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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (C) 2021 Nuts community
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package dag

import (


// metadataShelf is the name of the shelf that holds metadata.
const metadataShelf = "metadata"

// numberOfTransactionsKey is the key of the metadata property that holds the number of transactions on the DAG
const numberOfTransactionsKey = "tx_num"

// highestClockValue is the key of the metadata property that holds the highest lamport clock value of all transactions on the DAG
const highestClockValue = "lc_high"

// headRefKey is the of the metadata property that holds the latest HEAD of the DAG
const headRefKey = "head_ref"

// transactionsShelf is the name of the shelf that holds the actual transactions.
const transactionsShelf = "documents"

// headsShelf contains the name of the shelf the holds the heads.
const headsShelf = "heads"

// clockShelf is the name of the shelf that uses the Lamport clock as index to a set of TX refs.
const clockShelf = "clocks"

// TransactionCountDiagnostic is the name of the diagnostics result for the transaction count
const TransactionCountDiagnostic = "transaction_count"

type dag struct {
    db stoabs.KVStore

type numberOfTransactionsStatistic struct {
    numberOfTransactions uint

func (n numberOfTransactionsStatistic) Result() interface{} {
    return n.numberOfTransactions

func (n numberOfTransactionsStatistic) Name() string {
    return TransactionCountDiagnostic

func (n numberOfTransactionsStatistic) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%d", n.numberOfTransactions)

type dataSizeStatistic struct {
    sizeInBytes int64

func (s dataSizeStatistic) Result() interface{} {
    return s.sizeInBytes

func (s dataSizeStatistic) Name() string {
    return "stored_database_size_bytes"

func (s dataSizeStatistic) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%d", s.sizeInBytes)

// newDAG creates a DAG backed by the given database.
func newDAG(db stoabs.KVStore) *dag {
    return &dag{db: db}

func (d *dag) Migrate() error {
    return d.db.Write(context.Background(), func(tx stoabs.WriteTx) error {
        writer := tx.GetShelfWriter(metadataShelf)
        // Migrate highest LC value
        // Todo: remove after V5 release
        _, err := writer.Get(stoabs.BytesKey(highestClockValue))
        if errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
            log.Logger().Info("Highest LC value not stored, migrating...")
            highestLC := d.getHighestClockLegacy(tx)
            err = d.setHighestClockValue(tx, highestLC)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // Migrate number of TXs
        // Todo: remove after V5 release
        _, err = writer.Get(stoabs.BytesKey(numberOfTransactionsKey))
        if errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
            log.Logger().Info("Number of transactions not stored, migrating...")
            numberOfTXs := d.getNumberOfTransactionsLegacy(tx)
            err = d.setNumberOfTransactions(tx, numberOfTXs)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // Migrate headsLegacy to single head
        // Todo: remove after V6 release => then remove headsShelf
        _, err = writer.Get(stoabs.BytesKey(headRefKey))
        if errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
            log.Logger().Info("Head not stored in metadata, migrating...")
            heads := d.headsLegacy(tx)
            err = nil            // reset error
            if len(heads) != 0 { // ignore for empty node
                var latestHead hash.SHA256Hash
                var latestLC uint32

                for _, ref := range heads {
                    transaction, err := getTransaction(ref, tx)
                    if err != nil {
                        if errors.Is(err, ErrTransactionNotFound) {
                            return fmt.Errorf("database migration failed: %w (%s=%s)", err, core.LogFieldTransactionRef, ref)
                        return err
                    if transaction.Clock() >= latestLC {
                        latestHead = ref
                        latestLC = transaction.Clock()

                err = d.setHead(tx, latestHead)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        return nil

func (d *dag) diagnostics(ctx context.Context) []core.DiagnosticResult {
    var stats Statistics
    _ = d.db.Read(ctx, func(tx stoabs.ReadTx) error {
        stats = d.statistics(tx)
        return nil

    result := make([]core.DiagnosticResult, 0)
    result = append(result, numberOfTransactionsStatistic{numberOfTransactions: stats.NumberOfTransactions})
    result = append(result, dataSizeStatistic{sizeInBytes: stats.DataSize})
    return result

func (d dag) headsLegacy(ctx stoabs.ReadTx) []hash.SHA256Hash {
    result := make([]hash.SHA256Hash, 0)
    reader := ctx.GetShelfReader(headsShelf)
    _ = reader.Iterate(func(key stoabs.Key, _ []byte) error {
        result = append(result, hash.FromSlice(key.Bytes())) // FromSlice() copies
        return nil
    }, stoabs.HashKey{})
    return result

