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 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package golden_hammer

import (

var _ core.Runnable = (*GoldenHammer)(nil)
var _ core.Named = (*GoldenHammer)(nil)
var _ core.Configurable = (*GoldenHammer)(nil)
var _ core.Injectable = (*GoldenHammer)(nil)

func New(vdrInstance vdr.VDR, didmanAPI didman.Didman) *GoldenHammer {
    return &GoldenHammer{
        routines:          &sync.WaitGroup{},
        vdrInstance:       vdrInstance,
        didmanAPI:         didmanAPI,
        fixedDocumentDIDs: map[string]bool{},

// GoldenHammer is a module that fixes a node's DID configuration.
// Its name is intentionally weird, since the module should not exist.
// In future all fixes it does should be deprecated and removed after OpenID4VCI has become the standard way of exchanging VCs.
// See
type GoldenHammer struct {
    config            Config
    ctx               context.Context
    cancelFunc        context.CancelFunc
    routines          *sync.WaitGroup
    didmanAPI         didman.Didman
    vdrInstance       vdr.VDR
    fixedDocumentDIDs map[string]bool
    tlsConfig         *tls.Config

func (h *GoldenHammer) Config() interface{} {
    return &h.config

func (h *GoldenHammer) Start() error {
    if !h.config.Enabled {
        return nil

    h.ctx, h.cancelFunc = context.WithCancel(audit.Context(context.Background(), "app", vcr.ModuleName, "FixConfiguration"))
    go func() {
        defer h.routines.Done()
    return nil

func (h *GoldenHammer) Configure(config core.ServerConfig) error {
    var err error
    h.tlsConfig, _, err = config.TLS.Load()
    return err

func (h *GoldenHammer) Name() string {
    return "GoldenHammer"

func (h *GoldenHammer) Shutdown() error {
    if !h.config.Enabled {
        return nil
    return nil

func (h *GoldenHammer) hammerTime() {
    ticker := time.NewTicker(h.config.Interval)
    defer ticker.Stop()
    for {
        select {
        case <-h.ctx.Done():
        case <-ticker.C:
            err := h.registerServiceBaseURLs()
            if err != nil {
                log.Logger().WithError(err).Warn("Auto-fix error")

// registerServiceBaseURLs registers the node's services HTTP base URL on its DIDs.
// This base URL is used to discover HTTP services (for now only OpenID4VCI wallet/issuer metadata).
//   - Make a list of owned DIDs
//   - Filter: only include documents without node-http-services-base-url service
//   - Filter: exclude documents without NutsComm service
//   - Sort: nodes with a NutsComm URL (instead of a reference) go first (so "vendor DID documents" go first).
//   - NutsComm is a service reference? Register node-http-services-base-url reference to ref'd DID document, if present there.
//   - NutsComm is a URL?
//   - Try to resolve metadata (TLSIdentifierResolver)
//   - Register resolved URL as node-http-services-base-url service
func (h *GoldenHammer) registerServiceBaseURLs() error {
    documents, err := h.listDocumentToFix()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    var numFixed int
    for _, document := range documents {
        var endpointToRegister url.URL
        serviceEndpoint := getServiceEndpoint(document, transport.NutsCommServiceType)
        if resolver.IsServiceReference(serviceEndpoint) {
            // Care organization DID document, register service pointing to vendor DID.
            parentDID, err := resolver.GetDIDFromURL(serviceEndpoint)
            if err != nil {
                // Invalid NutsComm reference, skip
                    Debugf("Invalid NutsComm reference on DID %s: %s", document.ID, serviceEndpoint)
            // Only if the referenced document actually contains the service
            if !h.resolveContainsService(parentDID, resolver.BaseURLServiceType) {
                log.Logger().Debugf("Could not resolve '%s' service in referenced (NutsComm) DID document (did=%s), skipping fix for DID: %s", resolver.BaseURLServiceType, parentDID.String(), document.ID)
            // All us OK
            endpointToRegister = resolver.MakeServiceReference(parentDID, resolver.BaseURLServiceType).URL
        } else {
            // Vendor DID document, register resolved identifier
            identifier, err := h.tryResolveURL(document.ID)
            if identifier == nil || err != nil {
                    Debugf("Could not resolve vendor's services base URL for DID %s, skipping fix", document.ID)
            endpointToRegister = *identifier
        _, err := h.didmanAPI.AddEndpoint(h.ctx, document.ID, resolver.BaseURLServiceType, endpointToRegister)
        if err != nil {
                Warnf("Unable to register DID services base URL (did=%s): %s", document.ID, endpointToRegister.String())
        } else {
            h.fixedDocumentDIDs[document.ID.String()] = true
    if numFixed > 0 {
        log.Logger().Infof("Registered base URLs on %d DIDs", numFixed)
    return nil

