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Test Coverage
 * Nuts node
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package notary

import (


    ssi ""

// ErrMissingOrganizationKey is used to indicate that this node has no private key of the indicated organization.
// This usually means that the organization is not managed by this node.
var ErrMissingOrganizationKey = errors.New("missing organization private key")

// ErrUnknownSigningMeans is used when the node does not now how to handle the indicated signing means
// todo move
var ErrUnknownSigningMeans = errors.New("unknown signing means")

// Config holds all the configuration params
// todo this doubles the pkg/Config?
type Config struct {
    AutoUpdateIrmaSchemas bool
    StrictMode            bool
    PublicURL             string
    IrmaConfigPath        string
    IrmaSchemeManager     string
    ContractValidators    []string
    ContractValidity      time.Duration

func (c Config) hasContractValidator(cv string) bool {
    for _, curr := range c.ContractValidators {
        if strings.EqualFold(cv, curr) {
            return true

    return false

type notary struct {
    config                Config
    jsonldManager         jsonld.JSONLD
    keyResolver           resolver.KeyResolver
    privateKeyStore       crypto.KeyStore
    verifiers             map[string]contract.VPVerifier
    signers               map[string]contract.Signer
    pkiValidator          pki.Validator
    vcr                   vcr.VCR
    contractTemplateStore contract.TemplateStore

var timeNow = time.Now

// NewNotary accepts the registry and crypto Nuts engines and returns a ContractNotary
func NewNotary(config Config, vcr vcr.VCR, keyResolver resolver.KeyResolver, keyStore crypto.KeyStore, jsonldManager jsonld.JSONLD, pkiValidator pki.Validator) services.ContractNotary {
    return &notary{
        config:                config,
        jsonldManager:         jsonldManager,
        vcr:                   vcr,
        keyResolver:           keyResolver,
        privateKeyStore:       keyStore,
        contractTemplateStore: contract.StandardContractTemplates,
        pkiValidator:          pkiValidator,

// DrawUpContract accepts a template and fills in the Party, validFrom time and its duration.
// If validFrom is zero, the current time is used.
// If the duration is 0 than the default duration is used.
func (n *notary) DrawUpContract(ctx context.Context, template contract.Template, orgID did.DID, validFrom time.Time, validDuration time.Duration, organizationCredential *vc.VerifiableCredential) (*contract.Contract, error) {
    // Test if the org in managed by this node:
    signingKeyID, _, err := n.keyResolver.ResolveKey(orgID, &validFrom, resolver.NutsSigningKeyType)
    if errors.Is(err, resolver.ErrNotFound) {
        return nil, services.InvalidContractRequestError{Message: "no valid organization credential at provided validFrom date"}
    } else if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not draw up contract: %w", err)

    exists, err := n.privateKeyStore.Exists(ctx, signingKeyID.String())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if !exists {
        return nil, services.InvalidContractRequestError{Message: fmt.Errorf("organization is not managed by this node: %w", ErrMissingOrganizationKey)}

    var orgName, orgCity string
    if organizationCredential != nil {
        orgName, orgCity, err = n.attributesFromOrganizationCredential(*organizationCredential)
    } else {
        orgName, orgCity, err = n.findVC(orgID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // name and city must exist since we queried it
    contractAttrs := map[string]string{
        contract.LegalEntityAttr:     orgName,
        contract.LegalEntityCityAttr: orgCity,

    if validDuration == 0 {
        validDuration = n.config.ContractValidity

    if validFrom.IsZero() {
        validFrom = timeNow()

    drawnUpContract, err := template.Render(contractAttrs, validFrom, validDuration)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not draw up contract: %w", err)

    return drawnUpContract, nil

func (n *notary) Configure() error {
    n.verifiers = make(map[string]contract.VPVerifier)
    n.signers = make(map[string]contract.Signer)

    if n.config.hasContractValidator(irma.ContractFormat) {
        cfg := irma.Config{
            PublicURL:             n.config.PublicURL,
            IrmaConfigPath:        n.config.IrmaConfigPath,
            IrmaSchemeManager:     n.config.IrmaSchemeManager,
            AutoUpdateIrmaSchemas: n.config.AutoUpdateIrmaSchemas,
            // Deduce IRMA production mode from the nuts strict-mode
            Production: n.config.StrictMode,
        signer, verifier, err := irma.NewSignerAndVerifier(cfg)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        n.verifiers[irma.VerifiablePresentationType] = verifier
        n.signers[irma.ContractFormat] = signer

    if n.config.hasContractValidator(dummy.ContractFormat) && !n.config.StrictMode {
        d := dummy.Dummy{
            Sessions: map[string]string{},
            Status:   map[string]string{},

