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 * Copyright (C) 2021 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package irma

import (


    irma ""

// IrmaMountPath contains location the irma webserver will mount
const IrmaMountPath = "/public/auth/irmaclient"

// Config holds the configuration for the irma server.
type Config struct {
    // PublicURL is used for discovery for the IRMA app.
    PublicURL string
    // Where to find the IrmaConfig files including the schemas
    IrmaConfigPath string
    // Which scheme manager to use
    IrmaSchemeManager string
    // Auto update the schemas every x minutes or not?
    AutoUpdateIrmaSchemas bool
    // Use the IRMA server in production mode. Without this the IRMA app needs to be in "developer mode"
    Production bool

// NewSignerAndVerifier creates a new IRMA signer and verifier.
func NewSignerAndVerifier(cfg Config) (*Signer, *Verifier, error) {
    irmaConfig, err := getIrmaConfig(cfg)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err
    irmaServer, err := getIrmaServer(cfg, irmaConfig)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return &Signer{
            sessionHandler: irmaServer,
            schemeManager:  cfg.IrmaSchemeManager,
        }, &Verifier{
            IrmaConfig: irmaConfig,
            Templates:  contract.StandardContractTemplates,
        }, nil

// getIrmaConfig creates and returns an IRMA config.
// The config sets the given irma path or a temporary folder. Then it downloads the schemas.
func getIrmaConfig(cfg Config) (irmaConfig *irma.Configuration, err error) {
    if err = os.MkdirAll(cfg.IrmaConfigPath, 0700); err != nil {
        err = fmt.Errorf("could not create IRMA config directory: %w", err)

    options := irma.ConfigurationOptions{}
    irmaConfig, err = irma.NewConfiguration(cfg.IrmaConfigPath, options)
    if err != nil {

    // This fixes an IRMA bug
    // It removes any temporary "tempscheme123" directories, leftover from a previous unfinished schema update.
    dirs, err := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(cfg.IrmaConfigPath, "tempscheme*"))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    for _, dir := range dirs {
        log.Logger().Infof("Removing leftover temporary IRMA scheme dir: %s", dir)
        // ignore any errors, it will fail below
        _ = os.RemoveAll(dir)

    log.Logger().Debug("Loading IRMA schemas...")
    if err = irmaConfig.ParseFolder(); err != nil {
        log.Logger().WithError(err).Error("Could not parse the IRMA schemas, try emptying the IRMA directory and restart the node.")
        return nil, err

// getIrmaServer creates and starts the irma server instance.
// The server can be used by a IRMA client like the app to handle IRMA sessions
func getIrmaServer(cfg Config, irmaConfig *irma.Configuration) (*irmaserver.Server, error) {
    // Customize logger to have it clearly log "IRMA" in module field.
    // We need a decorator because IRMA config takes a logrus.Logger instead of logrus.Entry
    logger := *logrus.StandardLogger()
    formatter := logger.Formatter
    logger.Formatter = &decoratingFormatter{
        formatter: formatter,
        decorator: func(entry *logrus.Entry) *logrus.Entry {
            entry.Data["module"] = "Auth/IRMA"
            return entry

    config := &server.Configuration{
        IrmaConfiguration:    irmaConfig,
        URL:                  cfg.PublicURL + IrmaMountPath,
        Logger:               &logger,
        Verbose:              irmaLogLevel(&logger),
        SchemesPath:          cfg.IrmaConfigPath,
        DisableSchemesUpdate: !cfg.AutoUpdateIrmaSchemas,
        Production:           cfg.Production,

    log.Logger().Debugf("Initializing IRMA library (baseURL=%s)...", config.URL)

    return irmaserver.New(config)

// irmaLogLevel returns the IRMA log level. 0 is normal, 1 includes DEBUG level, 2 includes TRACE level
func irmaLogLevel(logger *logrus.Logger) int {
    switch logger.Level {
    case logrus.DebugLevel:
        return 1
    case logrus.TraceLevel:
        return 2
        return 0

type decoratingFormatter struct {
    formatter logrus.Formatter
    decorator func(entry *logrus.Entry) *logrus.Entry

func (f decoratingFormatter) Format(entry *logrus.Entry) ([]byte, error) {
    return f.formatter.Format(f.decorator(entry))