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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package discovery

import (
    ssi ""

const ModuleName = "Discovery"

// ErrInvalidPresentation is returned when a client tries to register a Verifiable Presentation that is invalid.
var ErrInvalidPresentation = errors.New("presentation is invalid for registration")

var (
    errUnsupportedPresentationFormat           = errors.New("only JWT presentations are supported")
    errPresentationWithoutID                   = errors.New("presentation does not have an ID")
    errPresentationWithoutExpiration           = errors.New("presentation does not have an expiration")
    errPresentationValidityExceedsCredentials  = errors.New("presentation is valid longer than the credential(s) it contains")
    errPresentationDoesNotFulfillDefinition    = errors.New("presentation does not fulfill Presentation ServiceDefinition")
    errRetractionReferencesUnknownPresentation = errors.New("retraction presentation refers to a non-existing presentation")
    errRetractionContainsCredentials           = errors.New("retraction presentation must not contain credentials")
    errInvalidRetractionJTIClaim               = errors.New("invalid/missing 'retract_jti' claim for retraction presentation")
    errCyclicForwardingDetected                = errors.New("cyclic forwarding detected")

var _ core.Injectable = &Module{}
var _ core.Runnable = &Module{}
var _ core.Configurable = &Module{}
var _ Server = &Module{}
var _ Client = &Module{}

var retractionPresentationType = ssi.MustParseURI("RetractedVerifiablePresentation")

// New creates a new Module.
func New(storageInstance storage.Engine, vcrInstance vcr.VCR, documentOwner management.DocumentOwner) *Module {
    m := &Module{
        storageInstance: storageInstance,
        vcrInstance:     vcrInstance,
        documentOwner:   documentOwner,
    m.ctx, m.cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    m.routines = new(sync.WaitGroup)
    return m

// Module is the main entry point for discovery services.
type Module struct {
    config              Config
    httpClient          client.HTTPClient
    storageInstance     storage.Engine
    store               *sqlStore
    registrationManager clientRegistrationManager
    serverDefinitions   map[string]ServiceDefinition
    allDefinitions      map[string]ServiceDefinition
    vcrInstance         vcr.VCR
    documentOwner       management.DocumentOwner
    clientUpdater       *clientUpdater
    ctx                 context.Context
    cancel              context.CancelFunc
    routines            *sync.WaitGroup

func (m *Module) Configure(serverConfig core.ServerConfig) error {
    if m.config.Definitions.Directory == "" {
        return nil
    // check if directory exists
    _, err := os.Stat(m.config.Definitions.Directory)
    if err != nil {
        if os.IsNotExist(err) && m.config.Definitions.Directory == DefaultConfig().Definitions.Directory {
            // assume this is the default config value and do not fail
            return nil
        return fmt.Errorf("failed to load discovery defintions: %w", err)

    m.allDefinitions, err = loadDefinitions(m.config.Definitions.Directory)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if len(m.config.Server.IDs) > 0 {
        // Get the definitions that are enabled for this server
        serverDefinitions := make(map[string]ServiceDefinition)
        for _, serviceID := range m.config.Server.IDs {
            if service, exists := m.allDefinitions[serviceID]; !exists {
                return fmt.Errorf("service definition '%s' not found", serviceID)
            } else {
                serverDefinitions[serviceID] = service
        m.serverDefinitions = serverDefinitions
    m.httpClient = client.New(serverConfig.Strictmode, serverConfig.HTTPClient.Timeout, nil)
    return nil

func (m *Module) Start() error {
    var err error, err = newSQLStore(m.storageInstance.GetSQLDatabase(), m.allDefinitions)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    m.clientUpdater = newClientUpdater(m.allDefinitions,, m.verifyRegistration, m.httpClient)
    m.registrationManager = newRegistrationManager(m.allDefinitions,, m.httpClient, m.vcrInstance)
    if m.config.Client.RefreshInterval > 0 {
        go func() {
            defer m.routines.Done()
    return nil

