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 * Copyright (C) 2022 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package http

import (

    cryptoEngine ""

const moduleName = "HTTP"

// New returns a new HTTP engine. The callback is called when an HTTP interface shuts down unexpectedly.
func New(serverShutdownCb func(), signingKeyResolver cryptoEngine.KeyResolver) *Engine {
    return &Engine{
        signingKeyResolver: signingKeyResolver,
        serverShutdownCb:   serverShutdownCb,
        config:             DefaultConfig(),

// Engine is the HTTP engine.
type Engine struct {
    server             *MultiEcho
    signingKeyResolver cryptoEngine.KeyResolver
    serverShutdownCb   func()
    config             Config

// Router returns the router of the HTTP engine, which can be used by other engines to register HTTP handlers.
func (h Engine) Router() core.EchoRouter {
    return h.server

// Configure loads the configuration for the HTTP engine.
func (h *Engine) Configure(serverConfig core.ServerConfig) error {

    // Override default Echo HTTP error when bearer token is expected but not provided.
    // Echo returns "Bad Request (400)" by default, but we use this for incorrect use of API parameters.
    // "Unauthorized (401)" is a better fit.
    middleware.ErrJWTMissing = echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusUnauthorized, "missing or malformed jwt")

    // We have 2 HTTP interfaces: internal and public
    // The following paths (and their subpaths) are bound to the internal interface:
    // - /internal
    // - /status
    // - /health
    // - /metrics
    // All other paths are bound to the public interface.

    h.server = NewMultiEcho()
    // Public endpoints
    if err := h.server.Bind(RootPath, h.config.Public.Address, h.createEchoServer); err != nil {
        return err
    // Internal endpoints
    for _, httpPath := range []string{"/internal", "/status", "/health", "/metrics"} {
        if err := h.server.Bind(httpPath, h.config.Internal.Address, h.createEchoServer); err != nil {
            return err

    h.applyRateLimiterMiddleware(h.server, serverConfig)
    h.applyLoggerMiddleware(h.server, []string{"/metrics", "/status", "/health"}, h.config.Log)
    return h.applyAuthMiddleware(h.server, "/internal", h.config.Internal.Auth)

func (h *Engine) configureClient(serverConfig core.ServerConfig) {
    client.StrictMode = serverConfig.Strictmode
    // Configure the HTTP caching client, if enabled. Set it to http.DefaultTransport so it can be used by any subsystem.
    if h.config.ResponseCacheSize > 0 {
        client.DefaultCachingTransport = client.NewCachingTransport(http.DefaultTransport, h.config.ResponseCacheSize)

func (h *Engine) createEchoServer() (EchoServer, error) {
    echoServer := echo.New()
    echoServer.HideBanner = true
    echoServer.HidePort = true

    // ErrorHandler
    echoServer.HTTPErrorHandler = core.CreateHTTPErrorHandler()

    // Reverse proxies must set the X-Forwarded-For header to the original client IP.
    echoServer.IPExtractor = echo.ExtractIPFromXFFHeader()

    return &echoAdapter{
        startFn:    echoServer.Start,
        shutdownFn: echoServer.Shutdown,
        addFn:      echoServer.Add,
        useFn:      echoServer.Use,
    }, nil

// Name returns the name of the engine.
func (h *Engine) Name() string {
    return moduleName

// Config returns the configuration of the HTTP engine.
func (h *Engine) Config() interface{} {
    return &h.config

// Start starts the HTTP engine.
func (h *Engine) Start() error {
    go func(server *MultiEcho, cancel func()) {
        if err := server.Start(); err != nil {
            if !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
                    Error("HTTP server stopped due to error")
    }(h.server, h.serverShutdownCb)
    return nil

// Shutdown shuts down the HTTP engine.
func (h *Engine) Shutdown() error {
    return h.server.Shutdown(context.Background())

// matchesPath checks whether the request URI path hierarchically matches the given path.
// Examples:
// / matches /
// /foo matches /
// /foo/ matches /
// /foo/bla matches /
// /foo/bla does not match /bla
func matchesPath(requestURI string, path string) bool {
    if path == "/" {
        return true
    if !strings.HasSuffix(requestURI, "/") {
        requestURI += "/"
    if !strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
        path += "/"
    return requestURI == path || strings.HasPrefix(requestURI, path)

func (h Engine) applyRateLimiterMiddleware(echoServer core.EchoRouter, serverConfig core.ServerConfig) {
    // Always enabled in strict mode
    if serverConfig.Strictmode || serverConfig.InternalRateLimiter {
            http.MethodPost: {
                "/internal/vcr/v2/issuer/vc",                   // issuing new VCs
                "/internal/vdr/v1/did",                         // creating new DIDs
                "/internal/vdr/v1/did/:did/verificationmethod", // add VM to DID
                "/internal/didman/v1/did/:did/endpoint",        // add endpoint to DID
                "/internal/didman/v1/did/:did/compoundservice", // add compound service to DID
            http.MethodPut: {
                "/internal/vdr/v1/did/:did",                // updating DIDs
                "/internal/didman/v1/did/:did/contactinfo", // updating contactinfo in DID
            }}, 24*time.Hour, 3000, 30),

func (h Engine) applyLoggerMiddleware(echoServer core.EchoRouter, excludePaths []string, logLevel LogLevel) {
    skipper := func(c echo.Context) bool {
        for _, excludePath := range excludePaths {
            if matchesPath(c.Request().RequestURI, excludePath) {
                return true
        return false
    if logLevel != LogNothingLevel {
        // Log when level is set to LogMetadataLevel or LogMetadataAndBodyLevel
        echoServer.Use(requestLoggerMiddleware(skipper, log.Logger()))
    if logLevel == LogMetadataAndBodyLevel {
        // Log when level is set to LogMetadataAndBodyLevel
        echoServer.Use(bodyLoggerMiddleware(skipper, log.Logger()))

func (h Engine) applyAuthMiddleware(echoServer core.EchoRouter, path string, config AuthConfig) error {
    address := h.server.getAddressForPath(path)

    skipper := func(c echo.Context) bool {
        return !matchesPath(c.Request().RequestURI, path)

    // Auth
    switch config.Type {
    // Allow API endpoints without authentication
    case "":
        return nil

    case BearerTokenAuthV2:
        log.Logger().Infof("Enabling token authentication (v2) for HTTP interface: %s%s", address, path)

        // Use the configured audience or the hostname by default
        audience := config.Audience
        if audience == "" {
            // Get the hostname of the machine
            var err error
            audience, err = os.Hostname()
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("unable to discover hostname: %w", err)
            log.Logger().Infof("Enforcing default audience: %v", audience)

        // Construct the middleware using the specified audience and authorized keys file
        authenticator, err := tokenV2.NewFromFile(skipper, audience, config.AuthorizedKeysPath)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("unable to create token v2 middleware: %v", err)

        // Apply the authorization middleware to the echo server

    // Any other configuration value causes an error condition
        return fmt.Errorf("unsupported authentication engine: %v", config.Type)

    return nil