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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package iam

import (

    ssi ""

const (
    // oAuthFlowTimeout is the timeout for the oauth flow.
    // The maximum time between the initial authorize request and the final token request.
    oAuthFlowTimeout = time.Minute
    // userRedirectTimeout is the timeout for the user redirect session.
    // This is the maximum time between the creation of the redirect for the user and the actual GET request to the user/wallet page.
    userRedirectTimeout = time.Second * 5

var oauthClientStateKey = []string{"oauth", "client_state"}
var oauthCodeKey = []string{"oauth", "code"}
var userRedirectSessionKey = []string{"user", "redirect"}

// handleUserLanding is the handler for the landing page of the user.
// It renders the page with the correct context based on the token.
func (r Wrapper) handleUserLanding(echoCtx echo.Context) error {
    // todo: user authentication is currently not implemented, user consent is not implemented
    // This means that this handler succeeds if the token is valid
    // It only checks for an existing RequestAccessTokenRequestObject in the store
    // It does not (yet) check for user consent or the existence of a user wallet
    // If present it will return a redirect to the remote authorization server

    // extract token from query parameters
    token := echoCtx.QueryParam("token")
    if token == "" {
        log.Logger().Debug("missing token")
        return echoCtx.NoContent(http.StatusForbidden)

    // extract request from store
    redirectSession := RedirectSession{}
    err := r.userRedirectStore().GetAndDelete(token, &redirectSession)
    if err != nil {
        log.Logger().Debug("token not found in store")
        return echoCtx.NoContent(http.StatusForbidden)
    accessTokenRequest := redirectSession.AccessTokenRequest

    verifier, err := did.ParseDID(accessTokenRequest.Body.Verifier)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Make sure there's a user session, loaded with EmployeeCredential
    userSession, err := user.GetSession(echoCtx.Request().Context())
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if err := r.provisionUserSession(echoCtx.Request().Context(), userSession, *redirectSession.AccessTokenRequest.Body.PreauthorizedUser); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("couldn't provision user session: %w", err)

    // use DPoP or not
    useDPoP := true
    if redirectSession.AccessTokenRequest.Body.TokenType != nil && strings.EqualFold(string(*redirectSession.AccessTokenRequest.Body.TokenType), AccessTokenTypeBearer) {
        useDPoP = false

    // get AS metadata
    oauthIssuer, err := didweb.DIDToURL(*verifier)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    metadata, err := r.auth.IAMClient().AuthorizationServerMetadata(echoCtx.Request().Context(), oauthIssuer.String())
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve remote OAuth Authorization Server metadata: %w", err)
    if len(metadata.AuthorizationEndpoint) == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("no authorization_endpoint found for %s", verifier.String())
    if len(metadata.TokenEndpoint) == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("no token_endpoint found for %s", verifier.String())
    // create oauthSession with userID from request
    // generate new sessionID and clientState with crypto.GenerateNonce()
    oauthSession := OAuthSession{
        ClientFlow:    accessTokenRequestClientFlow,
        ClientState:   crypto.GenerateNonce(),
        OwnDID:        &redirectSession.OwnDID,
        PKCEParams:    generatePKCEParams(),
        RedirectURI:   accessTokenRequest.Body.RedirectUri,
        SessionID:     redirectSession.SessionID,
        UseDPoP:       useDPoP,
        TokenEndpoint: metadata.TokenEndpoint,
    // store user session in session store under sessionID and clientState
    err = r.oauthClientStateStore().Put(oauthSession.ClientState, oauthSession)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // construct callback URL to be used in (Signed)AuthorizationRequest
    callbackURL, err := createOAuth2BaseURL(redirectSession.OwnDID)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to create callback URL: %w", err)
    callbackURL = callbackURL.JoinPath(oauth.CallbackPath)
    modifier := func(values map[string]string) {
        values[oauth.CodeChallengeParam] = oauthSession.PKCEParams.Challenge
        values[oauth.CodeChallengeMethodParam] = oauthSession.PKCEParams.ChallengeMethod
        values[oauth.RedirectURIParam] = callbackURL.String()
        values[oauth.ResponseTypeParam] = oauth.CodeResponseType
        values[oauth.StateParam] = oauthSession.ClientState
        values[oauth.ScopeParam] = accessTokenRequest.Body.Scope
    redirectURL, err := r.createAuthorizationRequest(echoCtx.Request().Context(), redirectSession.OwnDID, verifier, modifier)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return echoCtx.Redirect(http.StatusFound, redirectURL.String())

// userRedirectStore is used to store a short-lived RedirectSession that persist state between the RequestUserAccessToken
// call and the redirect back to this node to initiate the actual authorization request. Burn on use.
func (r Wrapper) userRedirectStore() storage.SessionStore {
    return r.storageEngine.GetSessionDatabase().GetStore(userRedirectTimeout, userRedirectSessionKey...)

// oauthClientStateStore is used tot store the client's OAuthSession
func (r Wrapper) oauthClientStateStore() storage.SessionStore {
    return r.storageEngine.GetSessionDatabase().GetStore(oAuthFlowTimeout, oauthClientStateKey...)

func (r Wrapper) provisionUserSession(ctx context.Context, session *user.Session, preAuthorizedUser UserDetails) error {
    if len(session.Wallet.Credentials) > 0 {
        // already provisioned
        return nil
    employeeCredential, err := r.issueEmployeeCredential(ctx, *session, preAuthorizedUser)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    session.Wallet.Credentials = append(session.Wallet.Credentials, *employeeCredential)
    return session.Save()

func (r Wrapper) issueEmployeeCredential(ctx context.Context, session user.Session, userDetails UserDetails) (*vc.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    issuanceDate := time.Now()
    expirationDate := session.ExpiresAt
    template := vc.VerifiableCredential{
        Context:        []ssi.URI{credential.NutsV1ContextURI},
        Type:           []ssi.URI{ssi.MustParseURI("EmployeeCredential")},
        Issuer:         session.TenantDID.URI(),
        IssuanceDate:   issuanceDate,
        ExpirationDate: &expirationDate,
        CredentialSubject: []interface{}{
                "id":         session.Wallet.DID.String(),
                "identifier": userDetails.Id,
                "name":       userDetails.Name,
                "roleName":   userDetails.Role,
    employeeCredential, err := r.vcr.Issuer().Issue(ctx, template, issuer.CredentialOptions{
        Format:                   vc.JWTCredentialProofFormat,
        Publish:                  false,
        Public:                   false,
        WithStatusListRevocation: false,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("issue EmployeeCredential: %w", err)
    return employeeCredential, nil