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Test Coverage
 * Nuts node
 * Copyright (C) 2021 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package didman

import (

    ssi ""

// ModuleName contains the name of this module: Didman
const ModuleName = "Didman"

// ErrServiceInUse is returned when a service is deleted but in use by other services
var ErrServiceInUse = errors.New("service is referenced by 1 or more services")

// keyedMutex provides a way of preventing parallel updates to a DID Document
// Note: this does not work in a load balanced environment.
// for every updated DID, a mutex remains in this map, this should not be a problem
type keyedMutex struct {
    mutexes sync.Map

// Lock tries to lock a mutex for a certain key.
// It returns a function which can be used to unlock mutex for the key
func (m *keyedMutex) Lock(key string) func() {
    value, _ := m.mutexes.LoadOrStore(key, &sync.Mutex{})
    mtx := value.(*sync.Mutex)
    log.Logger().Tracef("aquiring lock for: %s", key)
    log.Logger().Tracef("lock aquired for: %s", key)

    // use this to unlock the mutex
    return func() {
        log.Logger().Tracef("unlocked for: %s", key)

// ErrReferencedServiceNotAnEndpoint is returned when a compound service contains a reference that does not resolve to a single endpoint URL.
type ErrReferencedServiceNotAnEndpoint struct {
    Cause error

// Error returns the error message.
func (e ErrReferencedServiceNotAnEndpoint) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("referenced service does not resolve to a single endpoint URL: %s", e.Cause)

// Is checks whether the other error is also a ErrReferencedServiceNotAnEndpoint
func (e ErrReferencedServiceNotAnEndpoint) Is(other error) bool {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%T", e) == fmt.Sprintf("%T", other)

type didman struct {
    jsonldManager jsonld.JSONLD
    vdr           vdr.VDR
    vcr           vcr.Finder
    // callSerializer can be used to (un)lock a resource such as a DID to prevent parallel updates
    callSerializer keyedMutex

// NewDidmanInstance creates a new didman instance with services set
func NewDidmanInstance(vdr vdr.VDR, vcr vcr.Finder, jsonldManager jsonld.JSONLD) Didman {
    return &didman{
        vdr:            vdr,
        vcr:            vcr,
        jsonldManager:  jsonldManager,
        callSerializer: keyedMutex{},

func (d *didman) Name() string {
    return ModuleName

func (d *didman) AddEndpoint(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string, endpoint url.URL) (*did.Service, error) {
    unlockFn := d.callSerializer.Lock(id.String())
    defer unlockFn()

        WithField(core.LogFieldDID, id.String()).
        WithField(core.LogFieldServiceType, serviceType).
        WithField(core.LogFieldServiceEndpoint, endpoint.String()).
        Debug("Adding endpoint")
    service, err := d.addService(ctx, id, serviceType, endpoint.String(), nil)
    if err == nil {
            WithField(core.LogFieldDID, id.String()).
            WithField(core.LogFieldServiceType, serviceType).
            WithField(core.LogFieldServiceEndpoint, endpoint.String()).
            Info("Endpoint added")
    return service, err

func (d *didman) UpdateEndpoint(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string, endpoint url.URL) (*did.Service, error) {
    unlockFn := d.callSerializer.Lock(id.String())
    defer unlockFn()

        WithField(core.LogFieldDID, id.String()).
        WithField(core.LogFieldServiceType, serviceType).
        WithField(core.LogFieldServiceEndpoint, endpoint.String()).
        Debug("Updating endpoint")
    service, err := d.updateService(ctx, id, serviceType, endpoint.String())
    if err == nil {
            WithField(core.LogFieldDID, id.String()).
            WithField(core.LogFieldServiceType, serviceType).
            WithField(core.LogFieldServiceEndpoint, endpoint.String()).
            Info("Endpoint updated")
    return service, err

func (d *didman) DeleteEndpointsByType(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string) error {
    unlockFn := d.callSerializer.Lock(id.String())
    defer unlockFn()

    doc, _, err := d.vdr.Resolver().Resolve(id, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    found := false
    for _, s := range doc.Service {
        if s.Type == serviceType {
            found = true
            if err = d.deleteService(ctx, s.ID); err != nil {
                return err
    if !found {
        return resolver.ErrServiceNotFound
    return nil

func (d *didman) GetCompoundServices(id did.DID) ([]did.Service, error) {
    doc, _, err := d.vdr.Resolver().Resolve(id, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return filterCompoundServices(doc), nil

func (d *didman) AddCompoundService(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string, endpoints map[string]ssi.URI) (*did.Service, error) {
    unlockFn := d.callSerializer.Lock(id.String())
    defer unlockFn()

