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Test Coverage
 * Nuts node
 * Copyright (C) 2021 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package oauth

import (

    vc2 ""
    nutsCrypto ""

const errInvalidIssuerFmt = "invalid jwt.issuer: %w"
const errInvalidIssuerKeyFmt = "invalid jwt.issuer key ID: %w"
const errInvalidSubjectFmt = "invalid jwt.subject: %w"
const errInvalidVCClaim = "invalid jwt.vcs: %w"

const vcClaim = "vcs"
const purposeOfUseClaim = "purposeOfUse"
const userIdentityClaim = "usi"

// RFC003, §5.3 Access token: Tokens MUST NOT be valid for more than 60 seconds.
const secureAccessTokenLifeSpan = time.Minute

var _ AuthorizationServer = (*authzServer)(nil)

type authzServer struct {
    vcFinder            vcr.Finder
    vcVerifier          verifier.Verifier
    keyResolver         resolver.KeyResolver
    privateKeyStore     nutsCrypto.KeyStore
    contractNotary      services.ContractNotary
    serviceResolver     didman.CompoundServiceResolver
    jsonldManager       jsonld.JSONLD
    secureMode          bool
    clockSkew           time.Duration
    accessTokenLifeSpan time.Duration

type validationContext struct {
    rawJwtBearerToken               string
    jwtBearerToken                  jwt.Token
    authorizer                      *did.DID
    kid                             string
    requester                       *did.DID
    requesterOrganizationIdentities []organizationIdentity
    purposeOfUse                    string
    credentialIDs                   []string
    contractVerificationResult      contract.VPVerificationResult

type organizationIdentity struct {
    name string
    city string

func (c validationContext) userIdentity() (*vc2.VerifiablePresentation, error) {
    claim, ok := c.jwtBearerToken.Get(userIdentityClaim)
    // If no credentials then OK
    if !ok || claim == nil {
        return nil, nil

    // identity should contain a map[string]interface{}, so we just marshal it
    rawVP, _ := json.Marshal(claim)
    vp := vc2.VerifiablePresentation{}
    if err := json.Unmarshal(rawVP, &vp); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal identity presentation: %w", err)
    return &vp, nil

func (c validationContext) stringVal(claim string) *string {
    val, ok := c.jwtBearerToken.Get(claim)
    if !ok {
        return nil
    stringVal, ok := val.(string)
    if !ok {
        return nil

    return &stringVal

func (c validationContext) verifiableCredentials() ([]vc2.VerifiableCredential, error) {
    vcs := make([]vc2.VerifiableCredential, 0)
    claim, ok := c.jwtBearerToken.Get(vcClaim)

    // If no credentials then OK
    if !ok || claim == nil {
        return vcs, nil

    // vcs should contain a slice of map[string]interface{}
    vcMaps, ok := claim.([]interface{})
    if !ok {
        return vcs, errors.New("field does not contain an array of credentials")

    // convert from map to bytes
    rawVCs := make([][]byte, len(vcMaps))
    for i, vcMap := range vcMaps {
        rawVC, _ := json.Marshal(vcMap)
        rawVCs[i] = rawVC

    // filter on authorization credentials
    vcs = make([]vc2.VerifiableCredential, len(rawVCs))
    for i, rawVC := range rawVCs {
        vc := vc2.VerifiableCredential{}
        if err := json.Unmarshal(rawVC, &vc); err != nil {
            return vcs[:0], fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal authorization credential: %w", err)
        vcs[i] = vc
    return vcs, nil