func (m *Module) Shutdown() error {
    return nil

func (m *Module) Name() string {
    return ModuleName

func (m *Module) Config() interface{} {
    return &m.config

// Register is a Discovery Server function that registers a presentation on the given Discovery Service.
// See interface.go for more information.
func (m *Module) Register(context context.Context, serviceID string, presentation vc.VerifiablePresentation) error {
    // First, simple sanity checks
    _, isServer := m.serverDefinitions[serviceID]
    if !isServer {
        // forward to configured server
        service, exists := m.allDefinitions[serviceID]
        if !exists {
            return ErrServiceNotFound

        // check If X-Forwarded-Host header is set, if set it must not be the same as service.Endpoint
        if cycleDetected(context, service) {
            return errCyclicForwardingDetected

        // forward to configured server
        log.Logger().Infof("Forwarding Register request to configured server (service=%s)", serviceID)
        return m.httpClient.Register(context, service.Endpoint, presentation)
    definition := m.allDefinitions[serviceID]
    if err := m.verifyRegistration(definition, presentation); err != nil {
        return err

    return, presentation, 0)

func (m *Module) verifyRegistration(definition ServiceDefinition, presentation vc.VerifiablePresentation) error {
    // First, simple sanity checks
    if presentation.Format() != vc.JWTPresentationProofFormat {
        return errors.Join(ErrInvalidPresentation, errUnsupportedPresentationFormat)
    if presentation.ID == nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrInvalidPresentation, errPresentationWithoutID)
    // Make sure the presentation is intended for this service
    if err := validateAudience(definition, presentation.JWT().Audience()); err != nil {
        return err
    expiration := presentation.JWT().Expiration()
    if expiration.IsZero() {
        return errors.Join(ErrInvalidPresentation, errPresentationWithoutExpiration)
    // VPs should not be valid for too long, as that would prevent the server from pruning them.
    if time.Until(expiration) > time.Duration(definition.PresentationMaxValidity)*time.Second {
        return errors.Join(ErrInvalidPresentation, fmt.Errorf("presentation is valid for too long (max %s)", time.Duration(definition.PresentationMaxValidity)*time.Second))
    // Check if the presentation already exists
    credentialSubjectID, err := credential.PresentationSigner(presentation)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    exists, err :=, credentialSubjectID.String(), presentation.ID.String())
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if exists {
        return errors.Join(ErrInvalidPresentation, ErrPresentationAlreadyExists)
    // Depending on the presentation type, we need to validate different properties before storing it.
    if presentation.IsType(retractionPresentationType) {
        err = m.validateRetraction(definition.ID, presentation)
    } else {
        err = m.validateRegistration(definition, presentation)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrInvalidPresentation, err)
    // Check signature of presentation and contained credential(s)
    _, err = m.vcrInstance.Verifier().VerifyVP(presentation, true, true, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return errors.Join(ErrInvalidPresentation, fmt.Errorf("presentation verification failed: %w", err))
    return nil

func (m *Module) validateRegistration(definition ServiceDefinition, presentation vc.VerifiablePresentation) error {
    // VP can't be valid longer than the credentialRecord it contains
    expiration := presentation.JWT().Expiration()
    for _, cred := range presentation.VerifiableCredential {
        if cred.ExpirationDate != nil && expiration.After(*cred.ExpirationDate) {
            return errPresentationValidityExceedsCredentials
    // VP must fulfill the PEX Presentation ServiceDefinition
    // We don't have a PresentationSubmission, so we can't use Validate().
    creds, _, err := definition.PresentationDefinition.Match(presentation.VerifiableCredential)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if len(creds) != len(presentation.VerifiableCredential) {
        return errPresentationDoesNotFulfillDefinition
    return nil