        n.verifiers[dummy.VerifiablePresentationType] = d
        n.signers[dummy.ContractFormat] = d

    if n.config.hasContractValidator(selfsigned.ContractFormat) {
        es := selfsigned.NewSigner(n.vcr, n.config.PublicURL)
        ev := selfsigned.NewValidator(n.vcr, contract.StandardContractTemplates)

        n.verifiers[selfsigned.VerifiablePresentationType] = ev
        n.signers[selfsigned.ContractFormat] = es

    return nil

func (n *notary) Start(ctx context.Context) {
    for _, v := range n.signers {

func (n *notary) VerifyVP(vp vc.VerifiablePresentation, checkTime *time.Time) (contract.VPVerificationResult, error) {
    // remove default type
    vpTypes := make([]ssi.URI, len(vp.Type))
    i := 0
    for _, x := range vp.Type {
        if x != vc.VerifiablePresentationTypeV1URI() {
            vpTypes[i] = x
    vpTypes = vpTypes[:i]

    if len(vpTypes) != 1 {
        return nil, errors.New("unprocessable VerifiablePresentation, exactly 1 custom type is expected")
    t := vpTypes[0]

    if _, ok := n.verifiers[t.String()]; !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown VerifiablePresentation type: %s", t)

    return n.verifiers[t.String()].VerifyVP(vp, checkTime)

func (n *notary) SigningSessionStatus(ctx context.Context, sessionID string) (contract.SigningSessionResult, error) {
    for _, signer := range n.signers {
        if r, err := signer.SigningSessionStatus(ctx, sessionID); !errors.Is(err, services.ErrSessionNotFound) {
            return r, err
    return nil, services.ErrSessionNotFound

func (n *notary) Routes(router core.EchoRouter) {
    for _, signer := range n.signers {
        if r, ok := signer.(core.Routable); ok {

// CreateSigningSession creates a session based on a contract. This allows the user to permit the application to
// use the Nuts Network in its name. By signing it with a cryptographic means other
// nodes in the network can verify the validity of the contract.
func (n *notary) CreateSigningSession(sessionRequest services.CreateSessionRequest) (contract.SessionPointer, error) {
    if sessionRequest.Message == "" {
        return nil, errors.New("can not sign an empty message")

    // find correct signer
    signer, ok := n.signers[sessionRequest.SigningMeans]
    if !ok {
        return nil, ErrUnknownSigningMeans

    // Get the contract by trying to parse the rawContractText
    c, err := contract.ParseContractString(sessionRequest.Message, n.contractTemplateStore)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return signer.StartSigningSession(*c, sessionRequest.Params)

func (n *notary) findVC(orgID did.DID) (string, string, error) {
    searchTerms := []vcr.SearchTerm{
        {IRIPath: jsonld.CredentialSubjectPath, Value: orgID.String()},
        {IRIPath: jsonld.OrganizationNamePath, Type: vcr.NotNil},
        {IRIPath: jsonld.OrganizationCityPath, Type: vcr.NotNil},

    result, err := n.vcr.Search(context.Background(), searchTerms, false, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return "", "", fmt.Errorf("could not find a credential: %w", err)
    if len(result) == 0 {
        return "", "", services.InvalidContractRequestError{Message: errors.New("could not find a NutsOrganizationCredential for this legalEntity issued by a trusted issuer")}

    // Having multiple VCs with non-matching credentialSubjects for this DID is not supported.
    // If multiple non-matching VCs exist, a preferred VC must be passed to DrawUpContract.
    if len(result) > 1 {
        var credentialSubject interface{}
        for _, current := range result {
            if credentialSubject != nil && !reflect.DeepEqual(credentialSubject, current.CredentialSubject) {
                return "", "", services.InvalidContractRequestError{Message: errors.New("found multiple non-matching VCs, which is not supported")}
            credentialSubject = current.CredentialSubject

    return n.attributesFromOrganizationCredential(result[0])

func (n *notary) attributesFromOrganizationCredential(organizationCredential vc.VerifiableCredential) (string, string, error) {
    // expand
    reader := jsonld.Reader{
        DocumentLoader:           n.jsonldManager.DocumentLoader(),
        AllowUndefinedProperties: true,
    document, err := reader.Read(organizationCredential)
    if err != nil {
        return "", "", fmt.Errorf("could not read VC: %w", err)

    orgNames := document.ValueAt(jsonld.OrganizationNamePath)
    orgCities := document.ValueAt(jsonld.OrganizationCityPath)

    if len(orgNames) == 0 || len(orgCities) == 0 {
        return "", "", errors.New("verifiable credential does not contain an organization name and city")

    return orgNames[0].String(), orgCities[0].String(), nil