func (d *dag) findBetweenLC(tx stoabs.ReadTx, startInclusive uint32, endExclusive uint32) ([]Transaction, error) {
    var result []Transaction

    err := d.visitBetweenLC(tx, startInclusive, endExclusive, func(transaction Transaction) bool {
        result = append(result, transaction)
        return true
    if err != nil {
        // Make sure not to return results in case of error
        return nil, err
    return result, nil

func (d *dag) visitBetweenLC(tx stoabs.ReadTx, startInclusive uint32, endExclusive uint32, visitor Visitor) error {
    reader := tx.GetShelfReader(clockShelf)

    // TODO: update to process in batches
    return reader.Range(stoabs.Uint32Key(startInclusive), stoabs.Uint32Key(endExclusive), func(_ stoabs.Key, value []byte) error {
        parsed := parseHashList(value)
        // according to RFC004, lower byte value refs go first
        sort.Slice(parsed, func(i, j int) bool {
            return parsed[i].Compare(parsed[j]) <= 0
        for _, next := range parsed {
            transaction, err := getTransaction(next, tx)
            if err != nil {
                return err
        return nil
    }, true)

func (d *dag) isPresent(tx stoabs.ReadTx, ref hash.SHA256Hash) bool {
    return exists(tx.GetShelfReader(transactionsShelf), ref)

func (d *dag) add(tx stoabs.WriteTx, transactions ...Transaction) error {
    highestLC := d.getHighestClockValue(tx)
    headRef := hash.EmptyHash()

    for _, transaction := range transactions {
        if transaction != nil {
            if err := d.addSingle(tx, transaction); err != nil {
                return err
            if transaction.Clock() > highestLC || transaction.Clock() == 0 {
                highestLC = transaction.Clock()
                headRef = transaction.Ref()

    // update highest LC
    if err := d.setHighestClockValue(tx, highestLC); err != nil {
        return err

    // update head
    if !headRef.Equals(hash.EmptyHash()) {
        if err := d.setHead(tx, headRef); err != nil {
            return err

    // update TX count
    txCount := d.getNumberOfTransactions(tx) + uint64(len(transactions))
    return d.setNumberOfTransactions(tx, txCount)

func (d dag) getNumberOfTransactions(tx stoabs.ReadTx) uint64 {
    value, err := tx.GetShelfReader(metadataShelf).Get(stoabs.BytesKey(numberOfTransactionsKey))
    if errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
        return 0
    if err != nil {
            Error("Unable to retrieve number of transactions")
        return 0
    return bytesToCount(value)

func (d dag) setNumberOfTransactions(tx stoabs.WriteTx, count uint64) error {
    writer := tx.GetShelfWriter(metadataShelf)
    bytes := make([]byte, 8)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(bytes[:], count)

    return writer.Put(stoabs.BytesKey(numberOfTransactionsKey), bytes)

func (d dag) setHead(tx stoabs.WriteTx, ref hash.SHA256Hash) error {
    writer := tx.GetShelfWriter(metadataShelf)

    return writer.Put(stoabs.BytesKey(headRefKey), ref.Slice())

func (d dag) getHighestClockValue(tx stoabs.ReadTx) uint32 {
    value, err := tx.GetShelfReader(metadataShelf).Get(stoabs.BytesKey(highestClockValue))
    if errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
        return 0
    if err != nil {
            Error("Unable to retrieve highest LC value")
        return 0
    return bytesToClock(value)

// getHighestClockLegacy is used for migration.
// Remove after V5 or V6 release?
func (d dag) getHighestClockLegacy(tx stoabs.ReadTx) uint32 {
    reader := tx.GetShelfReader(clockShelf)
    var clock uint32
    err := reader.Iterate(func(key stoabs.Key, _ []byte) error {
        currentClock := uint32(key.(stoabs.Uint32Key))
        if currentClock > clock {
            clock = currentClock
        return nil
    }, stoabs.Uint32Key(0))
    if err != nil {
            Error("Failed to read clock shelf")
        return 0
    return clock

func (d dag) getHead(tx stoabs.ReadTx) (hash.SHA256Hash, error) {
    head, err := tx.GetShelfReader(metadataShelf).Get(stoabs.BytesKey(headRefKey))
    if errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
        return hash.EmptyHash(), nil
    if err != nil {
        return hash.EmptyHash(), err

