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 * Copyright (C) 2023 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package tokenV2

import (


type SkipperFunc func(context echo.Context) bool

// MaximumCredentialLength defines the maximum number of characters in a credential
const MaximumCredentialLength = 4096

// New returns a new token authenticator middleware given the contents of an SSH
// authorized_keys file. Requests containing a JWT Bearer token signed by one of
// the specified keys will be authorized, and those not will receive an HTTP 401
// error.
func New(skipper SkipperFunc, audience string, authorizedKeys []byte) (Middleware, error) {
    // Parse the authorized keys, returning an error if it fails
    parsed, err := parseAuthorizedKeys(authorizedKeys)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse API authorized keys: %w", err)

    // Log a warning to administrators when their authorized_keys files don't seem to
    // contain any valid keys.
    if len(parsed) == 0 {
        log.Logger().Warn("No keys were parsed from authorized_keys")

    // Audit log the authorized keys
    for _, authorizedKey := range parsed {
        auditLogger(nil, audience, audit.AccessKeyRegisteredEvent).Infof("Registered key: %v", authorizedKey)

    // Return the private struct implementing the public interface
    impl := &middlewareImpl{
        audience:       audience,
        authorizedKeys: parsed,
        skipper:        skipper,
    return impl, nil

// NewFromFile is like New but it takes the path for an authorized_keys file
func NewFromFile(skipper SkipperFunc, audience string, authorizedKeysPath string) (Middleware, error) {
    // Read the specified path
    contents, err := os.ReadFile(authorizedKeysPath)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot read %v: %w", authorizedKeysPath, err)

    // Use the contents of the file to create a new middleware
    return New(skipper, audience, contents)

// Middleware defines the public interface to be set with Use() on an echo server
type Middleware interface {
    Handler(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc

// middlewareImpl implements the Middleware interface with a private type
type middlewareImpl struct {
    // audience defines the enforced audience for JWT credentials
    audience string

    // authorizedKeys defines a number of SSH formatted public keys trusted to sign JWT credentials
    authorizedKeys []authorizedKey

    // skipper provides optional external logic for skipping authorization enforcement on certain requests
    skipper SkipperFunc

// Handler returns an echo handlerFunc for processing incoming requests
func (m middlewareImpl) Handler(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {
    return func(context echo.Context) error {
        return m.checkConnectionAuthorization(context, next)

// checkConnectionAuthorization returns an error if a connection is not authorized and calls next(context) if it is
func (m middlewareImpl) checkConnectionAuthorization(context echo.Context, next echo.HandlerFunc) error {
    // Allow skipping enforcement on certain requests using external logic
    if m.skipper != nil && m.skipper(context) {
        log.Logger().Tracef("Skipping authorization enforcement for request context: %v", context)
        return next(context)

    // Extract the authentication credential for this request
    credential := authenticationCredential(context)

    // Empty credentials will receive a 401 response
    if credential == "" {
        return unauthorizedError(context, errors.New("missing/malformed credential"))

    // Ensure the credential meets security standards
    if err := credentialIsSecure(credential); err != nil {
        return unauthorizedError(context, fmt.Errorf("insecure credential: %w", err))

    // Attempt verifying the JWT using every available authorized key
    for _, authorizedKey := range m.authorizedKeys {
        log.Logger().Tracef("Checking key %v", authorizedKey.keyID)

        // Parse the token, requesting verification using the keyset constructed above.
        // If the JWT was not signed by this key then this will fail.
        // WARNING: A nil error return from this function is not enough to authenticate a request
        // as the token may be expired etc. A further check with .Validate() is required in order
        // to authenticate the request.
        token, err := jwt.ParseString(credential, jwt.WithKeySet(authorizedKey.jwkSet, jws.WithInferAlgorithmFromKey(true)), jwt.WithValidate(false))
        if err != nil {
            log.Logger().WithError(err).Error("Failed to parse JWT")

        // The JWT was indeed signed by this authorized key, but that is not enough to authorize the request.
        // Attempt to validate the parameters of the JWT, which ensures the audience, issued at, expiration, etc.
        // are valid.
        if err := jwt.Validate(token, jwt.WithAudience(m.audience)); err != nil {
            // Since the parameters of this properly signed JWT could not be validated, reject the request
            return unauthorizedError(context, fmt.Errorf("jwt.Validate: %w", err))

        // The token was properly signed and the essential fields are valid, but now we need to ensure that
        // best practices are being followed in terms of what fields are present and how they are being used.
        if err := bestPracticesCheck(token); err != nil {
            return unauthorizedError(context, fmt.Errorf("insecure credential: %w", err))

        // Ensure the issuer, the person issuing the JWT, matches the registered username for this key
        if authorizedKey.comment != token.Issuer() {
            return unauthorizedError(context, fmt.Errorf("expected issuer (%s) does not match iss", authorizedKey.comment))