// NewAuthorizationServer accepts a vendorID, and several Nuts engines and returns an implementation of services.OAuthAuthorizationServer
func NewAuthorizationServer(
    didResolver resolver.DIDResolver, vcFinder vcr.Finder, vcVerifier verifier.Verifier,
    serviceResolver didman.CompoundServiceResolver, privateKeyStore nutsCrypto.KeyStore,
    contractNotary services.ContractNotary, jsonldManager jsonld.JSONLD, accessTokenLifeSpan time.Duration) AuthorizationServer {
    return &authzServer{
        keyResolver:         resolver.DIDKeyResolver{Resolver: didResolver},
        serviceResolver:     serviceResolver,
        contractNotary:      contractNotary,
        jsonldManager:       jsonldManager,
        vcFinder:            vcFinder,
        vcVerifier:          vcVerifier,
        privateKeyStore:     privateKeyStore,
        accessTokenLifeSpan: accessTokenLifeSpan,

// BearerTokenMaxValidity is the number of seconds that a bearer token is valid
const BearerTokenMaxValidity = 5

// Configure the service
func (s *authzServer) Configure(clockSkewInMilliseconds int, secureMode bool) error {
    s.clockSkew = time.Duration(clockSkewInMilliseconds) * time.Millisecond
    s.secureMode = secureMode
    if secureMode && s.accessTokenLifeSpan != secureAccessTokenLifeSpan {
        log.Logger().Warnf("Access Token life span changed to %s in strictmode", secureAccessTokenLifeSpan)
        s.accessTokenLifeSpan = secureAccessTokenLifeSpan
    return nil

// CreateAccessToken extracts the claims out of the request, checks the validity and builds the access token
func (s *authzServer) CreateAccessToken(ctx context.Context, request services.CreateAccessTokenRequest) (*oauth.TokenResponse, *oauth.OAuth2Error) {
    var oauthError *oauth.OAuth2Error
    var result *oauth.TokenResponse

    validationCtx, err := s.validateAccessTokenRequest(ctx, request.RawJwtBearerToken)
    if err != nil {
        oauthError = &oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: "invalid_request", Description: err.Error()}
    } else {
        var accessToken string
        var rawToken services.NutsAccessToken
        accessToken, rawToken, err = s.buildAccessToken(ctx, *validationCtx.requester, *validationCtx.authorizer, validationCtx.purposeOfUse, validationCtx.contractVerificationResult, validationCtx.credentialIDs)
        if err == nil {
            expires := int(rawToken.Expiration - rawToken.IssuedAt)
            result = &oauth.TokenResponse{
                AccessToken: accessToken,
                ExpiresIn:   &expires,
        } else {
            oauthError = &oauth.OAuth2Error{Code: "server_error"}
            if !s.secureMode {
                // Only set details when secure mode is disabled
                oauthError.Description = err.Error()

    if err != nil {
        var requesterDID, authorizerDID string
        if validationCtx.jwtBearerToken != nil {
            requesterDID = validationCtx.jwtBearerToken.Issuer()
            authorizerDID = validationCtx.jwtBearerToken.Subject()
            WithField(core.LogFieldRequesterDID, requesterDID).
            WithField(core.LogFieldAuthorizerDID, authorizerDID).
            Warn("Unable to create access token, probably due to JWT grant token validation")

    if oauthError == nil {
        return result, nil
    return nil, oauthError

func (s *authzServer) validateAccessTokenRequest(ctx context.Context, bearerToken string) (*validationContext, error) {
    validationCtx := &validationContext{rawJwtBearerToken: bearerToken}

    // extract the JwtBearerToken, validates according to RFC003 §
    // also check if used algorithms are according to spec (ES*** and PS***)
    // and checks basic validity. Set jwtBearerTokenClaims in validationContext
    if err := s.parseAndValidateJwtBearerToken(validationCtx); err != nil {
        return validationCtx, fmt.Errorf("jwt bearer token validation failed: %w", err)

    // check the maximum validity, according to RFC003 §
    if validationCtx.jwtBearerToken.Expiration().Sub(validationCtx.jwtBearerToken.IssuedAt()).Seconds() > BearerTokenMaxValidity {
        return validationCtx, errors.New("JWT validity too long")

    // check the requester against the registry, according to RFC003 §
    // checks signing certificate and sets vendor, requesterName in validationContext
    if err := s.validateIssuer(validationCtx); err != nil {
        return validationCtx, err