func (m *Module) validateRetraction(serviceID string, presentation vc.VerifiablePresentation) error {
    // Presentation might be a retraction (deletion of an earlier credentialRecord) must contain no credentials, and refer to the VP being retracted by ID.
    // If those conditions aren't met, we don't need to register the retraction.
    if len(presentation.VerifiableCredential) > 0 {
        return errRetractionContainsCredentials
    // Check that the retraction refers to an existing presentation.
    // If not, it might've already been removed due to expiry or superseded by a newer presentation.
    retractJTIRaw, _ := presentation.JWT().Get("retract_jti")
    retractJTI, ok := retractJTIRaw.(string)
    if !ok || retractJTI == "" {
        return errInvalidRetractionJTIClaim
    signerDID, _ := credential.PresentationSigner(presentation) // checked before
    exists, err :=, signerDID.String(), retractJTI)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if !exists {
        return errRetractionReferencesUnknownPresentation
    return nil

// Get is a Discovery Server function that retrieves the presentations for the given service, starting at timestamp+1.
// See interface.go for more information.
func (m *Module) Get(context context.Context, serviceID string, startAfter int) (map[string]vc.VerifiablePresentation, int, error) {
    _, exists := m.serverDefinitions[serviceID]
    if !exists {
        // forward to configured server
        service, exists := m.allDefinitions[serviceID]
        if !exists {
            return nil, 0, ErrServiceNotFound

        // check If X-Forwarded-Host header is set, if set it must not be the same as service.Endpoint
        if cycleDetected(context, service) {
            return nil, 0, errCyclicForwardingDetected

        log.Logger().Infof("Forwarding Get request to configured server (service=%s)", serviceID)
        return m.httpClient.Get(context, service.Endpoint, startAfter)
    return, startAfter)

func cycleDetected(ctx context.Context, service ServiceDefinition) bool {
    host := forwardedHost(ctx)
    if host == "" {
        return false
    myUri, err := url.Parse(host)
    if err != nil {
        return false
    targetUri, err := url.Parse(service.Endpoint)
    if err != nil {
        return false

    return myUri.Host == targetUri.Host

func forwardedHost(ctx context.Context) string {
    // get value from context using "X-Forwarded-Host" key
    forwardedHostValue := ctx.Value(XForwardedHostContextKey{})
    host, ok := forwardedHostValue.(string)
    if !ok {
        return ""
    return host

// ActivateServiceForDID is a Discovery Client function that activates a service for a DID.
// See interface.go for more information.
func (m *Module) ActivateServiceForDID(ctx context.Context, serviceID string, subjectDID did.DID) error {
    log.Logger().Debugf("Activating service for DID (did=%s, service=%s)", subjectDID, serviceID)
    isOwner, err := m.documentOwner.IsOwner(ctx, subjectDID)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if !isOwner {
        return errors.New("not owner of DID")
    err = m.registrationManager.activate(ctx, serviceID, subjectDID)
    if errors.Is(err, ErrPresentationRegistrationFailed) {
        log.Logger().WithError(err).Warnf("Presentation registration failed, will be retried later (did=%s,service=%s)", subjectDID, serviceID)
    } else if err == nil {
        log.Logger().Infof("Successfully activated service for DID (did=%s,service=%s)", subjectDID, serviceID)
        _ = m.clientUpdater.updateService(ctx, m.allDefinitions[serviceID])
    return err

// DeactivateServiceForDID is a Discovery Client function that deactivates a service for a DID.
// See interface.go for more information.
func (m *Module) DeactivateServiceForDID(ctx context.Context, serviceID string, subjectDID did.DID) error {
    log.Logger().Infof("Deactivating service for DID (did=%s, service=%s)", subjectDID, serviceID)
    return m.registrationManager.deactivate(ctx, serviceID, subjectDID)

func (m *Module) Services() []ServiceDefinition {
    result := make([]ServiceDefinition, 0, len(m.allDefinitions))
    for _, definition := range m.allDefinitions {
        result = append(result, definition)
    return result

