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 * Nuts node
 * Copyright (C) 2021 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package didman

import (
    ssi ""

// ContactInformationServiceType contains the DID service type used for services that contain node contact information.
const ContactInformationServiceType = "node-contact-info"

// Didman groups all high-level methods for manipulating DID Documents
type Didman interface {

    // AddEndpoint adds a service to a DID Document. The serviceEndpoint is set to the given URL.
    // It returns ErrDuplicateService if a service with the given type already exists.
    // It can also return various errors from DIDResolver.Resolve and VDR.Update
    AddEndpoint(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string, endpoint url.URL) (*did.Service, error)

    // UpdateEndpoint updates the serviceEndpoint of a service in a DID Document. The serviceEndpoint is set to the given URL.
    // It can return various errors from DIDResolver.Resolve and VDR.Update.
    UpdateEndpoint(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string, endpoint url.URL) (*did.Service, error)

    // DeleteEndpointsByType takes a did and type and removes all endpoint with the type from the DID Document.
    // It returns ErrServiceNotFound if no services with the given type can't be found in the DID Document.
    // It returns ErrServiceInUse if the service is referenced by other services.
    // It can also return various errors from DIDResolver.Resolve
    DeleteEndpointsByType(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string) error

    // DeleteService removes a service from a DID Document.
    // It returns ErrServiceInUse if the service is referenced by other services.
    // It returns ErrServiceNotFound if the service can't be found in the DID Document.
    // It can also return various errors from DIDResolver.Resolve and VDR.Update
    DeleteService(ctx context.Context, id ssi.URI) error

    // AddCompoundService adds a compound endpoint to a DID Document.
    // It returns ErrDuplicateService if a service with the given type already exists.
    // It returns didservice.DIDServiceQueryError if one of the service references is invalid.
    // It returns ErrReferencedServiceNotAnEndpoint if one of the references does not resolve to a single endpoint URL.
    // It can also return various errors from DIDResolver.Resolve and VDR.Update
    AddCompoundService(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string, endpoints map[string]ssi.URI) (*did.Service, error)

    // UpdateCompoundService updates a compound endpoint in a DID Document.
    // It returns didservice.DIDServiceQueryError if one of the service references is invalid.
    // It returns ErrReferencedServiceNotAnEndpoint if one of the references does not resolve to a single endpoint URL.
    // It can also return various errors from DIDResolver.Resolve and VDR.Update
    UpdateCompoundService(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, serviceType string, endpoints map[string]ssi.URI) (*did.Service, error)

    // UpdateContactInformation adds or updates the compoundService with type equal to node-contact-info with provided
    // contact information to the DID Document.
    // It returns the contact information when the update was successful.
    // It can also return various errors from DIDResolver.Resolve and VDR.Update
    UpdateContactInformation(ctx context.Context, id did.DID, information ContactInformation) (*ContactInformation, error)

    // GetContactInformation finds and returns the contact information from the provided DID Document.
    // Returns nil, nil when no contactInformation for the DID was found.
    // It can also return various errors from DIDResolver.Resolve
    GetContactInformation(id did.DID) (*ContactInformation, error)

    // SearchOrganizations searches VCR for organizations which's name matches the given query.
    // It then optionally filters on those which have a service of the specified type on their DID Document.
    SearchOrganizations(ctx context.Context, query string, didServiceType *string) ([]OrganizationSearchResult, error)

// CompoundServiceResolver defines high-level operations for resolving services of DID documents.
type CompoundServiceResolver interface {
    // GetCompoundServiceEndpoint retrieves the endpoint with the specified endpointType from the specified compound service.
    // It returns the serviceEndpoint of the specified service (which must be an absolute URL endpoint).
    // If resolveReferences is true and the specified endpointType contains a reference, it is resolved and the referenced endpoint is returned instead.
    // It returns ErrServiceNotFound if the specified compound service or endpoint can't be found in the DID Document.
    // It returns didservice.DIDServiceQueryError if the endpoint doesn't contain a (valid) reference and resolveReferences = true.
    // It returns ErrServiceReferenceToDeep if the endpoint reference is nested too deep.
    GetCompoundServiceEndpoint(id did.DID, compoundServiceType string, endpointType string, resolveReferences bool) (string, error)

    // GetCompoundServices returns a list of all compoundServices defined on the given DID document.
    // It does not include special compound services like ContactInformation
    // It can also return various errors from DIDResolver.Resolve
    GetCompoundServices(id did.DID) ([]did.Service, error)

// ContactInformation contains set of contact information entries
type ContactInformation struct {

    // Email contains the email address for normal priority support
    Email string `json:"email"`

    // Name contains the commonly known name of the service provider
    Name string `json:"name"`

    // Phone contains a phone number for high priority support
    Phone string `json:"phone"`

    // Website contains the URL of the public website of this Service Provider. Can point to a Nuts specific page with more information about the node and how to contact.
    Website string `json:"website"`

// OrganizationSearchResult is returned by SearchOrganizations and associates a resulting organization with its DID Document.
type OrganizationSearchResult struct {
    // DIDDocument contains the organization's DID Document.
    DIDDocument did.Document `json:"didDocument"`
    // Organization contains the organization's information derived from its Verifiable Credential.
    Organization map[string]interface{} `json:"organization"`