    // check if the authorizer is registered by this vendor, according to RFC003 §
    if err := s.validateSubject(ctx, validationCtx); err != nil {
        return validationCtx, err

    // Validate the AuthTokenContainer, according to RFC003 §
    usi, err := validationCtx.userIdentity()
    if err != nil {
        return validationCtx, err
    if usi != nil {
        if validationCtx.contractVerificationResult, err = s.contractNotary.VerifyVP(*usi, nil); err != nil {
            return validationCtx, fmt.Errorf("identity verification failed: %w", err)

        if validationCtx.contractVerificationResult.Validity() != contract.Valid {
            return validationCtx, fmt.Errorf("identity validation failed: %s", validationCtx.contractVerificationResult.Reason())

        // checks if the name from the login contract matches with the registered name of the issuer.
        if err := s.validateRequester(validationCtx); err != nil {
            return validationCtx, err

    // validate the endpoint in aud, according to RFC003 §
    if err := s.validatePurposeOfUse(validationCtx); err != nil {
        return validationCtx, err

    // validate the endpoint in aud, according to RFC003 §
    if err := s.validateAudience(validationCtx); err != nil {
        return validationCtx, err

    // validate the legal base, according to RFC003 §
    if err = s.validateAuthorizationCredentials(validationCtx); err != nil {
        return validationCtx, err

    return validationCtx, nil

// checks if the name from the login contract matches with the registered name of the issuer.
func (s *authzServer) validateRequester(context *validationContext) error {
    actualName := context.contractVerificationResult.ContractAttribute(contract.LegalEntityAttr)
    actualCity := context.contractVerificationResult.ContractAttribute(contract.LegalEntityCityAttr)
    found := false
    for _, identity := range context.requesterOrganizationIdentities {
        if actualName == && actualCity == {
            found = true
    if !found {
        log.Logger().Warn("Token request validation failed, requester does not have any credential that match the organization name and city in the contract.")
        return errors.New("legal entity mismatch")
    return nil

// check if the purposeOfUse is filled and adds it to the validationContext
func (s *authzServer) validatePurposeOfUse(context *validationContext) error {
    purposeOfUse := context.stringVal(purposeOfUseClaim)
    if purposeOfUse == nil {
        return errors.New("no purposeOfUse given")

    context.purposeOfUse = *purposeOfUse

    return nil

// check if the aud service identifier matches the oauth endpoint of the requested service
func (s *authzServer) validateAudience(context *validationContext) error {
    if len(context.jwtBearerToken.Audience()) != 1 {
        return errors.New("aud does not contain a single URI")

    // parsing is already done in a previous check
    subject, _ := did.ParseDID(context.jwtBearerToken.Subject())

    endpointURL, err := s.serviceResolver.GetCompoundServiceEndpoint(*subject, context.purposeOfUse, services.OAuthEndpointType, true)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if context.jwtBearerToken.Audience()[0] != endpointURL {
        return errors.New("aud does not contain correct endpoint URL")
    return nil

// check the requester against the registry, according to RFC003 §
// - the signing key (KID) must be present as assertionMethod in the issuer's DID.
// - the requester name/city which must match the login contract.
func (s *authzServer) validateIssuer(vContext *validationContext) error {
    if requester, err := did.ParseDID(vContext.jwtBearerToken.Issuer()); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf(errInvalidIssuerFmt, err)
    } else {
        vContext.requester = requester

    validationTime := vContext.jwtBearerToken.IssuedAt()
    if _, err := s.keyResolver.ResolveKeyByID(vContext.kid, &validationTime, resolver.NutsSigningKeyType); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf(errInvalidIssuerKeyFmt, err)

