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Test Coverage
 * Nuts node
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package selfsigned

import (
    ssi ""

func (v validator) VerifyVP(vp vc.VerifiablePresentation, validAt *time.Time) (contract.VPVerificationResult, error) {
    result := selfsignedVerificationResult{
        Status: contract.Invalid,

    // 1. verify the proof and check for security requirements
    credentialSubject, proof, err := v.verifyVP(vp, validAt)
    if err != nil {
        if errors.As(err, &verificationError{}) {
            result.InvalidReason = err.Error()
            return result, nil
        return nil, err

    // 2. Contract validation
    if proof.Challenge == nil {
        result.InvalidReason = "challenge is required"
        return result, nil

    c, err := contract.ParseContractString(*proof.Challenge, v.validContracts)
    if err != nil {
        result.InvalidReason = err.Error()
        return result, nil
    t := time.Now()
    if validAt != nil {
        t = *validAt
    err = c.VerifyForGivenTime(t)
    if err != nil {
        result.InvalidReason = err.Error()
        return result, nil

    // 3. check for mandatory attributes in credentialSubject
    if err = validateRequiredAttributes(credentialSubject); err != nil {
        result.InvalidReason = err.Error()
        return result, nil

    disclosedAttributes := map[string]string{
        services.InitialsTokenClaim:   credentialSubject.Member.Member.Initials,
        services.FamilyNameTokenClaim: credentialSubject.Member.Member.FamilyName,
        services.UsernameClaim:        credentialSubject.Member.Identifier,
        services.AssuranceLevelClaim:  "low",
    if credentialSubject.Member.RoleName != nil {
        disclosedAttributes[services.UserRoleClaim] = *credentialSubject.Member.RoleName

    return selfsignedVerificationResult{
        Status: contract.Valid,
        // extract organization attributes and add them to the result
        contractAttributes:  c.Params,
        disclosedAttributes: disclosedAttributes,
    }, nil

func (v validator) verifyVP(vp vc.VerifiablePresentation, validAt *time.Time) (credentialSubject types.EmployeeIdentityCredentialSubject, proof vc.JSONWebSignature2020Proof, resultErr error) {
    // #2428: NutsEmployeeCredential should be valid (signature), but does not need to be trusted.
    vcs, err := v.vcr.Verifier().VerifyVP(vp, true, true, validAt)
    if err != nil {
        if errors.As(err, &verifier.VerificationError{}) {
            resultErr = newVerificationError(err.Error())
        resultErr = err

    if len(vcs) != 1 {
        resultErr = newVerificationError("exactly 1 EmployeeIdentityCredential is required")
    if len(vp.Proof) != 1 {
        resultErr = newVerificationError("exactly 1 Proof is required")
    bytes, _ := json.Marshal(vp.Proof[0])
    _ = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &proof)
    if proof.Proof.Type != ssi.JsonWebSignature2020 {
        resultErr = newVerificationError("proof must be of type JsonWebSignature2020")
    vc := vcs[0]
    signingMethod := proof.VerificationMethod
    signingMethod.Fragment = ""
    if vc.Issuer.String() != signingMethod.String() {
        resultErr = newVerificationError("signer must be credential issuer")
    var credentialSubjects []types.EmployeeIdentityCredentialSubject
    _ = vc.UnmarshalCredentialSubject(&credentialSubjects)
    if len(credentialSubjects) != 1 {
        resultErr = newVerificationError("exactly 1 credentialSubject is required")
    credentialSubject = credentialSubjects[0]
    if vc.Issuer.String() != credentialSubject.ID {
        resultErr = newVerificationError("signer must be credentialSubject")

    // #2428: NutsEmployeeCredential trust is derived from the fact that the issuer has a trusted NutsOrganizationCredential
    searchTerms := []vcr.SearchTerm{
        {IRIPath: jsonld.CredentialSubjectPath, Value: credentialSubject.ID},
        {IRIPath: jsonld.OrganizationNamePath, Type: vcr.NotNil},
        {IRIPath: jsonld.OrganizationCityPath, Type: vcr.NotNil},
    nutsOrgCreds, err := v.vcr.Search(context.TODO(), searchTerms, false, validAt)
    if err != nil {
        resultErr = fmt.Errorf("unable to check NutsEmployeeCredential trust status using NutsOrganizationCredential: %w", err)
    if len(nutsOrgCreds) == 0 {
        resultErr = newVerificationError("NutsEmployeeCredential rejected, issuer does not have a trusted NutsOrganizationCredential")

    return credentialSubject, proof, nil

func validateRequiredAttributes(credentialSubject types.EmployeeIdentityCredentialSubject) error {
    // check for mandatory attrs
    if credentialSubject.Type != "Organization" {
        return errors.New("credentialSubject.type must be \"Organization\"")
    if len(credentialSubject.Member.Identifier) == 0 {
        return errors.New("credentialSubject.member.identifier is required")
    if len(credentialSubject.Member.Member.Initials) == 0 {
        return errors.New("credentialSubject.member.member.initials is required")
    if len(credentialSubject.Member.Member.FamilyName) == 0 {
        return errors.New("credentialSubject.member.member.familyName is required")
    if credentialSubject.Member.Type != "EmployeeRole" {
        return errors.New("credentialSubject.member.type must be \"EmployeeRole\"")
    if credentialSubject.Member.Member.Type != "Person" {
        return errors.New("credentialSubject.member.member.type must be \"Person\"")
    return nil

type validator struct {
    vcr            vcr.VCR
    validContracts contract.TemplateStore

func NewValidator(vcrInstance vcr.VCR, contractStore contract.TemplateStore) contract.VPVerifier {
    return validator{
        vcr:            vcrInstance,
        validContracts: contractStore,

type selfsignedVerificationResult struct {
    Status              contract.State
    InvalidReason       string
    contractAttributes  map[string]string
    disclosedAttributes map[string]string

func (s selfsignedVerificationResult) Validity() contract.State {
    return s.Status

func (s selfsignedVerificationResult) Reason() string {
    return s.InvalidReason

func (s selfsignedVerificationResult) VPType() string {
    return VerifiablePresentationType

func (s selfsignedVerificationResult) DisclosedAttribute(key string) string {
    return s.disclosedAttributes[key]

func (s selfsignedVerificationResult) ContractAttribute(key string) string {
    return s.contractAttributes[key]

func (s selfsignedVerificationResult) DisclosedAttributes() map[string]string {
    return s.disclosedAttributes

func (s selfsignedVerificationResult) ContractAttributes() map[string]string {
    return s.contractAttributes