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.. table:: did:nuts/gRPC Server Options
    :widths: 20 30 50
    :class: options-table

    ================================      ===========================      ======================================================================================================================================================================================
    Key                                   Default                          Description                                                                                                                                                                           
    ================================      ===========================      ======================================================================================================================================================================================
    tls.certfile                                                           PEM file containing the certificate for the gRPC server (also used as client certificate). Required in strict mode.                                                                   
    tls.certheader                                                         Name of the HTTP header that will contain the client certificate when TLS is offloaded for gRPC.                                                                                      
    tls.certkeyfile                                                        PEM file containing the private key of the gRPC server certificate. Required in strict mode.                                                                                          
    tls.offload                                                            Whether to enable TLS offloading for incoming gRPC connections. Enable by setting it to 'incoming'. If enabled 'tls.certheader' must be configured as well.                           
    tls.truststorefile                    ./config/ssl/truststore.pem      PEM file containing the trusted CA certificates for authenticating remote gRPC servers. Required in strict mode.                                                                      
    auth.accesstokenlifespan              60                               defines how long (in seconds) an access token is valid. Uses default in strict mode.                                                                                                  
    auth.clockskew                        5000                             allowed JWT Clock skew in milliseconds                                                                                                                                                
    auth.contractvalidators               [irma,dummy,employeeid]          sets the different contract validators to use                                                                                                                                         
    auth.irma.autoupdateschemas           true                             set if you want automatically update the IRMA schemas every 60 minutes.                                                                                                               
    auth.irma.schememanager               pbdf                             IRMA schemeManager to use for attributes. Can be either 'pbdf' or 'irma-demo'.                                                                                                        
    events.nats.hostname                                  Hostname for the NATS server                                                                                                                                                          
    events.nats.port                      4222                             Port where the NATS server listens on                                                                                                                                                 
    events.nats.storagedir                                                 Directory where file-backed streams are stored in the NATS server                                                                                                                     
    events.nats.timeout                   30                               Timeout for NATS server operations                                                                                                                                                    
    goldenhammer.enabled                  true                             Whether to enable automatically fixing DID documents with the required endpoints.                                                                                                     
    goldenhammer.interval                 10m0s                            The interval in which to check for DID documents to fix.                                                                                                                              
    network.bootstrapnodes                []                               List of bootstrap nodes ('<host>:<port>') which the node initially connect to.                                                                                                        
    network.connectiontimeout             5000                             Timeout before an outbound connection attempt times out (in milliseconds).                                                                                                            
    network.enablediscovery               true                             Whether to enable automatic connecting to other nodes.                                                                                                                                
    network.grpcaddr                      \:5555                            Local address for gRPC to listen on. If empty the gRPC server won't be started and other nodes will not be able to connect to this node (outbound connections can still be made).     
    network.maxbackoff                    24h0m0s                          Maximum between outbound connections attempts to unresponsive nodes (in Golang duration format, e.g. '1h', '30m').                                                                    
    network.nodedid                                                        Specifies the DID of the party that operates this node. It is used to identify the node on the network. If the DID document does not exist of is deactivated, the node will not start.
    network.protocols                     []                               Specifies the list of network protocols to enable on the server. They are specified by version (1, 2). If not set, all protocols are enabled.                                         
    network.v2.diagnosticsinterval        5000                             Interval (in milliseconds) that specifies how often the node should broadcast its diagnostic information to other nodes (specify 0 to disable).                                       
    network.v2.gossipinterval             5000                             Interval (in milliseconds) that specifies how often the node should gossip its new hashes to other nodes.                                                                             
    **Storage**                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Target directory for BBolt database backups.                                                                                                                                          
    storage.bbolt.backup.interval         0s                               Interval, formatted as Golang duration (e.g. 10m, 1h) at which BBolt database backups will be performed.                                                                              
    storage.redis.address                                                  Redis database server address. This can be a simple 'host:port' or a Redis connection URL with scheme, auth and other options.                                                        
    storage.redis.database                                                 Redis database name, which is used as prefix every key. Can be used to have multiple instances use the same Redis instance.                                                           
    storage.redis.password                                                 Redis database password. If set, it overrides the username in the connection URL.                                                                                                     
    storage.redis.username                                                 Redis database username. If set, it overrides the username in the connection URL.                                                                                                     
    storage.redis.sentinel.master                                          Name of the Redis Sentinel master. Setting this property enables Redis Sentinel.                                                                                                      
    storage.redis.sentinel.nodes          []                               Addresses of the Redis Sentinels to connect to initially. Setting this property enables Redis Sentinel.                                                                               
    storage.redis.sentinel.password                                        Password for authenticating to Redis Sentinels.                                                                                                                                       
    storage.redis.sentinel.username                                        Username for authenticating to Redis Sentinels.                                                                                                                                       
    storage.redis.tls.truststorefile                                       PEM file containing the trusted CA certificate(s) for authenticating remote Redis servers. Can only be used when connecting over TLS (use 'rediss://' as scheme in address).          
    vcr.openid4vci.definitionsdir                                          Directory with the additional credential definitions the node could issue (experimental, may change without notice).                                                                  
    vcr.openid4vci.enabled                true                             Enable issuing and receiving credentials over OpenID4VCI.                                                                                                                             
    vcr.openid4vci.timeout                30s                              Time-out for OpenID4VCI HTTP client operations.                                                                                                                                       
    ================================      ===========================      ======================================================================================================================================================================================