        // Grant access for this request
        return accessGranted(authorizedKey, context, token, next)

    // No authorized keys were able to verify the JWT, so this is an unauthorized request
    return unauthorizedError(context, errors.New("credential not signed by an authorized key"))

// accessGranted allows a connection to be handled
func accessGranted(authKey authorizedKey, context echo.Context, token jwt.Token, next echo.HandlerFunc) error {
    // Create an audit log entry about this access granted event
    auditLog := auditLogger(context, token.Subject(), audit.AccessGrantedEvent)
    auditLog.Infof("Access granted to user '%v' with JWT %s issued to %s by %s", authKey.comment, token.JwtID(), token.Subject(), token.Issuer())

    // Set the username from authorized_keys as the username in the context
    context.Set(core.UserContextKey, token.Issuer())

    // Call the next handler/middleware, probably serving some content/processing the API request
    return next(context)

// credentialIsSecure returns nil if a credential meets the minimum security
// standards. This can cover things like sufficiently secure signing algorithms,
// key size, etc.
// WARNING: A credential passing this check is not yet considered properly signed
// or having valid essential claims such as NotBefore, Expiration, etc.
func credentialIsSecure(credential string) error {
    // Ignore very long credentials
    if len(credential) > MaximumCredentialLength {
        return fmt.Errorf("credential is too long")

    // Parse the credential as a JWS (JSON Web Signature) containing a message. This works
    // because a JWT (JSON Web Token) is built on a JWS where the claims are a signed message.
    message, err := jws.ParseString(credential)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse credential: jws.ParseString: %w", err)

    // Inspect the signatures in the message
    secureSignatureCount := 0
    for _, signature := range message.Signatures() {
        // Reject credentials signed with insecure algorithms
        algorithm := signature.ProtectedHeaders().Algorithm()
        if !acceptableSignatureAlgorithm(algorithm) {
            return fmt.Errorf("signing algorithm %v is not permitted", algorithm)

        // Reject credentials trying to provide the public key directly in the header
        if signature.ProtectedHeaders().JWK() != nil {
            return errors.New("embedding JWK in signature is forbidden")

        // Reject credentials trying to provide the public key URL in the header
        if signature.ProtectedHeaders().JWKSetURL() != "" {
            return errors.New("embedding JWKSetURL in signature is forbidden")

        // Reject credentials trying to provide an x509 certificate chain in the header
        if signature.ProtectedHeaders().X509CertChain() != nil {
            return errors.New("embedding X509CertChain in signature is forbidden")

        // Reject credentials trying to provide an x509 chain URL in the header
        if signature.ProtectedHeaders().X509URL() != "" {
            return errors.New("embedding X509URL in signature is forbidden")

        // Keep track of how many secure signatures are found

    // Accept messages containing secure signatures
    if secureSignatureCount > 0 {
        return nil

    // By default this method rejects messages
    return fmt.Errorf("no signatures found")

// mandatoryJWTFields returns the mandatory fields of the JWT, and is effectively a constant
func mandatoryJWTFields() []string {
    return []string{jwt.JwtIDKey, jwt.IssuedAtKey, jwt.ExpirationKey, jwt.NotBeforeKey, jwt.AudienceKey, jwt.IssuerKey, jwt.SubjectKey}

// tokenJTI returns the JWT's JTI as a string
func tokenJTI(token jwt.Token) string {
    // Retrieve the JwtID from the token, but it comes out as an interface{}
    if jtiIface, ok := token.Get(jwt.JwtIDKey); ok {
        // Convert the interface{} to a string so the typed value can be returned
        if jtiStr, ok := jtiIface.(string); ok {
            return jtiStr

    // Simply return an empty string if either the jti field wasn't present or it wasn't a string
    return ""

// bestPracticesCheck ensures tokens are crafted in a sensible way, ensuring that even a valid signer must
// conform to certain security controls such as not creating long lived credentials etc.
// WARNING: This check does not verify signatures or even the essential claims such as NotBefore, Expiration, etc.
func bestPracticesCheck(token jwt.Token) error {
    // Ensure the mandatory fields are present
    for _, field := range mandatoryJWTFields() {
        if _, ok := token.Get(field); !ok {
            return fmt.Errorf("missing field: %v", field)

    // Ensure JTI is a UUID
    jti := tokenJTI(token)
    if _, err := uuid.Parse(jti); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("token jti is not a valid uuid: %w", err)

    // Ensure the expiration is no more than 24.5 hours after NotBefore
    maxExpirationAfterNotBefore := token.NotBefore().Add(time.Minute * time.Duration(1470))
    if token.Expiration().After(maxExpirationAfterNotBefore) {
        return errors.New("token expires too long after nbf")