    searchTerms := []vcr.SearchTerm{
        {IRIPath: jsonld.CredentialSubjectPath, Value: vContext.jwtBearerToken.Issuer()},
        {IRIPath: jsonld.OrganizationNamePath, Type: vcr.NotNil},
        {IRIPath: jsonld.OrganizationCityPath, Type: vcr.NotNil},
    vcs, err := s.vcFinder.Search(context.Background(), searchTerms, false, &validationTime)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf(errInvalidIssuerFmt, err)

    if len(vcs) == 0 {
        return errors.New("requester has no trusted organization VC")

    reader := jsonld.Reader{
        DocumentLoader:           s.jsonldManager.DocumentLoader(),
        AllowUndefinedProperties: true,
    for _, vc := range vcs {
        document, err := reader.Read(vc)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("could not expand credential to JSON-LD: %w", err)
        orgNames := document.ValueAt(jsonld.OrganizationNamePath)
        orgCities := document.ValueAt(jsonld.OrganizationCityPath)
        vContext.requesterOrganizationIdentities = append(vContext.requesterOrganizationIdentities, organizationIdentity{
            // must exist because we queried it that way
            name: orgNames[0].String(),
            city: orgCities[0].String(),

    return nil

// check if the authorizer is registered by this vendor, according to RFC003 §
func (s *authzServer) validateSubject(ctx context.Context, validationCtx *validationContext) error {
    if validationCtx.jwtBearerToken.Subject() == "" {
        return fmt.Errorf(errInvalidSubjectFmt, errors.New("missing"))

    subject, err := did.ParseDID(validationCtx.jwtBearerToken.Subject())
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf(errInvalidSubjectFmt, err)
    validationCtx.authorizer = subject

    iat := validationCtx.jwtBearerToken.IssuedAt()
    signingKeyID, _, err := s.keyResolver.ResolveKey(*subject, &iat, resolver.NutsSigningKeyType)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    exists, err := s.privateKeyStore.Exists(ctx, signingKeyID.String())
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("could not check if JWT signing key exists: %w", err)
    if !exists {
        return fmt.Errorf("subject.vendor: %s is not managed by this node", subject)

    return nil

// validate the authorization credentials according to §
func (s *authzServer) validateAuthorizationCredentials(context *validationContext) error {
    // filter on authorization credentials
    vcs, err := context.verifiableCredentials()
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf(errInvalidVCClaim, err)
    j := 0
    // also add all cred IDs to validationContext
    context.credentialIDs = make([]string, len(vcs))
    for i, vc := range vcs {
        context.credentialIDs[i] = vc.ID.String()
        if vc.IsType(*credential.NutsAuthorizationCredentialTypeURI) {
            vcs[j] = vc

    vcs = vcs[:j]

    // no auth creds, return
    if len(vcs) == 0 {
        return nil

    iat := context.jwtBearerToken.IssuedAt()
    iss := context.jwtBearerToken.Issuer()
    sub := context.jwtBearerToken.Subject()

    for _, authCred := range vcs {
        // first check if the VC is valid and if the signature is correct
        if err := s.vcVerifier.Verify(authCred, true, true, &iat); err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf(errInvalidVCClaim, err)

        // The credential issuer equals the sub field of the JWT.
        if authCred.Issuer.String() != sub {
            return fmt.Errorf("issuer %s of authorization credential with ID: %s does not match jwt.sub: %s", authCred.Issuer.String(), authCred.ID.String(), sub)

        // The credential equals the iss field of the JWT.
        subjectDID, err := authCred.SubjectDID()
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf(errInvalidVCClaim, err)
        if subjectDID.String() != iss {
            return fmt.Errorf("credentialSubject.ID %s of authorization credential with ID: %s does not match jwt.iss: %s", subjectDID, authCred.ID.String(), iss)

    return nil

// parseAndValidateJwtBearerToken validates the jwt signature and returns the containing claims
func (s *authzServer) parseAndValidateJwtBearerToken(context *validationContext) error {
    var kidHdr string
    token, err := nutsCrypto.ParseJWT(context.rawJwtBearerToken, func(kid string) (crypto.PublicKey, error) {
        kidHdr = kid
        return s.keyResolver.ResolveKeyByID(kid, nil, resolver.NutsSigningKeyType)
    }, jwt.WithAcceptableSkew(s.clockSkew))
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // this should be ok since it has already succeeded before
    context.jwtBearerToken = token
    context.kid = kidHdr
    return nil

