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Test Coverage
 * Nuts node
 * Copyright (C) 2021 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package contract

import (

// StandardContractTemplates contains a the official contract templates as specified in the Nuts specification
// EN:PractitionerLogin:v1 Template
// todo: remove v1 template after renewing (irma) test data.
var StandardContractTemplates = TemplateStore{
    "NL": {"BehandelaarLogin": {
        "v1": &Template{
            Type:               "BehandelaarLogin",
            Version:            "v1",
            Language:           "NL",
            Locale:             "nl_NL",
            SignerAttributes:   []string{".nuts.agb.agbcode"},
            Template:           `NL:BehandelaarLogin:v1 Ondergetekende geeft toestemming aan {{{` + ActingPartyAttr + `}}} om namens {{{` + LegalEntityAttr + `}}} en ondergetekende het Nuts netwerk te bevragen. Deze toestemming is geldig van {{` + ValidFromAttr + `}} tot {{` + ValidToAttr + `}}.`,
            TemplateAttributes: []string{ActingPartyAttr, LegalEntityAttr, ValidFromAttr, ValidToAttr},
            Regexp:             `NL:BehandelaarLogin:v1 Ondergetekende geeft toestemming aan (.+) om namens (.+) en ondergetekende het Nuts netwerk te bevragen. Deze toestemming is geldig van (.+) tot (.+).`,
        "v3": &Template{
            Type:               "BehandelaarLogin",
            Version:            "v3",
            Language:           "NL",
            Locale:             "nl_NL",
            SignerAttributes:   StandardSignerAttributes,
            Template:           `NL:BehandelaarLogin:v3 Hierbij verklaar ik te handelen in naam van {{{` + LegalEntityAttr + `}}} te {{{` + LegalEntityCityAttr + `}}}. Deze verklaring is geldig van {{` + ValidFromAttr + `}} tot {{` + ValidToAttr + `}}.`,
            TemplateAttributes: []string{LegalEntityAttr, LegalEntityCityAttr, ValidFromAttr, ValidToAttr},
            Regexp:             `NL:BehandelaarLogin:v3 Hierbij verklaar ik te handelen in naam van (.+) te (.+). Deze verklaring is geldig van (.+) tot (.+).`,
    "EN": {"PractitionerLogin": {
        "v3": &Template{
            Type:               "PractitionerLogin",
            Version:            "v3",
            Language:           "EN",
            Locale:             "en_US",
            SignerAttributes:   StandardSignerAttributes,
            Template:           `EN:PractitionerLogin:v3 I hereby declare to act on behalf of {{{` + LegalEntityAttr + `}}} located in {{{` + LegalEntityCityAttr + `}}}. This declaration is valid from {{` + ValidFromAttr + `}} until {{` + ValidToAttr + `}}.`,
            TemplateAttributes: []string{LegalEntityAttr, LegalEntityCityAttr, ValidFromAttr, ValidToAttr},
            Regexp:             `EN:PractitionerLogin:v3 I hereby declare to act on behalf of (.+) located in (.+). This declaration is valid from (.+) until (.+).`,

// TemplateStore contains a list of Contract templates sorted by language, type and version
type TemplateStore map[Language]map[Type]map[Version]*Template

// Get safely searches the template store. When no version is given, v3 is used.
// Returns the template or nil
func (m TemplateStore) Get(cType Type, language Language, version Version) *Template {
    if version == "" {
        version = "v3"
    if template, ok := m[language][cType][version]; ok {
        return template

    return nil

func (m TemplateStore) FindFromRawContractText(rawContractText string) (*Template, error) {
    r, _ := regexp.Compile(`^(.{2}):(.+):(v\d+)`)

    matchResult := r.FindSubmatch([]byte(rawContractText))
    if len(matchResult) != 4 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: could not extract contract version, language and type", ErrInvalidContractText)

    language := Language(matchResult[1])
    contractType := Type(matchResult[2])
    version := Version(matchResult[3])

    t := m.Get(contractType, language, version)
    if t == nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find contract template for language '%s', type '%s' and version '%s'", language, contractType, version)
    return t, nil