, len(params))
    for k, v := range params {
        oauthParams[k] = v
    return jarRequest{
        Claims:           oauthParams,
        Client:           client,
        RequestURIMethod: requestURIMethod,

func (j jar) Sign(ctx context.Context, claims oauthParameters) (string, error) {
    clientID := claims.get(oauth.ClientIDParam)
    clientDID, err := did.ParseDID(clientID)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    keyId, _, err := j.keyResolver.ResolveKey(*clientDID, nil, resolver.AssertionMethod)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err
    return j.jwtSigner.SignJWT(ctx, claims, nil, keyId.String())

func (j jar) Parse(ctx context.Context, ownDID did.DID, q url.Values) (oauthParameters, error) {
    var rawRequestObject string
    var err error
    if rawRequestObject = q.Get(oauth.RequestParam); rawRequestObject != "" {
        if q.Get(oauth.RequestURIParam) != "" {
            return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: oauth.InvalidRequest, Description: "claims 'request' and 'request_uri' are mutually exclusive"}
    } else if requestURI := q.Get(oauth.RequestURIParam); requestURI != "" {
        switch q.Get(oauth.RequestURIMethodParam) {
        case "", "get": // empty string means client does not support request_uri_method, use 'get'
            rawRequestObject, err = j.auth.IAMClient().RequestObjectByGet(ctx, requestURI)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: oauth.InvalidRequestURI, Description: "failed to get Request Object", InternalError: err}
        case "post":
            issuerURL := ownDID.URI().URL
            md, err := authorizationServerMetadata(ownDID, &issuerURL)
            if err != nil {
                // DB error
                return nil, err
            rawRequestObject, err = j.auth.IAMClient().RequestObjectByPost(ctx, requestURI, *md)
            if err != nil {
                return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: oauth.InvalidRequestURI, Description: "failed to get Request Object", InternalError: err}
            return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: oauth.InvalidRequestURIMethod, Description: "unsupported request_uri_method"}
    } else {
        // require_signed_request_object is true, so we reject anything that isn't
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: oauth.InvalidRequest, Description: "authorization request are required to use signed request objects (RFC9101)"}

    // already oauth.OAuth2Errors
    return j.validate(ctx, rawRequestObject, q.Get(oauth.ClientIDParam))

// Validate validates a JAR (JWT Authorization Request) and returns the JWT claims.
// the client_id must match the signer of the JWT.
func (j jar) validate(ctx context.Context, rawToken string, clientId string) (oauthParameters, error) {
    var signerKid string
    // Parse and validate the JWT
    token, err := cryptoNuts.ParseJWT(rawToken, func(kid string) (crypto.PublicKey, error) {
        signerKid = kid
        return j.keyResolver.ResolveKeyByID(kid, nil, resolver.AssertionMethod)
    }, jwt.WithValidate(true))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: oauth.InvalidRequestObject, Description: "request signature validation failed", InternalError: err}
    claimsAsMap, err := token.AsMap(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        // very unlikely
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: oauth.InvalidRequestObject, Description: "invalid request parameter", InternalError: err}
    params := parseJWTClaims(claimsAsMap)
    // check client_id claim, it must be the same as the client_id in the request
    if clientId != params.get(oauth.ClientIDParam) {
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: oauth.InvalidRequestObject, Description: "invalid client_id claim in signed authorization request"}
    // check if the signer of the JWT is the client
    signer, err := did.ParseDIDURL(signerKid)
    if err != nil {
        // very unlikely since the key has already been resolved
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: oauth.InvalidRequestObject, Description: "invalid signer", InternalError: err}
    if signer.DID.String() != clientId {
        return nil, oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: oauth.InvalidRequestObject, Description: "client_id does not match signer of authorization request"}
    return params, nil