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Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env bash

source ../../

echo "------------------------------------"
echo "Cleaning up running Docker containers and volumes, and key material..."
echo "------------------------------------"
docker compose down
docker compose rm -f -v
rm -rf ./node-data
rm -rf ./node-backup

echo "------------------------------------"
echo "Starting Docker containers..."
echo "------------------------------------"
mkdir -p ./node-data ./node-backup/vcr/ # 'data' dirs will be created with root owner by docker if they do not exit. This creates permission issues on CI.
docker compose up --wait

echo "------------------------------------"
echo "Creating NodeDID..."
echo "------------------------------------"
export NODE_A_DID=$(setupNode "http://localhost:18081" nodeA:5555)
printf "DID for node A: %s\n" "$NODE_A_DID"

echo "------------------------------------"
echo "Restarting with NodeDID set..."
echo "------------------------------------"
docker compose stop
docker compose up --wait

echo "------------------------------------"
echo "Issuing private VCs..."
echo "------------------------------------"
unrevokedVC_ID=$(createAuthCredential "http://localhost:18081" "$NODE_A_DID" "$NODE_A_DID")
revokedVC_ID=$(createAuthCredential "http://localhost:18081" "$NODE_A_DID" "$NODE_A_DID")
revokeCredential "http://localhost:18081" "$revokedVC_ID"
assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "transaction_count: 5"
assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "credential_count: 2"
assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "issued_credentials_count: 2"
assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "revocations_count: 1"
DAG_XOR=$(readDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" dag_xor)
unrevokedVC=$(readCredential "http://localhost:18081" "${unrevokedVC_ID}")

echo "------------------------------------"
echo "Making backups, then start with empty node..."
echo "------------------------------------"
sleep 1 # BBolt backup is made every second
echo "Making backups and removing node data"
docker compose stop
# Copy files not in BBolt DB, so they can be restored. Then empty data dir.
cp ./node-data/vcr/trusted_issuers.yaml ./node-backup/vcr/
cp -r ./node-data/crypto ./node-backup
runOnAlpine "$(pwd):/host/" rm -rf /host/node-data
mkdir ./node-data
removeNodeDID ./node-A/nuts.yaml
# Restart node, assert node data is empty
echo "Asserting node is empty"
BACKUP_INTERVAL=0 docker compose up --wait
assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "transaction_count: 0"
assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "credential_count: 0"
# Restore data and rebuild
echo "Restoring node data"
docker compose stop
runOnAlpine "$(pwd):/host/" rm -rf /host/node-data
runOnAlpine "$(pwd):/host/" mv -f /host/node-backup /host/node-data
BACKUP_INTERVAL=0 docker compose up --wait

assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "transaction_count: 5"
assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "credential_count: 2"
assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "issued_credentials_count: 2"
assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "revoked_credentials_count: 1"
assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "revocations_count: 1"
assertDiagnostic "http://localhost:18081" "dag_xor: ${DAG_XOR}"
# Read VC and check its the same after restore
unrevokedVCAfterRestore=$(readCredential "http://localhost:18081" "${unrevokedVC_ID}")
if [ "${unrevokedVC}" != "${unrevokedVCAfterRestore}" ]; then
  echo "FAILED: VC is differs after restore"
  exit 1

echo "------------------------------------"
echo "Stopping Docker containers..."
echo "------------------------------------"
docker compose stop