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 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package iam

import (


// OAuthSession is the session object that is used to store information about the OAuth request.
// The client state (and nonce/redirectToken as well) is used to refer to this session.
// Both the client and the server use this session to store information about the request.
type OAuthSession struct {
    AuthorizationServerMetadata *oauth.AuthorizationServerMetadata `json:"authorization_server_metadata,omitempty"`
    ClientFlow                  oauthClientFlow                    `json:"client_flow,omitempty"`
    ClientID                    string                             `json:"client_id,omitempty"`
    ClientState                 string                             `json:"client_state,omitempty"`
    OpenID4VPVerifier           *PEXConsumer                       `json:"openid4vp_verifier,omitempty"`
    OwnSubject                  *string                            `json:"own_subject,omitempty"`
    OtherDID                    *did.DID                           `json:"other_did,omitempty"`
    PKCEParams                  PKCEParams                         `json:"pkce_params"`
    RedirectURI                 string                             `json:"redirect_uri,omitempty"`
    Scope                       string                             `json:"scope,omitempty"`
    SessionID                   string                             `json:"session_id,omitempty"`
    TokenEndpoint               string                             `json:"token_endpoint,omitempty"`
    // IssuerURL is the URL that identifies the OAuth2 Authorization Server according to RFC 8414 (Authorization Server Metadata).
    IssuerURL string `json:"issuer_url,omitempty"`
    UseDPoP   bool   `json:"use_dpop,omitempty"`
    // IssuerCredentialEndpoint: endpoint to exchange the access_token for a credential in the OpenID4VCI flow
    IssuerCredentialEndpoint string `json:"issuer_credential_endpoint,omitempty"`

// oauthClientFlow is used by a client to identify the flow a particular callback is part of
type oauthClientFlow = string

const (
    // accessTokenRequestClientFlow is used in the standard authorization_code flow to request an access_token
    accessTokenRequestClientFlow oauthClientFlow = "access_token_request"
    // credentialRequestClientFlow is used in the OpenID4VCI Credential Request flow
    credentialRequestClientFlow oauthClientFlow = "openid4vci_credential_request"

// PEXConsumer consumes Presentation Submissions, according to
// This is a component of a OpenID4VP Verifier.
// It can track multiple required Presentation Definitions.
type PEXConsumer struct {
    RequiredPresentationDefinitions pe.WalletOwnerMapping `json:"required_presentations"`
    // Submissions tracks which Submissions have been submitted through OpenID4VP
    Submissions map[string]pe.PresentationSubmission `json:"submissions"`
    // SubmittedEnvelopes tracks the Presentation Exchange Envelopes that were submitted.
    // They correspond to the submissions.
    SubmittedEnvelopes map[string]pe.Envelope `json:"submitted_envelopes"`

func newPEXConsumer(requiredPresentationDefinitions pe.WalletOwnerMapping) *PEXConsumer {
    return &PEXConsumer{
        RequiredPresentationDefinitions: requiredPresentationDefinitions,
        Submissions:                     map[string]pe.PresentationSubmission{},
        SubmittedEnvelopes:              map[string]pe.Envelope{},

// next returns the Presentation Definition that should be fulfilled next.
// It also returns the wallet owner type that should fulfill the Presentation Definition.
// If all Presentation Definitions have been fulfilled, it returns nil.
func (v *PEXConsumer) next() (*pe.WalletOwnerType, *pe.PresentationDefinition) {
    // Note: this is now fairly hardcoded, since there are only 2 PDs possible, one targeting the organization wallet and
    //       1 targeting the user wallet. In the future, this could be more dynamic.
    if def, required := v.RequiredPresentationDefinitions[pe.WalletOwnerOrganization]; required && !v.isFulfilled(def.Id) {
        org := pe.WalletOwnerOrganization
        return &org, &def
    if def, required := v.RequiredPresentationDefinitions[pe.WalletOwnerUser]; required && !v.isFulfilled(def.Id) {
        user := pe.WalletOwnerUser
        return &user, &def
    return nil, nil

// fulfill tries to fulfill the given Presentation Definition with the given submission and PEX envelope.
// It returns an error if the Presentation Definition (identified by ID) isn't required, or already is fulfilled.
// It does not check whether the submission actually matches the Presentation Definition, that's the caller's responsibility.
func (v *PEXConsumer) fulfill(submission pe.PresentationSubmission, envelope pe.Envelope) error {
    definitionID := submission.DefinitionId
    // Make sure this definition is actually required
    var definition *PresentationDefinition
    for _, curr := range v.RequiredPresentationDefinitions {
        if curr.Id == definitionID {
            definition = &curr
    if definition == nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("presentation definition being fulfilled is not required: %s", definitionID)
    // Make sure this definition isn't already fulfilled
    if v.isFulfilled(definitionID) {
        return errors.New("presentation definition is already fulfilled")

    _, err := submission.Validate(envelope, *definition)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("presentation submission does not conform to presentation definition (id=%s)", definition.Id)

    v.Submissions[definitionID] = submission
    v.SubmittedEnvelopes[definitionID] = envelope
    return nil

func (v *PEXConsumer) isFulfilled(presentationDefinitionID string) bool {
    _, fulfilled := v.Submissions[presentationDefinitionID]
    return fulfilled

// credentialMap returns a map of input descriptor ID to Verifiable Credential.
func (v *PEXConsumer) credentialMap() (map[string]vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    credentialMap := make(map[string]vc.VerifiableCredential)
    for _, requiredDefinition := range v.RequiredPresentationDefinitions {
        submission := v.Submissions[requiredDefinition.Id]
        pexEnvelope := v.SubmittedEnvelopes[requiredDefinition.Id]
        currCredentialMap, err := submission.Resolve(pexEnvelope)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        for inputDescriptorID, cred := range currCredentialMap {
            credentialMap[inputDescriptorID] = cred
    return credentialMap, nil

// ServerState is a convenience type for extracting different types of data from the session.
type ServerState struct {
    CredentialMap          map[string]vc.VerifiableCredential
    Presentations          []vc.VerifiablePresentation
    PresentationSubmission *pe.PresentationSubmission

// RedirectSession is the session object that is used to redirect the user to a Nuts node website.
// It stores information from the internal API call that started the request access token.
// The key to this session is passed to the user via a 302 redirect.
type RedirectSession struct {
    AccessTokenRequest RequestUserAccessTokenRequestObject
    // SessionID is used by the calling app to get the access token later on
    SessionID string
    SubjectID string

func (s OAuthSession) CreateRedirectURI(params map[string]string) string {
    redirectURI, _ := url.Parse(s.RedirectURI)
    r := http.AddQueryParams(*redirectURI, params)
    return r.String()

func (s OAuthSession) redirectURI() *url.URL {
    redirectURL, _ := url.Parse(s.RedirectURI)
    return redirectURL