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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2021 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package core

import (


// StatusCodeResolverContextKey contains the key for the Echo context parameter that specifies a custom HTTP status code resolver.
const StatusCodeResolverContextKey = "!!StatusCodeResolver"

// ErrorWriterContextKey contains the key for the Echo context parameter that specifies a error writer.
const ErrorWriterContextKey = "!!ErrorWriter"

// OperationIDContextKey contains the key for the Echo context parameter that specifies the name of the OpenAPI operation being called,
// for logging/error returning.
const OperationIDContextKey = "!!OperationId"

// ModuleNameContextKey contains the key for the Echo context parameter that specifies the module that contains the OpenAPI operation being called,
// for logging/error returning.
const ModuleNameContextKey = "!!ModuleName"

// UserContextKey is the key used to store the user in HTTP contexts.
const UserContextKey = "user"

const unmappedStatusCode = 0

// CreateHTTPErrorHandler returns an Echo HTTPErrorHandler that logs the error with extra fields and returns it as an HTTP response.
func CreateHTTPErrorHandler() echo.HTTPErrorHandler {
    return func(err error, ctx echo.Context) {
        // HTTPErrors occur e.g. when a parameter bind fails. We map this to a httpStatusCodeError so its status code
        // and message get directly mapped to a problem.
        if echoErr, ok := err.(*echo.HTTPError); ok {
            err = httpStatusCodeError{
                msg:        fmt.Sprintf("%s", echoErr.Message),
                statusCode: echoErr.Code,
                err:        echoErr,
        operationID := ctx.Get(OperationIDContextKey)
        title := "Operation failed"
        if operationID != nil {
            title = fmt.Sprintf("%s failed", fmt.Sprintf("%s", operationID))
        statusCode := GetHTTPStatusCode(err, ctx)
        logger := getContextLogger(ctx)
        logMsg := logger.
            WithField("operationID", operationID).
            WithField("requestURI", ctx.Request().RequestURI).
            WithField("user", ctx.Get(UserContextKey)).
        if statusCode == http.StatusInternalServerError {
        } else {
        if !ctx.Response().Committed {
            errorWriter, _ := ctx.Get(ErrorWriterContextKey).(ErrorWriter)
            if errorWriter == nil {
                errorWriter = &problemErrorWriter{}
            writeError := errorWriter.Write(ctx, statusCode, title, err)
            if writeError != nil {
        } else {
                Warn("Unable to send error back to client, response already committed")

// Error returns an error that maps to an HTTP status
func Error(statusCode int, errStr string, args ...interface{}) error {
    return httpStatusCodeError{msg: fmt.Errorf(errStr, args...).Error(), err: getErrArg(args), statusCode: statusCode}

// NotFoundError returns an error that maps to a HTTP 404 Status Not Found.
func NotFoundError(errStr string, args ...interface{}) error {
    return Error(http.StatusNotFound, errStr, args...)

// InvalidInputError returns an error that maps to a HTTP 400 Bad Request.
func InvalidInputError(errStr string, args ...interface{}) error {
    return Error(http.StatusBadRequest, errStr, args...)

// PreconditionFailedError returns an error that maps to a HTTP 412 Status Precondition Failed.
func PreconditionFailedError(errStr string, args ...interface{}) error {
    return Error(http.StatusPreconditionFailed, errStr, args...)

// ErrorWriter writes an error as response to the given context.
type ErrorWriter interface {
    // Write writes the error to the context. The statusCode is a hint of the status code that should be used.
    // The description is a short description of what failed (typically the operation name).
    Write(echoContext echo.Context, statusCode int, description string, err error) error

type problemErrorWriter struct {

func (p problemErrorWriter) Write(echoContext echo.Context, statusCode int, description string, err error) error {
    result := problem.New(problem.Title(description), problem.Status(statusCode), problem.Detail(err.Error()))
    _, writeError := result.WriteTo(echoContext.Response())
    return writeError

// HTTPStatusCodeError defines an interface for HTTP errors that includes a HTTP statuscode
type HTTPStatusCodeError interface {
    StatusCode() int

type httpStatusCodeError struct {
    msg        string
    statusCode int
    err        error

func (e httpStatusCodeError) StatusCode() int {
    return e.statusCode

func (e httpStatusCodeError) Is(other error) bool {
    cast, is := other.(httpStatusCodeError)
    if is {
        return cast.statusCode == e.statusCode
    return false

func (e httpStatusCodeError) Unwrap() error {
    return e.err

func (e httpStatusCodeError) Error() string {
    return e.msg

func getErrArg(args []interface{}) error {
    for _, arg := range args {
        if err, ok := arg.(error); ok {
            return err
    return nil

// ErrorStatusCodeResolver defines the API of a type that resolves an HTTP status code from a Go error.
type ErrorStatusCodeResolver interface {
    ResolveStatusCode(err error) int

// ResolveStatusCode looks tries to find the first error in the given map that satisfies errors.Is() for the given error,
// and returns the associated integer as HTTP status code. If no match is found it returns 0.
func ResolveStatusCode(err error, mapping map[error]int) int {
    for curr, code := range mapping {
        if errors.Is(err, curr) {
            return code
    return unmappedStatusCode

// GetHTTPStatusCode resolves the HTTP Status Code to be returned from the given error, in this order:
// - errors with a predefined status code (HTTPStatusCodeError, echo.HTTPError)
// - from handler
// - if none of the above criteria match, HTTP 500 Internal Server Error is returned.
func GetHTTPStatusCode(err error, ctx echo.Context) int {
    if predefined, ok := err.(HTTPStatusCodeError); ok {
        return predefined.StatusCode()
    if predefined, ok := err.(*echo.HTTPError); ok {
        return predefined.Code

    statusCodeResolverInterf := ctx.Get(StatusCodeResolverContextKey)
    var result int
    if statusCodeResolverInterf != nil {
        if statusCodeResolver, ok := statusCodeResolverInterf.(ErrorStatusCodeResolver); ok {
            result = statusCodeResolver.ResolveStatusCode(err)
    if result == unmappedStatusCode {
        result = http.StatusInternalServerError
    return result

func getContextLogger(ctx echo.Context) *logrus.Entry {
    fields := logrus.Fields{}
    moduleName := ctx.Get(ModuleNameContextKey)
    if moduleName != nil {
        fields[LogFieldModule] = moduleName
    operationID := ctx.Get(OperationIDContextKey)
    if operationID != nil {
        fields["operation"] = operationID
    return logrus.StandardLogger().WithFields(fields)