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Test Coverage
This directory contains all files needed to build a docker container that includes [node-exporter]( for performance testing.

## Configuring node-exporter
Many [collectors]( are configured by default. 
Changes to the default settings can be made in `node-exporter.conf` (collectors, port, ...).

If a specific setup is needed for a test, just create a new configuration file and mount it to `/etc/conf.d/node-exporter` 

## Building nuts-node:dev container
Containers can be build using the makefile.
# build nutsfoundation/nuts-node:dev FROM nutsfoundation/nuts-node:master

# build nutsfoundation/nuts-node:master locally and then use this to build nutsfoundation/nuts-node:dev
make build-local

## Collecting metrics
By default, node-exporter exposes the prometheus metrics at `/metrics` on port `:9100`.
These metrics can be collected by adding a scrape config to the [prometheus]( config
  - job_name: node
    metrics_path: '/metrics'
    scrape_interval: 5s
      - targets: 
        - '<address>:1323'  # metrics exposed on nuts-node/metrics
        - '<address>:9100'  # metrics exposed by node-exporter

Note: metrics prepended with `go_` are from the target that exposes them, so `node-exporter` and `nuts-node`.