        WithField(core.LogFieldDID, id.String()).
        WithField(core.LogFieldServiceType, serviceType).
        WithField(core.LogFieldServiceEndpoint, endpoints).
        Debug("Adding compound service")

    // transform service references to map[string]interface{}
    serviceEndpoint := map[string]interface{}{}
    for k, v := range endpoints {
        serviceEndpoint[k] = v.String()

    service, err := d.addService(ctx, id, serviceType, serviceEndpoint, nil)
    if err == nil {
            WithField(core.LogFieldDID, id.String()).
            WithField(core.LogFieldServiceType, serviceType).
            WithField(core.LogFieldServiceEndpoint, endpoints).
            Info("Compound service added")

    return service, err

func (d *didman) UpdateCompoundService(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string, endpoints map[string]ssi.URI) (*did.Service, error) {
    unlockFn := d.callSerializer.Lock(id.String())
    defer unlockFn()

        WithField(core.LogFieldDID, id.String()).
        WithField(core.LogFieldServiceType, serviceType).
        WithField(core.LogFieldServiceEndpoint, endpoints).
        Debug("Updating compound service")

    // transform service references to map[string]interface{}
    serviceEndpoint := map[string]interface{}{}
    for k, v := range endpoints {
        serviceEndpoint[k] = v.String()

    service, err := d.updateService(ctx, id, serviceType, serviceEndpoint)
    if err == nil {
            WithField(core.LogFieldDID, id.String()).
            WithField(core.LogFieldServiceType, serviceType).
            WithField(core.LogFieldServiceEndpoint, endpoints).
            Info("Compound service updated")

    return service, err

func (d *didman) GetCompoundServiceEndpoint(id did.DID, compoundServiceType string, endpointType string, resolveReferences bool) (string, error) {
    document, _, err := d.vdr.Resolver().Resolve(id, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    referenceDepth := 0
    documentsCache := map[string]*did.Document{document.ID.String(): document}

    // First, resolve the compound endpoint
    serviceResolver := resolver.DIDServiceResolver{Resolver: d.vdr.Resolver()}
    compoundService, err := serviceResolver.ResolveEx(resolver.MakeServiceReference(id, compoundServiceType), referenceDepth, resolver.DefaultMaxServiceReferenceDepth, documentsCache)
    if err != nil {
        return "", ErrReferencedServiceNotAnEndpoint{Cause: fmt.Errorf("unable to resolve compound service: %w", err)}

    // Second, resolve the endpoint in the compound service
    endpoints := make(map[string]string, 0)
    err = compoundService.UnmarshalServiceEndpoint(&endpoints)
    if err != nil {
        return "", ErrReferencedServiceNotAnEndpoint{Cause: fmt.Errorf("referenced service is not a compound service: %w", err)}
    endpoint := endpoints[endpointType]
    if endpoint == "" {
        return "", resolver.ErrServiceNotFound
    if resolveReferences && resolver.IsServiceReference(endpoint) {
        endpointURI, err := ssi.ParseURI(endpoint)
        if err != nil {
            // Not sure when this could ever happen
            return "", err
        resolvedEndpoint, err := serviceResolver.ResolveEx(*endpointURI, referenceDepth, resolver.DefaultMaxServiceReferenceDepth, documentsCache)
        if err != nil {
            return "", err
        err = resolvedEndpoint.UnmarshalServiceEndpoint(&endpoint)
        if err != nil {
            return "", ErrReferencedServiceNotAnEndpoint{Cause: err}
        return endpoint, nil
    return endpoint, nil

func (d *didman) DeleteService(ctx context.Context, serviceID ssi.URI) error {
    id, err := resolver.GetDIDFromURL(serviceID.String())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    unlockFn := d.callSerializer.Lock(id.String())
    defer unlockFn()

    return d.deleteService(ctx, serviceID)

// deleteService deletes the service without using the callSerializer locks
func (d *didman) deleteService(ctx context.Context, serviceID ssi.URI) error {
        WithField(core.LogFieldServiceID, serviceID.String()).
        Debug("Deleting service")
    id, err := resolver.GetDIDFromURL(serviceID.String())
    if err != nil {
        return err

    doc, _, err := d.vdr.Resolver().Resolve(id, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var service *did.Service
    for i, s := range doc.Service {
        if s.ID == serviceID {
            service = &doc.Service[i]
    if service == nil {
        return resolver.ErrServiceNotFound

    // check for existing use on this document
    if referencedService(doc, resolver.MakeServiceReference(doc.ID, service.Type).String()) {
        return ErrServiceInUse