func (h *GoldenHammer) listDocumentToFix() ([]did.Document, error) {
    dids, err := h.vdrInstance.DocumentOwner().ListOwned(h.ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    var documents []did.Document
    for _, id := range dids {
        if id.Method != didnuts.MethodName {
            // Not a Nuts DID, skip
        if h.fixedDocumentDIDs[id.String()] {
            // Already fixed
        document, _, err := h.vdrInstance.Resolver().Resolve(id, nil)
        if err != nil {
            if !resolver.IsFunctionalResolveError(err) {
                log.Logger().WithError(err).Infof("Can't resolve DID document, skipping fix (did=%s)", id)
        if !containsService(*document, transport.NutsCommServiceType) {
            // Vendors and care organization DID documents have a NutsComm service,
            // others are most probably not relevant for issuing/receiving VCs (at least, they can't in their current state),
            // so we skip them.
        if containsService(*document, resolver.BaseURLServiceType) {
            h.fixedDocumentDIDs[id.String()] = true
        // This document needs fixing
        documents = append(documents, *document)
    // Sort: since care organization DIDs refer to vendor DIDs through NutsComm service,
    // vendor DIDs should be fixed first. Meaning DIDs with NutsComm URL (instead of a reference).
    sort.SliceStable(documents, func(i, j int) bool {
        endpoint := getServiceEndpoint(documents[i], transport.NutsCommServiceType)
        return !resolver.IsServiceReference(endpoint)
    return documents, nil

func (h *GoldenHammer) tryResolveURL(id did.DID) (*url.URL, error) {
    // TLSIdentifierResolver looks at TLS certificate to resolve OpenID4VCI Identifiers.
    tlsIDResolver := openid4vci.NewTLSIdentifierResolver(openid4vci.NoopIdentifierResolver{}, h.tlsConfig)
    identifier, err := tlsIDResolver.Resolve(id)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if identifier == "" {
        return nil, nil
    // Identifier is: baseURL + /n2n/identity/<did>
    return url.Parse(identifier[:strings.Index(identifier, "/n2n/identity/")])

// resolveContainsService returns whether 1. given DID document can be resolved, and 2. it contains the specified service.
func (h *GoldenHammer) resolveContainsService(id did.DID, serviceType string) bool {
    document, _, err := h.vdrInstance.Resolver().Resolve(id, nil)
    if resolver.IsFunctionalResolveError(err) {
        // Unresolvable DID document, nothing to do
        return false
    if err != nil {
        // Other error occurred
        log.Logger().WithError(err).Infof("Can't resolve DID document, skipping fix (did=%s)", id)
        return false
    return containsService(*document, serviceType)

func getService(document did.Document, serviceType string) *did.Service {
    for _, service := range document.Service {
        if service.Type == serviceType {
            return &service
    return nil

// getServiceEndpoint returns the endpoint of the given service as string, if present.
// If the document does not contain a service with the given type or it isn't a string, an empty string is returned.
func getServiceEndpoint(document did.Document, serviceType string) string {
    service := getService(document, serviceType)
    if service == nil {
        return ""
    var endpoint string
    _ = service.UnmarshalServiceEndpoint(&endpoint)
    return endpoint

func containsService(document did.Document, serviceType string) bool {
    service := getService(document, serviceType)
    return service != nil