    return hash.FromSlice(head), nil

// getNumberOfTransactionsLegacy is used for migration.
// Remove after V5 or V6 release?
func (d dag) getNumberOfTransactionsLegacy(tx stoabs.ReadTx) uint64 {
    reader := tx.GetShelfReader(transactionsShelf)
    return uint64(reader.Stats().NumEntries)

func (d dag) setHighestClockValue(tx stoabs.WriteTx, count uint32) error {
    writer := tx.GetShelfWriter(metadataShelf)
    bytes := make([]byte, 4)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(bytes[:], count)

    return writer.Put(stoabs.BytesKey(highestClockValue), bytes)

func (d dag) statistics(tx stoabs.ReadTx) Statistics {
    var result Statistics
    shelfStats := tx.GetShelfReader(transactionsShelf).Stats()
    result.DataSize = int64(shelfStats.ShelfSize)
    result.NumberOfTransactions = uint(d.getNumberOfTransactions(tx))

    return result

func (d *dag) addSingle(tx stoabs.WriteTx, transaction Transaction) error {
    ref := transaction.Ref()
    refKey := stoabs.NewHashKey(ref)
    transactions := tx.GetShelfWriter(transactionsShelf)
    lc := tx.GetShelfWriter(clockShelf)
    if exists(transactions, ref) {
            WithField(core.LogFieldTransactionRef, ref).
            Trace("Transaction already exists, not adding it again.")
        return nil
    if len(transaction.Previous()) == 0 {
        if getRoots(lc) != nil {
            return errRootAlreadyExists
    if err := indexClockValue(tx, transaction); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to calculate LC value for %s: %w", ref, err)
    return transactions.Put(refKey, transaction.Data())

func indexClockValue(tx stoabs.WriteTx, transaction Transaction) error {
    lc := tx.GetShelfWriter(clockShelf)

    clockKey := stoabs.Uint32Key(transaction.Clock())
    ref := transaction.Ref()
    currentRefs, err := lc.Get(clockKey)
    if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
        return err
    for _, cRef := range parseHashList(currentRefs) {
        if ref.Equals(cRef) {
            // should only be in the list once
            return nil
    if err := lc.Put(clockKey, appendHashList(currentRefs, ref)); err != nil {
        return err

        WithField(core.LogFieldTransactionRef, ref).
        Tracef("Storing transaction logical clock (LC: %d)", clockKey)

    return nil

func bytesToClock(clockBytes []byte) uint32 {
    return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(clockBytes)

func bytesToCount(clockBytes []byte) uint64 {
    return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(clockBytes)

func getRoots(lcBucket stoabs.Reader) []hash.SHA256Hash {
    roots, err := lcBucket.Get(stoabs.Uint32Key(0))
    if err != nil {
        return nil
    return parseHashList(roots) // no need to copy, calls FromSlice() (which copies)

// getTransaction returns the transaction, or an error. returns ErrTransactionNotFound if the transaction cannot be found.
func getTransaction(hash hash.SHA256Hash, tx stoabs.ReadTx) (Transaction, error) {
    transactions := tx.GetShelfReader(transactionsShelf)

    transactionBytes, err := transactions.Get(stoabs.NewHashKey(hash))
    if errors.Is(err, stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound) {
        return nil, ErrTransactionNotFound
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    parsedTx, err := ParseTransaction(transactionBytes)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse transaction %s: %w", hash, err)

    return parsedTx, nil

// exists checks whether the transaction with the given ref exists.
func exists(transactions stoabs.Reader, ref hash.SHA256Hash) bool {
    _, err := transactions.Get(stoabs.NewHashKey(ref))
    // stoabs.ErrKeyNotFound means that it does not exist. default to false for all other errors
    return err == nil

// parseHashList splits a list of concatenated hashes into separate hashes.
func parseHashList(input []byte) []hash.SHA256Hash {
    if len(input) == 0 {
        return nil
    num := (len(input) - (len(input) % hash.SHA256HashSize)) / hash.SHA256HashSize
    result := make([]hash.SHA256Hash, num)
    for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
        result[i] = hash.FromSlice(input[i*hash.SHA256HashSize : i*hash.SHA256HashSize+hash.SHA256HashSize])
    return result

func appendHashList(list []byte, h hash.SHA256Hash) []byte {
    newList := make([]byte, 0, len(list)+hash.SHA256HashSize)
    newList = append(newList, list...)
    newList = append(newList, h.Slice()...)
    return newList