    // remove service
    j := 0
    for _, s := range doc.Service {
        if s.ID != serviceID {
            doc.Service[j] = s
    if j == len(doc.Service) {
        return resolver.ErrServiceNotFound
    doc.Service = doc.Service[:j]

    err = d.vdr.Update(ctx, id, *doc)
    if err == nil {
            WithField(core.LogFieldServiceID, serviceID.String()).
            Info("Service deleted")
    return err

func (d *didman) UpdateContactInformation(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, information ContactInformation) (*ContactInformation, error) {
    unlockFn := d.callSerializer.Lock(id.String())
    defer unlockFn()

        WithField(core.LogFieldDID, id.String()).
        Debugf("Updating contact information service")

    // transform ContactInformation to map[string]interface{}
    serviceEndpoint := map[string]interface{}{
        "name":    information.Name,
        "email":   information.Email,
        "phone":   information.Phone,
        "website": information.Website,

    _, err := d.addService(ctx, id, ContactInformationServiceType, serviceEndpoint, func(doc *did.Document) {
        // check for existing contact information and remove it
        i := 0
        for _, s := range doc.Service {
            if s.Type != ContactInformationServiceType {
                doc.Service[i] = s
        doc.Service = doc.Service[0:i]
    if err == nil {
            WithField(core.LogFieldDID, id.String()).
            Info("Contact Information service added/updated")
    return &information, err

// GetContactInformation tries to find the ContactInformation for the indicated DID document.
// Returns nil, nil when no contactInformation for the DID was found.
func (d *didman) GetContactInformation(id did.DID) (*ContactInformation, error) {
    doc, _, err := d.vdr.Resolver().Resolve(id, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    contactServices := filterServices(doc, ContactInformationServiceType)
    if len(contactServices) > 1 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple contact information services found")
    if len(contactServices) == 1 {
        information := &ContactInformation{}
        err = contactServices[0].UnmarshalServiceEndpoint(information)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal contact info service endpoint: %w", err)
        return information, nil
    return nil, nil

func (d *didman) SearchOrganizations(ctx context.Context, query string, serviceType *string) ([]OrganizationSearchResult, error) {
    searchTerms := []vcr.SearchTerm{
        {IRIPath: jsonld.OrganizationNamePath, Value: query, Type: vcr.Prefix},
        {IRIPath: jsonld.OrganizationCityPath, Type: vcr.NotNil},

    organizations, err := d.vcr.Search(ctx, searchTerms, false, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // Retrieve DID Documents of found organizations
    var didDocuments []*did.Document
    didDocuments, organizations = d.resolveOrganizationDIDDocuments(organizations)

    // If specified, filter on DID service type
    if serviceType != nil && len(*serviceType) > 0 {
        j := 0
        for i := 0; i < len(organizations); i++ {
            // Check if this organization's DID Document has a service that matches the given type
            if len(filterServices(didDocuments[i], *serviceType)) > 0 {
                organizations[j] = organizations[i]
                didDocuments[j] = didDocuments[i]
        // Reslice to omit results which' DID Document did not contain the given service type
        didDocuments = didDocuments[:j]
        organizations = organizations[:j]

    // Convert organization concepts and DID documents to search results
    results := make([]OrganizationSearchResult, len(organizations))
    for i := range organizations {
        reader := jsonld.Reader{
            DocumentLoader:           d.jsonldManager.DocumentLoader(),
            AllowUndefinedProperties: true,
        document, err := reader.Read(organizations[i])
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to expand credential to JSON-LD: %w", err)

        // guaranteed to contain values
        orgNames := document.ValueAt(jsonld.OrganizationNamePath)
        orgCities := document.ValueAt(jsonld.OrganizationCityPath)

        results[i] = OrganizationSearchResult{
            DIDDocument: *didDocuments[i],
            Organization: map[string]interface{}{
                "name": orgNames[0],
                "city": orgCities[0],

    return results, nil

// resolveOrganizationDIDDocuments takes a slice of organization VCs and tries to resolve the corresponding DID document for each.
func (d *didman) resolveOrganizationDIDDocuments(organizations []vc.VerifiableCredential) ([]*did.Document, []vc.VerifiableCredential) {
    didDocuments := make([]*did.Document, len(organizations))
    j := 0
    for i, organization := range organizations {
        document, organizationDID, err := d.resolveOrganizationDIDDocument(organization)
        if resolver.IsFunctionalResolveError(err) {
            // Just ignore deactivated DID documents or VCs that don't refer to an existing DID document.
            // Log it on debug, because it might be useful for finding VCs that need to be revoked (since they're invalid).
                WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialID, organization.ID).
                WithField(core.LogFieldDID, organizationDID.String()).
                Debug("Unable to resolve organization DID document (invalid VC?)")
        if document == nil {
            // Some other error occurred, log a warning and omit this entry from the search.
                WithField(core.LogFieldCredentialID, organization.ID).
                WithField(core.LogFieldDID, organizationDID.String()).
                Warn("Unable to parse organization VC and/or subject DID document")
        didDocuments[j] = document
        organizations[j] = organizations[i]
    // Reslice to omit results which' DID Document could not be resolved
    didDocuments = didDocuments[:j]
    organizations = organizations[:j]
    return didDocuments, organizations