    // Ensure the expiration is no more than 24.5 hours after IssuedAt
    maxExpirationAfterIssuedAt := token.IssuedAt().Add(time.Minute * time.Duration(1470))
    if token.Expiration().After(maxExpirationAfterIssuedAt) {
        return errors.New("token expires too long after iat")

    // Ensure the IssuedAt is <= the NotBefore date
    if token.IssuedAt().After(token.NotBefore()) {
        return errors.New("token nbf occurs before iat")

    // Ensure the subject field is non-empty
    if token.Subject() == "" {
        return errors.New("sub must not be empty")

    // No best practices issues were found, so return nil
    return nil

// acceptableSignatureAlgorithm returns true if a signature algorithm
// is considered acceptable in terms of security.
// For a good discussion on JWT signing algorithms see:
func acceptableSignatureAlgorithm(algorithm jwa.SignatureAlgorithm) bool {
    switch algorithm {
    // The following algorithms are supported for elliptic curve keys
    case jwa.ES256, jwa.ES384, jwa.ES512:
        return true

    // The RS512/PS512 algorithms are supported for RSA keys, but less secure
    // alternatives (RS256, RS384, PS256, PS384) are not supported.
    // If you're wondering why, see RFC 8017:
    // """
    // Two signature schemes with appendix are specified in this document:
    // RSASSA-PSS and RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5.  Although no attacks are known
    // against RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, in the interest of increased robustness,
    // RSASSA-PSS is REQUIRED in new applications.  RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 is
    // included only for compatibility with existing applications.
    // """
    // In short, the RFC snippet above claims that the RS* algorithms should be
    // deprecated in favor of the PS* algorithms. The RS512 algorithm is
    // supported here so that ssh-agent based JWT generation can support RSA
    // keys as RS512 is the most secure signature algorithm supported in
    // the ssh-agent protocol. It seems the ssh ecosystem has generally moved
    // beyond RSA support in favor of trying to maximize security within the
    // scope of RSA use. Perhaps we could consider doing the same.
    case jwa.RS512, jwa.PS512:
        return true

    // Edwards curve signatures are considered secure and are therefore supported
    case jwa.EdDSA:
        return true

    // Explicitly reject messages signed by the "none" algorithm. This
    // would technically be covered by the default case below but it makes
    // the intent clear in case somebody tries to turn this from a whitelist
    // approach into a blacklist approach in the future. Not to mention this
    // going wrong would result in a catastrophic security hole, so it's worth
    // having a special case for it.
    case jwa.NoSignature:
        return false

    // Only explicitly allowed signing algorithms are acceptable
        return false

// authenticationCredential returns the token present in the Authorization
// header of the HTTP request.
func authenticationCredential(context echo.Context) string {
    // Extract the authorization header from the request
    credential := context.Request().Header.Get("Authorization")
    if credential == "" {
        return ""

    // Split the authorization header on whitespace
    fields := strings.Fields(credential)

    // Ignore any header unless it has precisely 2 fields
    if len(fields) != 2 {
        return ""

    // Ignore non-bearer headers
    if strings.ToLower(fields[0]) != "bearer" {
        return ""

    // Return the supplied credential
    return fields[1]

type unauthorizedErrorWriter struct{}

func (p unauthorizedErrorWriter) Write(echoContext echo.Context, _ int, _ string, _ error) error {
    // always return 401 unauthorized regardless of error. It's a security error, so we don't want to leak any information
    return echoContext.String(http.StatusUnauthorized, http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized))

// unauthorizedError returns an echo unauthorized error
func unauthorizedError(context echo.Context, reason error) *echo.HTTPError {
    // set the error writer to the unauthorized error writer so the error response follow the default control logic
    context.Set(core.ErrorWriterContextKey, &unauthorizedErrorWriter{})

    // Set an empty username for this context
    context.Set(core.UserContextKey, "")

    // Log an entry in the audit log about this failure
    auditLogger(context, defaultActor(context), audit.AccessDeniedEvent).Infof("Access denied: %v", reason)

    // Return the appropriate echo error to ensure complete logging
    return &echo.HTTPError{
        Code:     http.StatusUnauthorized,
        Message:  http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized),
        Internal: reason,

// defaultActor returns some suitable default representation for the remote actor
func defaultActor(context echo.Context) string {
    // If available use the real IP of the caller as the default actor name
    realIP := context.RealIP()
    if realIP != "" {
        return realIP

    return "unknown"

// auditLogger returns a logger for a givent actor and echo context
func auditLogger(requestContext echo.Context, actor string, event string) *logrus.Entry {
    var auditContext context.Context
    if requestContext != nil {
        auditContext = audit.Context(requestContext.Request().Context(), actor, "tokenV2", "middleware")
    } else {
        auditContext = audit.Context(context.Background(), actor, "tokenV2", "middleware")
    return audit.Log(auditContext, log.Logger(), event)