// GetServiceActivation is a Discovery Client function that retrieves the activation status of a service for a DID.
// See interface.go for more information.
func (m *Module) GetServiceActivation(_ context.Context, serviceID string, subjectDID did.DID) (bool, *vc.VerifiablePresentation, error) {
    refreshTime, err :=, subjectDID)
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, err
    if refreshTime == nil {
        return false, nil, nil

    presentations, err :=, map[string]string{
        "": subjectDID.String(),
    if err != nil {
        return false, nil, err
    if len(presentations) > 0 {
        return true, &presentations[0], nil
    return true, nil, nil

func loadDefinitions(directory string) (map[string]ServiceDefinition, error) {
    entries, err := os.ReadDir(directory)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read definitions directory '%s': %w", directory, err)
    result := make(map[string]ServiceDefinition)
    for _, entry := range entries {
        if entry.IsDir() || !strings.HasSuffix(entry.Name(), ".json") {
        filePath := path.Join(directory, entry.Name())
        data, err := os.ReadFile(filePath)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to read service definition file '%s': %w", filePath, err)
        definition, err := ParseServiceDefinition(data)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse service definition file '%s': %w", filePath, err)
        if _, exists := result[definition.ID]; exists {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate service definition ID '%s' in file '%s'", definition.ID, filePath)
        result[definition.ID] = *definition
    return result, nil

// Search is a Discovery Client function that searches for presentations which credential(s) match the given query.
// See interface.go for more information.
func (m *Module) Search(serviceID string, query map[string]string) ([]SearchResult, error) {
    service, exists := m.allDefinitions[serviceID]
    if !exists {
        return nil, ErrServiceNotFound
    matchingVPs, err :=, query)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    var result []SearchResult
    for _, matchingVP := range matchingVPs {
        // Match credentials to Presentation Definition, to resolve map with InputDescriptorId -> CredentialValue
        submissionVCs, inputDescriptorMappingObjects, err := service.PresentationDefinition.Match(matchingVP.VerifiableCredential)
        var fields map[string]interface{}
        if err != nil {
            log.Logger().Infof("Search() is unable to build submission for VP '%s': %s", matchingVP.ID, err)
        } else {
            credentialMap := make(map[string]vc.VerifiableCredential)
            for i := 0; i < len(inputDescriptorMappingObjects); i++ {
                credentialMap[inputDescriptorMappingObjects[i].Id] = submissionVCs[i]
            fields, err = service.PresentationDefinition.ResolveConstraintsFields(credentialMap)
            if err != nil {
                log.Logger().Infof("Search() is unable to resolve Input Descriptor Constraints Fields map for VP '%s': %s", matchingVP.ID, err)

        result = append(result, SearchResult{
            Presentation: matchingVP,
            Fields:       fields,
    return result, nil

func (m *Module) update() {
    ticker := time.NewTicker(m.config.Client.RefreshInterval)
    defer ticker.Stop()
    ctx := audit.Context(m.ctx, "app", ModuleName, "RefreshDiscoveryClient")
    do := func() {
        // Refresh registrations first, to make sure we have (our own) latest presentations when we load them from the Discovery Service
        err := m.registrationManager.refresh(ctx, time.Now())
        if err != nil {
            log.Logger().WithError(err).Errorf("Failed to refresh own Verifiable Presentations on Discovery Service")
        err = m.clientUpdater.update(m.ctx)
        if err != nil {
            log.Logger().WithError(err).Errorf("Failed to load latest Verifiable Presentations from Discovery Service")
    for {
        select {
        case <-ctx.Done():
        case <-ticker.C:

// validateAudience checks if the given audience of the presentation matches the service ID.
func validateAudience(service ServiceDefinition, audience []string) error {
    for _, audienceID := range audience {
        if audienceID == service.ID {
            return nil
    return errors.New("aud claim is missing or invalid")