func (d *didman) resolveOrganizationDIDDocument(organization vc.VerifiableCredential) (*did.Document, did.DID, error) {
    if len(organization.CredentialSubject) == 0 {
        return nil, did.DID{}, errors.New("no credential subjects in organization credential")
    credentialSubject := make([]credential.BaseCredentialSubject, 0)
    err := organization.UnmarshalCredentialSubject(&credentialSubject)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, did.DID{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to get DID from organization credential: %w", err)
    organizationDIDStr := credentialSubject[0].ID
    organizationDID, err := did.ParseDID(organizationDIDStr)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, did.DID{}, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse DID from organization credential: %w", err)
    document, _, err := d.vdr.Resolver().Resolve(*organizationDID, nil)
    return document, *organizationDID, err

func filterCompoundServices(doc *did.Document) []did.Service {
    var compoundServices []did.Service
    for _, service := range doc.Service {
        if service.Type == ContactInformationServiceType {
        if _, ok := service.ServiceEndpoint.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
            compoundServices = append(compoundServices, service)
    return compoundServices

func filterServices(doc *did.Document, serviceType string) []did.Service {
    var contactServices []did.Service
    for _, service := range doc.Service {
        if service.Type == serviceType {
            contactServices = append(contactServices, service)
    return contactServices

func (d *didman) addService(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string, serviceEndpoint interface{}, preprocessor func(*did.Document)) (*did.Service, error) {
    doc, _, err := d.vdr.Resolver().Resolve(id, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    if preprocessor != nil {

    // check for duplicate service type
    for _, s := range doc.Service {
        if s.Type == serviceType {
            return nil, resolver.ErrDuplicateService

    // construct service with correct ID
    service := &did.Service{
        Type:            serviceType,
        ServiceEndpoint: serviceEndpoint,
    service.ID = generateIDForService(id, *service)

    // Add on DID Document and update
    doc.Service = append(doc.Service, *service)
    if err = d.vdr.Update(ctx, id, *doc); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return service, nil

func (d *didman) updateService(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string, serviceEndpoint interface{}) (*did.Service, error) {
    doc, _, err := d.vdr.Resolver().Resolve(id, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    service := &did.Service{
        Type:            serviceType,
        ServiceEndpoint: serviceEndpoint,
    service.ID = generateIDForService(id, *service)

    serviceToBeUpdatedFound := false
    for i, s := range doc.Service {
        if s.Type == serviceType {
            doc.Service[i] = *service
            serviceToBeUpdatedFound = true
    if !serviceToBeUpdatedFound {
        return nil, resolver.ErrServiceNotFound
    if err = d.vdr.Update(ctx, id, *doc); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return service, nil

func generateIDForService(id did.DID, service did.Service) ssi.URI {
    bytes, _ := json.Marshal(service)
    // go-did earlier unmarshaled/marshaled the service endpoint to a map[string]interface{} ("NormalizeDocument()"), which changes the order of the keys.
    // To retain the same hash given as before go-did v0.10.0, we need to mimic this behavior.
    var raw map[string]interface{}
    _ = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &raw)
    bytes, _ = json.Marshal(raw)
    shaBytes := sha256.Sum256(bytes)
    d := id.URI()
    d.Fragment = base58.EncodeAlphabet(shaBytes[:], base58.BTCAlphabet)
    return d

// referencedService checks if serviceRef occurs in doc's services.
// serviceRef is in the form: did:nuts:123/serviceEndpoint?type=oauth_prod
func referencedService(doc *did.Document, serviceRef string) bool {
    for _, s := range doc.Service {
        switch s.ServiceEndpoint.(type) {
        case map[string]interface{}: // compound service
            cs := map[string]string{}
            _ = s.UnmarshalServiceEndpoint(&cs)
            for _, ref := range cs {
                if ref == serviceRef {
                    return true
        case interface{}: // service endpoint
            var serviceEndpoint string
            _ = s.UnmarshalServiceEndpoint(&serviceEndpoint)
            if serviceEndpoint == serviceRef {
                return true
        default: // sets are not supported
            // Should this do anything?
    return false