// IntrospectAccessToken fills the fields in NutsAccessToken from the given Jwt Access Token
func (s *authzServer) IntrospectAccessToken(ctx context.Context, accessToken string) (*services.NutsAccessToken, error) {
    token, err := nutsCrypto.ParseJWT(accessToken, func(kid string) (crypto.PublicKey, error) {
        exists, err := s.privateKeyStore.Exists(ctx, kid)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not check if JWT signing key exists: %w", err)
        if !exists {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("JWT signing key not present on this node (kid=%s)", kid)
        return s.keyResolver.ResolveKeyByID(kid, nil, resolver.NutsSigningKeyType)
    }, jwt.WithAcceptableSkew(s.clockSkew))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    result := &services.NutsAccessToken{}

    if err := result.FromMap(token.PrivateClaims()); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    result.Subject = token.Subject()
    result.Issuer = token.Issuer()
    result.IssuedAt = token.IssuedAt().Unix()
    result.Expiration = token.Expiration().Unix()

    return result, err

// todo split this func for easier testing
// BuildAccessToken builds an access token based on the oauth claims and the identity of the user provided by the identityValidationResult
// The token gets signed with the authorizers private key and returned as a string.
// it also returns the claims in the form of a services.NutsAccessToken
// It performs no additional validation, it just uses the values in the given validationContext
func (s *authzServer) buildAccessToken(ctx context.Context, requester did.DID, authorizer did.DID, purposeOfUse string, userIdentity contract.VPVerificationResult, credentialIDs []string) (string, services.NutsAccessToken, error) {
    accessToken := services.NutsAccessToken{}
    issueTime := time.Now()

    accessToken.Service = purposeOfUse
    accessToken.Expiration = time.Now().Add(s.accessTokenLifeSpan).UTC().Unix()
    accessToken.IssuedAt = issueTime.UTC().Unix()
    accessToken.Issuer = authorizer.String()
    accessToken.Subject = requester.String()

    if userIdentity != nil {
        disclosedAttributeFn := userIdentity.DisclosedAttribute

        // based on
        accessToken.Initials = toStrPtr(disclosedAttributeFn(services.InitialsTokenClaim))
        accessToken.FamilyName = toStrPtr(disclosedAttributeFn(services.FamilyNameTokenClaim))
        accessToken.Prefix = toStrPtr(disclosedAttributeFn(services.PrefixTokenClaim))
        accessToken.Email = toStrPtr(disclosedAttributeFn(services.EmailTokenClaim))
        accessToken.AssuranceLevel = toStrPtr(disclosedAttributeFn(services.AssuranceLevelClaim))
        accessToken.UserRole = toStrPtr(disclosedAttributeFn(services.UserRoleClaim))
        accessToken.Username = toStrPtr(disclosedAttributeFn(services.UsernameClaim))

    if len(credentialIDs) > 0 {
        accessToken.Credentials = credentialIDs

    var keyVals map[string]interface{}

    data, _ := json.Marshal(accessToken)

    if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &keyVals); err != nil {
        return "", accessToken, err

    // Sign with the private key of the issuer
    signingKeyID, _, err := s.keyResolver.ResolveKey(authorizer, &issueTime, resolver.NutsSigningKeyType)
    if err != nil {
        return "", accessToken, err
    token, err := s.privateKeyStore.SignJWT(ctx, keyVals, nil, signingKeyID.String())
    if err != nil {
        return token, accessToken, fmt.Errorf("could not build accessToken: %w", err)

    return token, accessToken, err

func toStrPtr(value string) *string {
    return &value